kartoffel said:
...the geq is super sensitive though there is thousands of sounds within that little amazing device.
Yes, you have discovered the glory of DCs and Marks! That GEQ is the very definition of "versatility" IMHO. The tone knobs affect the preamp stage of your signal; the GEQ is
after, going into the poweramp section. This is important to consider as the bass tones are
much tighter and focused dialed into the GEQ rathern than into the preamp (with the bass knob). And any mids you add with the knob sound good (to my ear, anyway, not to mention the mids knob also can be used to add gain to the signal) can be scooped out with the GEQ if you want that chug tone. Or
add mids (especially the 750 and 2200 sliders) and get some ZZTop or classic rock tones going.
Also experiement with different gain settings: not only between the 1st volume knob and the preamp's master gain, but also between the channel's master and the amp's overall master volume. You get different textures just by varying these settings. Enjoy the quest. As you've already discovered, there are a thousand tones in these wonderful DCs!