Finally- frustrated enough, got a head - 2x12 cab to compare

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2008
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Ok folks. I have been a staunch Electra Dyne user since I got mine in Sept of this year.

I traveled the same path we all did - sitting in the round circle talking about our "addiction" - that is, until I got the ED. It cured my GAS.

Then, another form of GAS took hold. I love my 1x12 combo, but wouldn't a head and 2x12 be better?!?!?! :mrgreen:

So I bought a head and ED 2x12 cab to test since I could not find any information on it. I spent 3.5 hours simply A/Bing them back to back. Faced the same angle, in the same room, with the same cable and the same guitar.... I tried clean, dirty, overdriven with an OCD v4, you name it. I even tried combo chassis to 2x12, etc to rule out amp differences...

I used my McCarty loaded with 57/08 PU's.

Instead of a diatribe of my research, I'm just going to give a general overview and invite anyone to ask specific questions they might have as I am sure I will not cover it all here...

In general - I found the sounds mostly identical in tone and character - yep - they are indeed both Electra Dyne amps. :) I WANTED to hear a difference with the head and 2x12 so I could justify keeping it. I really TRIED to hear a huge difference, but believe it or not, there wasn't.

The only differences I noticed was that the low end on the 2x12 setup needed to be dialed back slightly to be equal tot he combo as one would expect. Lem me clarify that - the combo as we know has TONS of low end, I am just saying that if the combo was at 12:00 for bass, the 2x12 would be at 11:15 to sound EQUAL.

While the combo measures 19 7/8 in height, the cab measures 17 7/8. Depth and width remain constant. Slight difference in space in the box and pushing more air with two speakers.

The other slight nuance I noticed is that the 2x12 has a bit more treble in general - very SLIGHT! I suspect this is in part due to the v30 in the mix.

The 2x12 does seem to have a bit more of a crunch sounds that lends to a metal kind of use when the fain is dimed for palm muting. If there was one other thing I definitely noticed, the head burned MUCH less hot than the combo - definitely due to the upside down design allowing the tubes to vent the heat upwards rather than directly into the chassis like the combo. Nothing a small fan cannot handle for all of us combo owners.

Again, I found the whole experiment reassuring because I am not going to get rid of my 1x12 as a result. It just didn't make sense.

READ: BOTH setups are AMAZING. I just don't feel the need to change and think the setup anyone gets should be largely a function of their format preference rather than worrying about 'missing' something. If I had a 2x12 /head config first, I would not sell it to get the combo.

I hope this helps!

By the way - the Head is for sale at the moment and is pristine - see my add in the FS section of the forum. The 2x12 cab was returned to the store yesterday morning. If someone wants to buy it, I can let you know what store and have my friend hold it for you.

Hey nice review Jmango.

When I got my 2x12 ED, the real deciding factor(for me), was the
smaller footprint of a combo. I don't have a lot of real estate where
I practice/jam at the moment. I can always plug into either of my cabs or a buddies
if I feel I need to.
My 2 Bassmans are collecting dust since I got my ED, I still find the tones
I was always looking for (YMMV) everytime I fire it up.
Great comparison.

I have a recto 1x12 with a vintage 30 and know what you mean about the slight treble boost, though I found the combo cab to have more low end, considiering the recto 1x12 is smaller this is to be expected.

I think both cabs sounded great, the only real noticable difference coming when playng clean, where the combo cab just sounded warmer and fuller.

Also, was your 2x12 cab on the ground? When I had a recto 2x12 I was running with my Road King, I had to put the cab on 2x4's because if I didnh't the bass was just overwhelming.

I think one thing I would have prefered may have been a head and 1x12 ED cab, simply for mobility. This combo is just so freaking heavy
When I originally test drove it I did so on the combo and loved it…I was thinking myself the smaller foot print would be better and less amp to lug around….I ended up getting the head figuring I could use it with any of the existing cabs I have if I wanted to change up what speakers I was running it through for a change of pace or tone…( I know I could have done that as well with a combo; but to me it did not look as cool) for sure what ever configuration you get it in …It sounds stellar ..!! :D

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