having trouble determing value

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Jan 1, 2006
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This is sort of a revisit to a posting I had a while ago.

I posted awhile ago about how i'm thinking about selling my IIc and getting a IV instead. I'm still thinking about it. I can't afford a IV without selling the IIc, which is a bummer. I'm still not sure if I want to or not, but I'm trying to do as much research as I can. I've been trying to determine the value of my IIc but I can't find much with the ebay "completed items" search. Maybe you can offer insight?

Mark IIC very clean
short head (retolexed in burgandy, original tolex was gone when I bought it)

How muchis this worth and how much would it be worth if I upgraded it to a IIC+, which I've been thinking of doing anyway...?

I've heard that these have been going to ridiculous prices on ebay lately. I'm at a point in my life where I'm really starting to worry about money (graduating college, car dying, soon no health insurance, etc..) so If I can sell it and get a good deal on a MkIV and still have money in my account for emergencies, I would feel more comfortable. These are all just thoughts. thanks for any opinions.
How about two kids, a $ 275,000 mortgage, a wife, two cars, one income, health insurance and the wifes bachelors degree loans. Dont worry about it. Mod the amp to a + and keep it. Life sucks enough, but a good IIC+ makes all the difference when it makes you smile. :D
Man, since the headbox has been re-tolexed, I'd say it's only worth about $600.00. E-mail me and I'll send you the $600.00....Dude, just keep the amp, you're killing me here.
i know i know, i'm sorry if I'm coming off in a "woe is me" way, i don't mean to sound like that... I'm just trying to think things out. Also, scottcrud, I'm sorry I even keep bringing it up, I know it's annoying when other people just don't "get it". Honestly, I'm just not sure the MarkIIc is the amp for me. I'm even less sure a IIc+ is the amp for me. I don't play the sort of music that people are usually dying to get these amps to play. It sounds awesome, for sure, but I never have that feeling of certainty when i turn it off. I never think to myself "I want this amp buried with me". Anyway, if anyone has a reply to my first post I'm still looking for feedback. I've lurked here for a long while and the folks here seem nice and helpful, unlike other forums I frequent. Thanks guys!

Know what you mean . . . I have a C+ (60 watt no simul) so not as nice as yours but I have been thinking about selling it. It doesn't fit my style just right. . .

The other thought that might work for you that I am considering is a different speaker. My mesa black shadow seems sterile and bright and stiff for my style. Thinking about a celestion G12H30 for more speaker break up type sound.

If you really want to know how much it's worth, and you're really thinking of selling it, put it on e-bay with a reserve that you think is fair, or whatever you have in it plus some cash. Or post it on the Gearpage, there are a lot of ampsnobs over there and someone will jump at your amp.
you know guys... i started doing some reading once i noticed something weird about my amp... I'm wondering now if I even have a IIC, or if it's really a IIB. My amp does NOT have the silver centered knobs that I'm told all IIB's have, it has the solid black knobs with inlaid white numbers which is supposed to be consistent with the IIc's... but it does NOT have a pull shift on the bass. I had always thought that only IIC+'s have the pull shift on the bass, but I just read that all IIC's have this too. Is that true?

Man, I'm going to feel like an idiot if I've really had a IIB all this time... though I still will have gotten it for a steal. I might have to call Mesa and ask them.

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