g-force question

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together with a midi-capable preamp and a footswitch, it is god!!!!
:p i have mine set up with the effect buttons, so i can turn off and on individual effects. it is a very good unit. you can have it set up as complicated as you need, or as simple :p.

the possibilities with the effects is awesome. you can have your effects in any order you want, series parallel or both!. and you can customise the effects for particular channels, say have a fast delay on this channel, and have a slow delay on another.

quality of effects is great too. i dont have much to compare it too, but there is just so much programmability in them. be prepared to spend a little time dialling them in. however if you dont want to spend alot of time changing settings, there is a simple and advanced feature of almost every effect, eg simple reverb, or advanced reverb. but as i said before, you are able to get your effects just the way you like them.

there are more fearures, like the matrix and instant access, which i think are more advanced features of the unit. the matrix lets you have effects mixed in with certain characteristics of the sound, eg volume. so you can have this effect on only when you play. or have it on only when you dont play. there are more besides volume, but cant remember all of them off the top of my head.

have a read of the manual on the net, there is just so many things you are able to do with it

hope ive given you an idea of this unit :)

there are also other units like the g-major, and others too, but the g-major has less features than the gforce, and apparently the gmajor colours your tone too much. the gforce is pretty much 100% transparent, while adding the effects in with your sound of course.
It's a great unit, imho the best choice if you ask more from your effect processor. It's a intermediate/pro unit but simple to use and with some cool effect. I've sold it because i need money and now i've a g-major. Nothing to compare with those units. G-force goes 5 steps up.
Compatible with more pedalboards and with the matrix menu you can configure endless effects/parameters combinations.

Only one thing wrong..... after 15 mins of use, it become HOT but it's normal.
I did extensive research when purchasing my MEU and I found that the G-Force was definitely the best. I got mine a few days ago and my wife is about to divorce me because I am spending way too much time playing with this thing.
richey said:
I did extensive research when purchasing my MEU and I found that the G-Force was definitely the best. I got mine a few days ago and my wife is about to divorce me because I am spending way too much time playing with this thing.

I hear you brother! I saw them list for like $1499 on GC's web site, ouch! I am leary about something that takes a lot of tinkering with. I just got a DR and 4x12 cab, that should hold me for at least a week :D In fact I think I'll head on out into the garage.

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