Favorite guitar / pickup?

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i play in 2 bands one is a hard rock band w/ a female singer and the other is straight up old style thrash and speed metal. i use 2 esp eclipse II standards w/ emg 81/60 pick ups. one is snow white the other is the tobacco burst. they are both 2010 editions. and i my pride and joy,,,,,, an early 90s esp hetfield explorer (before the lawsuit) black w/ 81/81 pick ups. i run those through two mark v amps. its godly.
I hate the EMG 81! I used to have that in most of my guitars until I put the EMG 85 in! WAY better than the 81! The 85 has a lot more bass and a sweeter topend with a little scoop in the mids! I could never understand the appeal of the 81. Maybe its just me! I have tried both though and now I use the 89 which is an 85 with a single coil built in!
Suhr Pro Series S3 (HSS) with V60LP singles in the neck / mid and SSH+ HB in the bridge. This guitar / pickup combination covers a LOT of ground. Absolutely loving it!
Hello Jorge,

I didn't try it, but heard possitive things about it in this forum. I will give it a chance before I replace them with Duncans.

Best & Saludos,

Que tal Marcelo,

give that mod a try...... if it doesn't work for you a have a set of JB's?/59's from an ESP MII, te las puedo vender bien baratas.

good luck
nyeguy said:
I hate the EMG 81! I used to have that in most of my guitars until I put the EMG 85 in! WAY better than the 81! The 85 has a lot more bass and a sweeter topend with a little scoop in the mids! I could never understand the appeal of the 81. Maybe its just me! I have tried both though and now I use the 89 which is an 85 with a single coil built in!

the reason the 81s are more popular and used much more by guitar companies is because of exactly what you stated. the 85 has a mid scoop and more low end. the problem with the 85s is that if your guitar has natural low end in it, the pick up will enhance it. so if you enhance the wood which has low end and the 85 which has lows and also CUTs mids,you have a tone shaping problem. you can always add low end with your amp,but you cant take it away if its from the guitar. so the 81 is a little more versatile. besides if you listen to amazing metal tones from the last 25 yrs,chances are its an 81 you hear. thats a fact.