Heartbreaker on the Bay

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
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"Auction starts ~~$2900.00

Retail $3800 (oh! i didn't know!)

No Reserve!


wow what a deal! :shock:
mikey383 said:
Wow, that must really be a deal. A MKIIC+ doesn't even go for that high. :roll:

hahah truth! That seller must be smoking some "extra good" crack
...and here we go with rising prices on Heartbreakers.

Ebay used to be good when you wanted some good gear for cheap, but it's also raised the going rates of stuff because of people like this guy. Now there will be people who see this and think "Wow, if he's wanting that much for this amp, I should be able to get that much too."

...and when did a Heartbreaker retail for $3800?
mikey383 said:
...and here we go with rising prices on Heartbreakers.

Ebay used to be good when you wanted some good gear for cheap, but it's also raised the going rates of stuff because of people like this guy. Now there will be people who see this and think "Wow, if he's wanting that much for this amp, I should be able to get that much too."

Sorry, it's not the sellers. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay $3000 for a Mark IIC+. Value is in the eye of the buyer.
What you really mean is that eBay was better before the unwashed masses got involved. Unfortunately, the bigger things get, the crappier they get.
Heck, you used to be able to find "good gear for cheap" at your neighborhood pawnshop, too.
MrMarkIII said:
Sorry, it's not the sellers. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay $3000 for a Mark IIC+. Value is in the eye of the buyer.

This is true. But it only takes one sucker on eBay to drive up prices on an item. If one ill-informed person were to bid on that Heartbreaker, and a week later someone else wanted to sell one, they would see that this one went for "x", and start their bidding possibly a little lower, or around the same, and hope to get what this guy would get - if the trend continued, you'd see rising prices on all Heartbreakers. Kinda like the trickle down theory. Luckily, not all bidders are suckers, and tend to keep the prices under control to an extent.

What you really mean is that eBay was better before the unwashed masses got involved. Unfortunately, the bigger things get, the crappier they get.

Yes. Before everybody and their brother were on there. Before every consignment shop also had an eBay store.

Heck, you used to be able to find "good gear for cheap" at your neighborhood pawnshop, too.

Now they all go on eBay pricing. That's what I mean by eBay driving up prices. I used to be able to walk into a local shop and find stuff cheaper than I could on eBay. Now they've priced everything at average eBay prices.
The auction says the item is in philadephia.... but where the hell is the seller from? The syntax is amazingly horrid!



"it was Gifted, but has been sitting in the room
waiting for the PLAYERS!!"

It comes with Foot Switch, 4 wheels, all original near new tube.
All Parts are the original.
No manual included"

Wow, I would buy something from this asshat about the same time I buy myself a self injectable dose of HIV.
:shock: What some people will believe NEVER fails to amaze me. I think I'm gonna bid 4300.00 on it....it must be worth it! There is a sucker born every minute.
All Heartbreakers are worth this much.
Mine is the rare black too!
I'm rich(hahaha)

All seriousness aside.....
It is a great amp that's no longer made.
Only time will tell about the collectors value.
It will be interesting to see if it sells for the asking price.
Anything is possible on ebay.
I bought mine on ebay and didn't pay anywhere that much.
Anyone check out the "sellers other auctions"?..Its worth the trip! They are selling things that don't actually exist! Be sure to read about the super rare and Accurate Official Model Copy of
!!~~~ Gibson ES 335 like guitar~~~!!.
ALSO...Truly the Original,

Condition …… 10 out of 7 !!!!Nothing is wrong with this beauty, it is time of sharing season!!

Maybe they will cut you a deal on shipping if you win the amp and guitar together.
Hey I sent the broad an email and told her she was nuts!! She lowered it to $1400 opener (after admitting it was purchased for @ $1500)!!We're in the ballpark now!
scumcity said:
Hey I sent the broad an email and told her she was nuts!! She lowered it to $1400 opener (after admitting it was purchased for @ $1500)!!We're in the ballpark now!

Ha! I saw yesterday that she lowered it to a 2100 opener.