Finally Got The Lonestar In

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Dec 15, 2006
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Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK
After 2.5 years of drooling over a Lonestar - I finally managed to raise the funds and purchase one today. I am a very happy man!!!

Can legitimately feel part of the online community on here now. Having falling in love with the clean channel on this Mesa in late 2004, it has been a slow process of gradually learning the rest of the amp via various visits to out of town stockists.

Good Times ahead!!!
hmmikey said:
After 2.5 years of drooling over a Lonestar - I finally managed to raise the funds and purchase one today. I am a very happy man!!!

Can legitimately feel part of the online community on here now. Having falling in love with the clean channel on this Mesa in late 2004, it has been a slow process of gradually learning the rest of the amp via various visits to out of town stockists.

Good Times ahead!!!

I love to hear stories like this . Working toward something you really want and finally getting it . Earning something like that makes you value it more . The LoneStar is a absolute fantastic amp . I have plans for a LS head . Glad you are happy with it . By the way . my cousin lives in Tadley, Hants. My mother is from Reading, Berks .
Thanks for all of your kind comments guys, it's a pleasure to join you in the Mesa community.

I've ordered it online from my usual UK mail order company Big L. Should arrive next week, like I said - it is the 2x12 50/100 watt combo version that I've ordered (not the 5w - 15w - 30w Special, Head or 1x12 versions). So I'm assuming it's the bog standard 2x12 (50w/100w)Lonestar - have they created an '07 update for this one??? - What's new???

I'm assuming that I'll just get one of the stocked older models if there has been an update. I'm in the UK after all - things take a little while to get this side of the pond.
Yes, the 2007 LSC has an added 5 watt Class "A" option to the power choice. I bought a "new" closeout at GC of the LSC and when I got it home, all the paperwork is for 2004. Shouldn't matter, might be made before Mesa got so popular and mechanized their production?

The LSC is a great amp, though who could argue against another option making it a gig and home practice amp.

Contrary to you, I bought mine in a hurry 'cause of the sale. It took a while (3-4 days) to learn to make the adjustments slowly. If you can take the time to find what your looking for and have the patience.

I am seriously considering returning (30 day satisfaction), trading or selling on Evilbay for the Lone Star Special. The LSC is probably much more versatile and better for gain, but with my HSS Strat, I think the LSS might match up better with a warmer sound. I hear the LSS works with acoustic guitar better also. I'd love to keep it and get the LSS, but thats alot of $ in a short time.

I'm sure you'll find the LSC you've ordered to be fantastic. We'll have to start a new owners weekly thread. :D Later, Jeff
Well it eventually was delivered on Wednesday. Was sadly unable to play on it Weds evening though - as I attend a College course after work - which goes on to very late. Didn't exactly want to offend the Neighbours (with small children) when I got home... after all - you have to crank it up and have some fun don't you.

Extremely pleased. It's finished in the stunning new 'ALL BLACK' finish, but sadly this is a pre-2007 edition (I guess Boogies take a while to travel this side of the Atlantic). So I sadly do not of the ability to experience going down to 10 watts. Shame really - I loved the 15 watt setting on a Special that I tried in store, but definitely needed 50 watts for work with the band.

That said - the 50 watts sounded superb last night. Am a very, very happy man. Am quite a British Rock fan - James Dean Bradfield of the Manic Street Preachers is a big influence on me... so am currently enjoying the Drive channel set to "THICK".

Great times though. Ditto Strat N My Stuff - a weekly Lonestar club sounds great :)
hmmikey, great to hear that you're liking your new amp! i'm looking forward to getting an LSC as soon as i can get the funds together... i'm kinda leaning towards waiting for the new 10watt release but we'll see if i can hold out that long! i play a PRS McCarty so i figure the classic is the way for me to go. how are you liking your cleans so far? do you feel you can get enough gain out of channel 2?
Thanks a million once again guys - yep, it's great to be in the family. Just spent an hour with the Lonestar and the Les Paul Custom - things have been pretty sweet :).

In response to you BIG L. The cleans are really special. I'd read someone that James Dean Bradfield had used a BOSS CS-3 Compressor Sustainer with his Lonestar - I've been using one of those BOSS pedals with my Fender Twin for years, so expected it to work well with the Lonestar. Have concluded that I can largely throw the CS-3 away however. It seems to detract from the Lonestar's beautiful clean - rather than refine it - maybe I just have it set up wrong. But just love the way you can plug a guitar straight into it (on clean) - your single notes will sound like crystal, yet if you attack you can achieve 'bark' - very nice!

With regard to your question about channel 2 though BIG L. My sound is very much that of the late 90s British Rock Sound - bands like Manics, The Verve etc. So with it set to THICK, with plently of treble, middle and presence - you can achieve this tone. Not sure what you're after - but I can't praise the amps all round performance for me highly enough.
I'm very jealous hmmikey! congratulations. I hope the LSC brings you a lifetime of tonal bliss.
Cheers ur86d. It's difficult Stash49... I have to admit I have played the Custom through it more - because the 498T Alnico bridge pickup in there has been with me for over 10 years of playing (various guitars - all with this pickup fitted) - so I know everything (well at least I think I do - without trying to sound arrogant) that this pickup can do.

That said I have actually preferred my Les Paul Classic over the Custom since I bought it in 2003. The stock pickups in this are Gibson's 496R and 500T open coil ceramics. I love these pickups - they are my favourite and they cut through with the punch and clip you expect from a ceramic. The perform as well in the Lonestar as in every other amp I have used them with - prefectly. But the Lonestar does have that little extra about it anyway - so it's a brilliant sound.

That said the Les Paul Custom has sounded really special. Both have an application... I would say that the Custom would probably win in the studio - but the Classic is better live.

Having said all of this, the tone coming out of my 335 sounds stunning though the Lonestar. Probably the most versatile guitar I own. It's a showcase one - finished in white from 1989.

Great sounds - lovely guitars & a super amp :)
hmmikey: Since it sounds like you are coming from a Twin, how do you compare the clean sound between the two. It is difficult to beat a Twin's clean sound and I still play a lot of music like Hank Marvin etc vintage clean and wonder if you feel you lost anything.
Hi there wilerty,

It's very difficult. I aquired my Twin in 2001-2 and it has been an extremely good friend to me ever since... the only amp I used in smaller gigs with a TS-808 or BOSS distortion simply on top.

I adore the clean from my Twin and had never found an amp that made me even think about retiring it... until I met the Lonestar!!! :)

It is a different type of clean between the 2 amps - sure the Lonestar is in a very Fender Black Face area - but it is fundamentally different. Being a predominant Humbucker player (Les Paul) - I notice that you are quite a big Strat player... the only thing I can say is that we probably do have different expectations of sounds that we expect to come out of the amp. The Twin has a extremely toneful clean - I desribe it as 'smooth' creamy clean - like the edge of a tea cup clean. From my limited use of the Lonestar (and this was it's selling point for me) - I find the clean more 'clippy', you can certainly hear individual notes more with the Lonestar. I commented to a friend the other day - it's as though the Lonestar has a built in compressor on the clean channel - each of you notes fill like they sparkle, especially if you are arpeggiating - which I do a lot... it beats the Twin hands down on this - even without a compressor.

The other great thing about the Lonestar over the Twin is the fact that the clean will 'bark' and become mildly overdriven easier if you attack the strings. If you do not want this bark - simply turn a compressor on - and you're back into a cleaner than clean safety net - no matter how heavy you get with your playing style.

Like I said - this is just the way I have the amp set up with my Gibsons. i Will say one simple thing. This is the only amp which made me relegate both my Marshall and Twin to the loft -- and that is pretty big... the Marshall has been with me since my teens!!!
OK, now I'm wishing I had an LP, and thinking I should keep the LSC and get the axe. I have a modest buget and don't know just how much a good used LP goes for? And I really should upgrade my acoustic for when I play at church....but your making me think I must be missin somthing with my Strat. Am I crazy, everyone loves the LSC!!
Actually, I'm gonna go play now, which I have been playing more since I bought it, so maybe its a keeper. Later, Rock On, Jeff
Strat N My Stuff said:
OK, now I'm wishing I had an LP, and thinking I should keep the LSC and get the axe. I have a modest buget and don't know just how much a good used LP goes for? And I really should upgrade my acoustic for when I play at church....but your making me think I must be missin somthing with my Strat. Am I crazy, everyone loves the LSC!!
Actually, I'm gonna go play now, which I have been playing more since I bought it, so maybe its a keeper. Later, Rock On, Jeff

I say buy the guitar that compliments your playstyle and the tone you like. If you like the Strat, stick with it. In the past, I have traded this, that, and the other to find a certain tone and have always ended up with a Les Paul. It's just what I like...
hmmikey: Thanks for your comments. I'm 60 and have been playing Fenders (guitars & amps) since the 60s, but my new PRS wants me to think about a different amp. I'm considering a LSC and also their new Express 5:50 in 1X12, or more likely 2X12. Considering I only play in my basement ... this is overkill, but I do appreciate the sound of the Twin even at "2". I tried a 5:50 1X12 yesterday and was impressed ... but it's not a Twin.

Guess I'll just keep "demo"ing and reading until I decide what to do.

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