Badlander and the EVM 12L

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Oct 8, 2018
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Curious who has run their Badlanders with an EVM 1x12? Just spent a weekend tweaking in a BAD 50W with a Thiele EVM and dang if that wasn't floating my boat big time. Have always been a bigtime Mark - EVM fanboy and this Thiele is most excellent with either the V:90 or the IIC+, but find the EVM doesn't jive with every amp by itself. I was a pleasantly surprised as it's pretty excellent with the BAD and allows running a compact physical rig.
I have an EV loaded cab but do not remember if I tried the BAD100 through it as the only cab. I did try to pair it with one of the boogie 410 cabs though. Made the EV sound very bright after raising it off of the floor but could have been the combined character with that and the 410 cab. I will have to run the bad with just the EV cab and see how it compares to the V212. The Boogie 410 was ok, sounded much better with the JP2C than any of the other amps I tried with it.

I have an EV loaded cab but do not remember if I tried the BAD100 through it as the only cab. I did try to pair it with one of the boogie 410 cabs though. Made the EV sound very bright after raising it off of the floor but could have been the combined character with that and the 410 cab. I will have to run the bad with just the EV cab and see how it compares to the V212. The Boogie 410 was ok, sounded much better with the JP2C than any of the other amps I tried with it.

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Yea I'd be interested in that BAD take with just an EVM. Mine was on the floor, apologize for the crappy pic but you get the idea 🫣
I have a badlander arriving Sunday, and I got a thiele with an EVM last week... although I left it at my drummers so the two items won't converge until Thursday. Will report back
Excellent, totally dig my 50W, pretty much been running it live on 20W cause the Triode has a feel that works for me, but the Pentode mode is pretty kick butt. I love my Marks but man this is a great amp, so easy to get a good tone out of.

While I think the EVM Thiele is most excellent, recently have switched over to this WB 1x12 with G12-65 for now as it fits on top and sounds pretty good with the Celestion vibe. Running the EVM Thiele as an extension with the WB, well that is even more goodness but my band mates would give me the evil eye if I hauled both of them in for rehearsal. LOL

Looking forward to hearing your take...

Excellent, totally dig my 50W, pretty much been running it live on 20W cause the Triode has a feel that works for me, but the Pentode mode is pretty kick butt. I love my Marks but man this is a great amp, so easy to get a good tone out of.

While I think the EVM Thiele is most excellent, recently have switched over to this WB 1x12 with G12-65 for now as it fits on top and sounds pretty good with the Celestion vibe. Running the EVM Thiele as an extension with the WB, well that is even more goodness but my band mates would give me the evil eye if I hauled both of them in for rehearsal. LOL

Looking forward to hearing your take...

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Awesome!! Really looking forward to getting my hands on it. Dig the specs and the clips I've heard. Peoples views seem kind of all over the place either love or hate. But most of the complaints are people mad because it doesn't sound like a multi watt or it doesn't sound like a jcm 800... well no duh. Its a badlander not either of those :LOL:

Have a few cabs to try it out with, have a widebody 1x12 with a C90, I know that a lot of people don't care for that speaker but personally I love them in a closed back, and that cab is probably my favorite (thiele might rise up, its awesome just haven't played it a ton yet. Bought while at an out of town gig and used it for that show with my 5153, than had one practice with it last week with my Mark IV)

also have an EVH 2x12 with H30s.

Have a front loaded madison 2x12 as well... its ugly and that brands reputation kind of tanked before they fizzled out. But its a well made cab as far as I can tell. I sort of tried to sell it for only the cost of the speakers (celestion T75s) and no one seemed interested (I was trying to justify buying a mesa 2x12 possibly lol)

But I decided to unlist that and think I'm just gonna put new speakers in and keep using it. I don't really care much for t75s. Theyre fine bust just kind of meh for me. I'm entertaining the idea of putting a 75 watt creamback and a redback in there. Just recently had my first experience with a creamback, I put a 65 watt in my '76 deluxe reverb and it was such a huge improvement over the crappy jensen that was in there

Mark IV with the thiele
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Its a badlander not either of those
Yea exactly. Mesa has always said it was a "Fresh Take" on the Rectifier. I don't have a Rect so I can't honestly compare. But to me it's a bit more like my Stiletto but more refined and tonally focused around the Crunch voicing. Not as bright either. I do sometimes miss the dense type of Fender like clean a Mark can give you but overall it's a rocking amp.

Have a few cabs to try it out with, have a widebody 1x12 with a C90, I know that a lot of people don't care for that speaker but personally I love them in a closed back, and that cab is probably my favorite (thiele might rise up, its awesome just haven't played it a ton yet.
Also dig the WB cab. For quite a while I used it with the C90 which went well with all my amps. Only swapped it to the G12-65 for a change of pace. Personally I think the C90 is a excellent all around Celestion speaker. I also like it mixed with a v30.
So I was running the BAD through my thiele again and I feel like I was digging it a lot more than my previous showdown with it. I'm wondering if it has to do with putting 6L6s in it? Or I've also probably retweaked my settings a bunch since last time. Or just fresh ears. I swear sometimes my opinions on the tones I'm getting can be as fickle as the weather in colorado :LOL:

Was having a blast with that setup though. I was also using the -20db attenuator on my two notes captor as well and had masters up around noon. sounded killer

I still am going back on forth on whether or not I'm battling the cleans. I feel like I probably just need to embrace the fact that the cleans are going to be a bit grittier on this amp for how I need to set things up, or get more into rolling back volume knobs

One thing Ive noticed that is strange to me is that my LP just basically doesn't clean up at all. I do have a somewhat more "modern" pickup in the bridge (SD Pegasus) but its not like crazy high output or anything, and neck is still stock burstbucker pro and even on the neck its way more broken up than any of my other guitars. I don't notice this behavior with the LP on other amps at all. The LP sounds extra special through more gained up modes though :love:
So I was running the BAD through my thiele again and I feel like I was digging it a lot more than my previous showdown with it. I'm wondering if it has to do with putting 6L6s in it? Or I've also probably retweaked my settings a bunch since last time. Or just fresh ears.
Man if I had to speculate it's the combination of all 3 :LOL: I do think the Badlander has very responsive TMB / presence adjustments and with a GEQ in the loop it allows further compensation. The denser 6L6s do add to the overall thickness, but in a good way and there's alot of control to play with. Will have to spend a bit more time playing around with the EVM Thiele and the 6L6s, it's a different tonal take that is pretty cool.

I still am going back on forth on whether or not I'm battling the cleans. I feel like I probably just need to embrace the fact that the cleans are going to be a bit grittier on this amp for how I need to set things up, or get more into rolling back volume knobs
Yea man, no doubt. That's exactly where I ended up as well, for now. Went as far as creating a Clean Fender amp patch and bypassing the preamp, which worked out fine, but the inhertent clean voicing continues to grow on me.

One thing Ive noticed that is strange to me is that my LP just basically doesn't clean up at all. I do have a somewhat more "modern" pickup in the bridge (SD Pegasus) but its not like crazy high output or anything, and neck is still stock burstbucker pro and even on the neck its way more broken up than any of my other guitars. I don't notice this behavior with the LP on other amps at all. The LP sounds extra special through more gained up modes though
I used to have BBkr PROs in one of my LPs, but swapped them out for PAFs. I do recall the PROs being gainier but it doesn't explain why they wouldn't clean up like they do with the other amps. :unsure: FWIW my #1 LP has Fishman Classics, it has a SC switch option and that really thins out and cleans up nicely without sounding too weak. I don't use the SC option alot with the other rigs, but it's really nice with the Badlander Clean voicing.
Man if I had to speculate it's the combination of all 3 :LOL: I do think the Badlander has very responsive TMB / presence adjustments and with a GEQ in the loop it allows further compensation. The denser 6L6s do add to the overall thickness, but in a good way and there's alot of control to play with. Will have to spend a bit more time playing around with the EVM Thiele and the 6L6s, it's a different tonal take that is pretty cool.

Yea man, no doubt. That's exactly where I ended up as well, for now. Went as far as creating a Clean Fender amp patch and bypassing the preamp, which worked out fine, but the inhertent clean voicing continues to grow on me.

I used to have BBkr PROs in one of my LPs, but swapped them out for PAFs. I do recall the PROs being gainier but it doesn't explain why they wouldn't clean up like they do with the other amps. :unsure: FWIW my #1 LP has Fishman Classics, it has a SC switch option and that really thins out and cleans up nicely without sounding too weak. I don't use the SC option alot with the other rigs, but it's really nice with the Badlander Clean voicing.

Yes I was actually considering this last night, I run an HX stomp in 4cm for FX but I was thinking about setting the BAD up as two dirtier channels (I mean hey thats where it really shines right?) and just generating a faux 3 channel amp with a clean preamp in there. Seems like it could be a cool idea. Trying to wrap my head around what the best way to do that may be. Possibly just create duplicates of all my standard patches to be BAD specific and program a switch that simultaneously activates amp/turns off FX send block and vice versa? (although I'm not totally even sure that works in stomp mode? I'm a noob with this modelling tech still haha)
Drifting off topic here, but I’ve just been LOVING a new speaker configuration today… I got a celestion redback from my mom for my birthday in the mail today. I had an unloaded Madison 2x12 cab that’s been a hangout for my cats recently but I put the redback and yanked the 65 watt creamback out of my deluxe reverb and loaded it up. HOLY CRAP. What a deviating combo. Just have been grinning from ear to ear chugging away with the BAD through there
Drifting off topic here, but I’ve just been LOVING a new speaker configuration today… I got a celestion redback from my mom for my birthday in the mail today. I had an unloaded Madison 2x12 cab that’s been a hangout for my cats recently but I put the redback and yanked the 65 watt creamback out of my deluxe reverb and loaded it up. HOLY CRAP. What a deviating combo. Just have been grinning from ear to ear chugging away with the BAD through there
I've been bouncing back and forth between getting a Scumback H-75 or a Redback to pair with a C-90 or a Heritage G12-65 in my Recto 30 horizontal cab.

How does that compare to the v30s with the BAD? Very interested in that take :)
I've been bouncing back and forth between getting a Scumback H-75 or a Redback to pair with a C-90 or a Heritage G12-65 in my Recto 30 horizontal cab.

How does that compare to the v30s with the BAD? Very interested in that take :)

Not sure don't have an V30s around. I DID have a mesa vertical/diagonal 2x12 on backorder but I'm digging the redback/creamback in the madison so much I decided to cancel the order from now because it sounded like it would be ages, and I decided I didn't need to drop that cash at the moment anyway.

Of course just this morning I get an email that they're back in stock :LOL: 🤦‍♂️

Its ok though, still just gonna cool my jets for now. I'll probably still get one eventually but I'm gonna not let my impulses call the shots right now haha
Might as well poke this thread as there is a related update of sorts. After years of messing with it, finally threw in the towel on a v30 in the Recto 2x12 Horizontal cab. I had tried so many different combinations and the last v30 iteration had it paired with a MC-90. While it wasn't bad, it just wasn't floating the boat. So the v30 got replaced by the Heritage G12-65, basically cause that was laying around. o_O TBH wasn't expecting much but I was more then pleasantly surprised. This cab is now playing nice with the Marks, the Badlander and even the Stiletto and LSS. It's got punch and most of all enough low end to boot. Sounds most excellent with the Badlander, which was my goal cause I wanted to have a logistically viable 2x12 for live situations.

However going thru cab comparisons in my messy studio, got around to paring my custom vert 2x12 EVM/v30 cab (RHS of the pic) with the Badlander. FWIW this vert cab is pretty amazing with the Marks and pretty decent with the other amps as well. But with the Badlander it was gold. Not sure why I hadn't given it a deep dive with the BAD before, but it really caught my ear.


Been months since I've run the WB 1x12 MC-90 with the Thiele EVM, Need to refresh the tonal take. But I'm still of the mind that the EVM paired with something is good with the Badlander.


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