First Mark V (no, 5) photo

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guitardude05 said:
oh no... what will this do to the value of the mark iv? if its going down in flames then i need to sell mine NOW!

doubtful... there will always be a market for the mark iv the same way there is still a market for the III, II, and I. if anything (especially if the mark v is way different from the mark iv) the mark iv might go up a little in value since they've apparently discontinued it. Point is hold onto your amp and let the cards fall where they may. if the mark v does indeed come out soon i would try and not sell what you have and get the mark v as an addtional amp or wait until all the bugs are worked out.
I don't think it's a shoop. Looks pretty together for a 'prototype," too.

Recto tracking, switchable bias, 10/50/100, a GEQ? They are basically throwing in everything but the kitchen sink.

That is gonna be an e x p e n s i v e amp.

I'm betting that the point of differentiation between the 5 and the Road* series (besides voicing, I mean in marketing terms) is that the 5 still has MkIV style channels and switching, i.e. not as versatile as the Road King or Roadster.
CoG said:
I don't think it's a shoop. Looks pretty together for a 'prototype," too.

Recto tracking, switchable bias, 10/50/100, a GEQ? They are basically throwing in everything but the kitchen sink.

That is gonna be an e x p e n s i v e amp.

I'm betting that the point of differentiation between the 5 and the Road* series (besides voicing, I mean in marketing terms) is that the 5 still has MkIV style channels and switching, i.e. not as versatile as the Road King or Roadster.

Can anyone tell me what Recto tracking means?
CoG said:
I don't think it's a shoop. Looks pretty together for a 'prototype," too.

Recto tracking, switchable bias, 10/50/100, a GEQ? They are basically throwing in everything but the kitchen sink.

That is gonna be an e x p e n s i v e amp.

I'm betting that the point of differentiation between the 5 and the Road* series (besides voicing, I mean in marketing terms) is that the 5 still has MkIV style channels and switching, i.e. not as versatile as the Road King or Roadster.

maybe they're taking a page from the ENGL line like the SE EL34 and the SE 6L6 but with more drastic voicings. Pretty smart if they do a split flagship type idea where you essentially use the same technology but voice the amps very different.
shredding said:
Can anyone tell me what Recto tracking means?
Recto-tracking just means the amp automatically selects silicon or tube rectifers depending on the power setting (and also the number of tube rectifiers - ie it might select 1 on 50watt mode, and 2 on 100watt). Its used on the Roadking, so you can see all the info on that product page on the website. You can also just overide it and select silicon if you want.
voodoo_child said:
shredding said:
Can anyone tell me what Recto tracking means?
Recto-tracking just means the amp automatically selects silicon or tube rectifers depending on the power setting (and also the number of tube rectifiers - ie it might select 1 on 50watt mode, and 2 on 100watt). Its used on the Roadking, so you can see all the info on that product page on the website. You can also just overide it and select silicon if you want.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Does that mean the Mark V will have a tube rectifier??? oh noooo!
shredding said:
Does that mean the Mark V will have a tube rectifier???
Only if the picture and info turn out to be the same as the production Mark V, if and when its officially announced.

In any case, it would be switchable between diode and valve rectifier, so I don't see the problem.

...I promise to refrain from further idiotic outbursts, gents. Are you guys as excited as I am though? We could see some seriously cool features coming together.
zehn said:
MrMarkIII said:
mikey383 said:
Wonder why they're not using roman numberals on this says "5".
I'm thinking the average joker/douche with PhotoShop wouldn't know a Roman numeral from his arse, and can barely count up to five anyway.On the other hand, maybe Randall doesn't think his pimply-faced Recto fanboys know what a "V" is.
(No offense, non-pimply-faced fanboys).

True, but anybody who knows enough about Mesa and the Mark series to do this would know that it should be a roman numberal 5

Or to keep confusion from a Mesa Mark V and a Mesa V Twin.
It's official, lads. After Petrucci and Keith Richards, I'm the next on the list for a Mark 5 C+. It has smoother gain than the Mk. 5 B or Mk. 5 C.

And - footswitchable World Domination Mode.
All I want is a friggin reackmountable mesa thats not friggin discontinued!!.

Cant wait for this thing to drop. :twisted: :twisted:

single rec is good for now I guess.
bpm91 said:
Or to keep confusion from a Mesa Mark V and a Mesa V Twin.

I don't see how this would happen. One is an amp, the other is a pedal/1U rack. Not a whole lot to be confused about. Especially considering where the numeral is.

Mark V

V twin

Doesn't look easily confusing to me.

Then again, we do everything we can to protect the stupid people in this country from themselves, so you never know.

I wonder if it could be the same deal as with the GM Mark IV big block, where they couldn't name the new generation engines a Mark V because Ford already had taken it....maybe someone already has a Mark V amp out there......???
peavey mark V... maybe this is why they have to call it the mark 5, it all makes sense now...

but there is a peavey mark iv also...
To all who think it's fake:

Apparently, according to the photographer.... Rudy's in NY go that poster for it's new showroom, and Mesa want it back :lol:

It's a real poster :D
guitardude05 said:
oh no... what will this do to the value of the mark iv? if its going down in flames then i need to sell mine NOW!
Good question. Can anyone tell how wide that chassis is in the photo? I'm wondering if the Mark 5 will come in a rack-mountable, shorthead version, or not.
LEVEL4 said:
guitardude05 said:
oh no... what will this do to the value of the mark iv? if its going down in flames then i need to sell mine NOW!
Good question. Can anyone tell how wide that chassis is in the photo? I'm wondering if the Mark 5 will come in a rack-mountable, shorthead version, or not.

sure i'll bust out the tape measure :D
LEVEL4 said:
guitardude05 said:
oh no... what will this do to the value of the mark iv? if its going down in flames then i need to sell mine NOW!
Good question. Can anyone tell how wide that chassis is in the photo? I'm wondering if the Mark 5 will come in a rack-mountable, shorthead version, or not.

I dunno man, if they are going to have rectifier tubes in there that's six octal sockets plus 5-6 preamp tubes...
Will we put the Mark 5 in the modern amp section or vintage............????

I know the production year will fit modern but it would be an extension of a vintage series........

What I really wanna know is what this amp will do sonically. Brutal distortion with a usable lead sound would be nice....
they're most likely (if this even happens) going to end up with a head shell similar to either the rectos or the stilettos. i say this because it will be more cost effective for them. They'll probably end up finishing the head with a more vintage feel somewhat like the roadster except without the black diamond plate looking thing (or even more similar to a plexi). Again if this happens...