Yes, a Telefunken would be a fine 12at7 to have in there. Toshiba is known in other circles for their commitment to quality so I am sure that they picked out some nice Matsushita tubes to use. The Japanese tubes were modeled after the Mullard. They don't quite sound the same but they are still a quality tube. Many overlook them. Their flavor isn't exactly what you get from any of the European tubes nor the American tubes. It falls somewhere in the middle. It isn't a Chinese tube but some do not care for them. From what I have heard they are nice tubes. Just don't expect the gain of a Chinese tube nor the stunning musical flavor of a Mullard. In a 12at7 I am not as familiar as I am with the 12ax7s. I have heard that Telefunken 12at7s are not quite what they do for the 12ax7 world. The Mullard 12at7 is supposed to be really killer. I have also heard that the RCA is a nice 12at7. Check out JAN Phillips 12at7. I had one in my Mark IV but I replaced it with an EH unless I want something special. I also had a JAN Phillips 12ax7 but it was half fried. I wish I could have had the tube a little longer before it went south they sound really good. On a side note try Sylvania 12ax7s. They are pretty nice in the Boogie. My GE 12ax7 longplates sound pretty good but I don't have many to spare so again they stay out unless I need something special. For general purposes about any tube will work but you just won't get the most out of them. Some have better color than others. Some have more gain. It is personal preference there.