feedback: normal or excessive? Problem?

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Sep 1, 2006
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I just recently joined the mesa family by acquiring an older style, 2 channel dual rectifier and a mesa traditional cab. I gigged it the other day and i noticed it had alot of feedback. Given, I play in a post-hardcore/screaming/whatever band and the gain is all the way up and the volume is deafining-but I am wondering if this is natural for the older style dual recs? or if I should have the amp looked at? I have already changed the preamp tubes (with mesa sp12ax7), and it couldn't have made less of a difference. Also, my guitar is equipped with EMG's, so I don't think the noise is coming from there....If anyone is familiar with issue and could give me some advice, i'd appreciate it. thanks !
Having the gain up to max is ridiculous. Knock it down a little, it will lower feedback substantially. I find that using any more than 1/2 or 2/3 gain on a Recto is detrimental to your tone.
I think we have all been there. With most other kinds of amps/FX ... cranking the distortion/gain to max is how you get the hard core sound.

With your Mesa, you are going to get lots of great heavy/hard tones by relying more on your power amp stage. Try cranking your output way up, with your gain set around 12:00 (o'clock).

And, as we usually always mention ... grab/download your Mesa manual and seriously read it. Because if you are accustomed to other amps, then you are probably also turning your treble and bass way up and your mids way down - which on a Mesa sounds like mush. One of those 'read your mesa manual' threads.
nocluejimbo said:
Having the gain up to max is ridiculous. Knock it down a little, it will lower feedback substantially. I find that using any more than 1/2 or 2/3 gain on a Recto is detrimental to your tone.

+1 Gain more than 2:30-3:00 on the modern channel is ridiculous. EMG's are super-hot pup's as well which will only make the f'back worse. Try some more "reasonable" settings, and if that doesnt fix it a noise gate into the amps front end will (recommend ISP Decimator)
thanks guys... I wanted to initially blame all the feedback on the high gain settings, but I definitely wanted to get some input from others..I was tinkering around and did notice that taking the gain back even a little takes almost all of the excessive noise out. I was new to the amp, and was curious if it, for some reason, could handle all the gain/volume without feeding back.. kind of making sure nothing was out of the ordinary...
it depends on where i'm playin at..our practice area is kinda tight, so its rough there..and depending on the venue, sometimes im up on it, sometimes i have room..i was thinking that would be an issue too.