First Gig Impressions With LSS

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Murphy Slaw said:
Give me a break.

A Fender Deluxe Reverb has 22 watts with 2;6V6's.

A Fender Super Reverb has 85 watts with 4; 6L6's.

Ching and Chong, man.

This has to be the dumbest thread I've ever read.

If you want a Fender, go get one but don't tell me a LSS can't hold it's own on a stage. There are way too many of them out there doing it. A lot of it is knowing how to dial in a sound.


Actually, no. I'm not.


Actually a Super Reverb ha 2 6L6's and puts out about 45 watts. I know- I own one. But I disagree with the characterization of the LSC clean channel. I think it sounds as good or better than the Super Reverb. Obviously more like a Twin since it has 2 12's.
gtrman100 said:
Actually a Super Reverb ha 2 6L6's and puts out about 45 watts. I know- I own one. But I disagree with the characterization of the LSC clean channel. I think it sounds as good or better than the Super Reverb. Obviously more like a Twin since it has 2 12's.

Or does it sound more like the twin because of the 4 6L6s?
LSS is my back up amp to my '64 Deluxe Reverb. But, by no means are they smilar in any way, except that they are both incredible amps.

The cleans on both are so satisfying, but the Deluxe Reverb's clean has that extra "sparkle" without an ounce of brittleness.

When driven nothing can match the Deluxe Reverb's break-up tone! LSS's driven tone is satisfying, but just darker.

I had a LSC, but sold it as well. LSS is in another league.
Murphy Slaw said:
Give me a break.

A Fender Deluxe Reverb has 22 watts with 2;6V6's.

A Fender Super Reverb has 85 watts with 4; 6L6's.

Ching and Chong, man.

This has to be the dumbest thread I've ever read.

If you want a Fender, go get one but don't tell me a LSS can't hold it's own on a stage. There are way too many of them out there doing it. A lot of it is knowing how to dial in a sound.


Actually, no. I'm not.


Give ME a break man.......Don't you mean Cheech and Chong? Or is Ching and Chong a new Chinese food item? :wink:

Anyways no one here ever said that a LSS can't hold it's own on a stage......Mine held it's own.....It was my first gig with it will take a bit of time to get it down right.....I absolutely love the amp and am keeping it.....I tried the Classic and to me the LSS wooped its butt in tone......

I am sorry your sorry!

Actually no I'm not! :wink:
I'm actually loving this. I like to see what it is about Tone (capital-T) that makes people all excited and want to fire off screeds about why BoogieVoxMarshallFender is the best at whatever the hell it does.

So much of this depends on how you intend to use the thing. Are you looking for the perfect clean tone at recording level? Stage volume? Do you need to be loud enough to punch though a PA mix and stay perfectly clean? Or do you just want to be able to play privately at bedroom levels and enjoy that sweet sound all by itself (not that there's anything wrong with that)?

I'm lucky enough to have a handful of basically wet dream amps (see sig), and I appreciate them each for different reasons. But I have to say, that damned LSC is really floating my boat right now. I love my Deluxe, but the LSC gives me some things that the Deluxe doesn't, and I'm speaking specifically about the clean channel.

As spankin' as the Deluxe is, I can shape the cleans in the LSC with more precision and flexibility, at basically any volume. I have tons of headroom and the ability to push it just a little (or a lot). I can make it clear and crisp, or sneak a little crunk in there for some subtle bluesy vibe. I can stiffen or soften it without losing any clarity or any of that bell-like chimey goodness... again, at any volume. (The Drive channel needs more volume to show its stuff, but the Clean is there right away.)

I had my eye on an LSS originally, but a good deal came up on my LSC and I'm glad I took it. As sweet as the Special was, in the end the Classic won out because it gave me more headroom and oomph, more snap. The LSC actually reminds me more of a Fender in the way it pushes back a bit. I play pretty hard, so that's appropriate for my style. The larger cabinet also contributes to the feeling of more air pushing through with each chunk-chunk.

Because of all of this, I could totally see the LSS giving up a little bit of pop and clarity in big room. It's so responsive and cool because it gets to nirvana at a lower level, right? If that's the experience, I'd invest in a good monitor setup and dial in your perfect sound (as suggested earlier).
Yea, okay. Sorry.

Had a rough weekend. Tele broke, truck broke, then I broke my Buck knife. All in 24 hours. So yesterday had a few too many brews.

Felt much better this morning! :roll:


Anyhow, I knew a Super had 2 6L6's, (hell I had one once) I was thinking Twin.

Thanks for your support.

Murphy Slaw said:
Yea, okay. Sorry.

Had a rough weekend. Tele broke, truck broke, then I broke my Buck knife. All in 24 hours. So yesterday had a few too many brews.

Felt much better this morning! :roll:


Anyhow, I knew a Super had 2 6L6's, (hell I had one once) I was thinking Twin.

Thanks for your support.


Don't sweat it my friend! No worries...

Man I think I would be pretty upset too......I would be more upset about the guitar then the truck...... :wink:

Hang in there man and keep your head up!

I have had many Fender amps, starting with a new Bandmaster and my Twin was replaced by an Express 5:50 and then an LSC Head and 2X12 cabinet. I have also spent some time with an LSS and Express 5:25. I actually like the cleans on all of them better than a Twin or DRRI. I don't think it is a better issue, but a different issue. If you want to get them closer, try the LSC in the tweed mode.

But just like you need to learn how to dial in your LSS, the same is true of the LSC. I have found that the bass knob has to be in about the 9 o'clock position or the bass will overpower the amp. Humbuckers and singlecoils sound a lot different also.

I am sure I could be very happy with either one ...
wilerty said:
Humbuckers and singlecoils sound a lot different also.
Funny you should mention this. I just got my mitts on a new strat with single coils (the quiet SCN ones), which I figure will complement my Gold Top nicely (and it does). I had a small amount of trepidation when committing to the strat purchase, however... partly because I knew my Gibson would be jealous, but also because I was kinda worried I'd be setting myself up for a new, frustrating need to constantly change my LSC settings to make each guitar sound acceptable.

To my surprise and delight, so far I have not had to change a thing. You're correct, and thankfully, that HBs and SCs quite sound different -- hell, this is why we have these Lone Stars, right? they maintain the character of the guitar so beautifully -- but it seems like my twiddling over the months has brought my settings to a place where both sounds are spot on and true to form, with no compromises or undesired spikes or phloomph on either guitar.

Maybe I just got lucky. Or maybe I just backed off on the tone at both ends enough to pocket both guitars comfortably. Either way... sweet!
djw said:
To my surprise and delight, so far I have not had to change a thing. You're correct, and thankfully, that HBs and SCs quite sound different -- hell, this is why we have these Lone Stars, right? they maintain the character of the guitar so beautifully -- but it seems like my twiddling over the months has brought my settings to a place where both sounds are spot on and true to form, with no compromises or undesired spikes or phloomph on either guitar.

Maybe I just got lucky. Or maybe I just backed off on the tone at both ends enough to pocket both guitars comfortably. Either way... sweet!
While we're on the topic HB/SC, to me the SCN is like a cross between HB and SC. The wound strings are HB like and the plains retain most of the high of SC. So it's not a total surprise that one setting could work for both. May need to adjust the presence a notch or so when using the HB neck and that's it. SCN is pretty cool, SC purist may not like it though, can't do that Duane Eddy's low E stuffs :wink:
Don't forget P90s! My PRS McCarty Soapbar (Seymour Duncan) P90s sound sweet w/ LSS.

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