Has the Mark serie been abandonned?

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Aug 8, 2007
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I know it's not discontinued... but there haven't been anything done to it for years.

Sure: if ain't broken don't fix it!

But Mesa has been doing a lot of things that I like recently, but there's still nothing that I like as much as my Mark IV!

See: I want a closed back 2X12 combo like the Roadster!
I want solo boost and reverb right on the footswitch (instead of running a separate footswitch for reverb and using my FX unit as a level boost for solos).

The Roadster 2X12 combo is almost perfect for me.

Only problem: it's not a Mark IV!

Sure it sounds very very very good. But I'm a Mark men through and through...

So I'll have to keep on carrying a separate cab (hate open back combos) and a complicated MIDI setup...

Has there even been insider info about a possible Mark V?
Or maybe simply a Mark IV-C?
I've read rumors about it, but nothing concrete.

See the Stiletto combo, the Roadster combo.
I want that form factor, in the Mark serie!!!!

I could hack something, but it would be a hack, and my Mark would lose it's warranty...
There is work being done on a new Mark, but when it will come to market is still a secret. I LOVE MY MKIV, but a MKV would be awesome...
See the Stiletto combo, the Roadster combo.
I want that form factor, in the Mark serie!!!!

Honestly, this was the main reason I got the roadster.
-Rectifier Tracking Select
-Switchable power output (50/100)
-Effects/Loop On/off

oh yeah...all these features are adjustable on EACH channel!
If its form factor, go with the Roadster or Stiletto..if its the sound you want go with the Mark series. The general consensus seems to be that you aren't going to get one to sound like the other, but they are awesome amps in their own right (can't speak on behalf of the Stiletto...yet).
ursinus said:
There is work being done on a new Mark, but when it will come to market is still a secret. I LOVE MY MKIV, but a MKV would be awesome...

Any info came out so far?

I know when the Express came out I found stuff on the net before they were released.

So far I only found an interview with Randall from when the F50 came out (a few years ago... before the RK), and all he said was that the MK V would probably just be a MK IV with simpler controls (they are simple enough to me... please don't replace the EQ with a contour knob!!!)