groove tube bad rep

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Pro: They're reliable.

Con: They're more expensive and you don't really know what you're getting tonally.
Groove tubes are the ONLY Tubes I will use. I dont care about saving a few dollars. Groove tubes cost more because they test them, rate them, keep the good ones and sell the junk tubes to other companys that then sell them cheap.

I want my amps to sound the same every time I retube them. I go through the trouble of matching pre amp and power amp tubes to my amps for the best sound possible. Groove tube not only tests them, they also have some only they manufacture. I have never put a groove tube in that was bad right out of the box.

I will second the consistency of GT.....I won't, however comment on their tone as I have had better tone out of other tubes.......same goes for Mesa tubes......consistant tone, reliable, meh sounding.
Groove Tubes are excellent. Reliable, easily available and their numbering system makes replacements easy once you know what you need.

GT also lets you know the country of origin for their stuff...if you know tubes at all you can know exactly what you are getting.
shredd6 said:
They make my Dual Rec sound like crap.

The Mesa Russian-2 sounds livelier, But of the modern production tubes, I found the Sovtek LPS to be my favorite to use in my DR (V-5).

If you've ever tried NOS tubes, you'll see why modern production tubes just seem inferior to Nos tubes.. I do like the LPS though.

My current preamp lineup looks like this:

V-1: Tesla ecc83 Nos
V-2: Mullard ecc83 Nos
V-3: G.E. longplate 12ax7a Nos
V-4: Mullard 12ax7a/7025a Nos
V-5: Sovtek LPS

My amp has never sounded better.

Before this lineup, I had all GT. It sounded like complete and total mud.

They sell a choice of preamp and power tubes, they explain the tone of each and they're basically the pick of the crop of current production tubes. If you tried GT JJ preamp tubes yes they are quite muddy, but they do several others that are better imo I think your idea of putting the Mullard 7025 in V4 is rather strange though. That should go in V1, put the Tesla in V5 and the Sovtek in V4 !! Try it !! :D
I dont mean to pick on you, but you do realize groove tube has more then just one type of tube. I use in my dual recto 6L6GE #7s. My Recto has tight bass, no flab that people complain about. My Deuce(I) has GT E34LS #7s, with Gt mullard 12AX7s. My stage one Deuce has none of the issues others have with the stage ones. Every type of tube has its own sound. Every 6L6 sounds different. Russian, Chinese, USA.

Thats why I find your " Groove tubes make my amp sound like crap" hard to listen to. Thats like saying, " I hate Mesa Boogies". A Dual Recto sounds totally different then a Stiletto. Which model Groove tube did you try, and what number rating.

Any guitar player that plays an amp with tubes needs to read, "A TUBE PRIMER FOR GUITAR AND BASS PLAYERS WHAT TUBES SHOULD I USE IN MY GUITAR OR BASS AMPLIFIER?" Guitar Amplifier Blueprinting Myles S. Rose download it for free..........

He covers different tubes and how each one sounds, so you can match your tubes to your gear and your playing. Its free. check it out.

shredd6 said:
rabies said:
how do the GT 12ax7's compare to the telefunken 12ax7's? I have the tele's with the diamonds on the bottom in my jmp-1 and rivera...

I'm not really sure.. But I have a feeling you should keep the Telefunkens in there. :wink:

hahaha...Your not sure, Shredd6. I also have a strong feeling that those German Telefunkens should say in your amp. Unless they are dead which is pretty unlikely too.

The thing with Groove Tubes is that you can get the same exact tubes, tested and matched just as well if not better, from a reliable tube vendor like Dougs Tubes or Lord Valve for much cheaper. There's nothing special about Groove Tubes. They just re-labled tubes from other manufacturers just like Mesa does.
shredd6" I have a badminton racket ready to smack down any modern Tung Sol that tries to jump in my amp.:twisted: Peace man.[/quote said:
+1, I have a Husky commercial duty chainsaw for that. I try to catch that little jumping glass turdlet with the top of my bar and see how far the chunks fly, the motor turns 13,800 RPM, chain spins around 50 miles an hour! JK... :wink:

It is tons of fun to try different vintage old stock tubes, preamp, rec, and power. There is a benefit to experimenting... Like finding your personal signature tones. 8)

Peace and Giggles
Ever since I got a bad set of GT's from guitar center in 6L6 and a microphonic 12AX7 right out of the box, I'll do whatever I can to not get any of them in my amp. Took the taste right out of my mouth.

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