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Man, we both went through the same trials and tribulations with our amps. And we both were looking for new amps at the same time. Go figure! I'm thinking good thoughts for you buddy!

Let us know how it ends up ...
The word is ALL GOOD!!.....Really didn`t get my feet wet yet but I don`t have ANY issues and i will sleep good tonight!....I do know one thing for sure though or both of those V30`s in my Horizontal 2 x 12 rectifier cab will go soon! I have been doing homework on this for a little while now.I`m a good listener for whatever experience recomends. any thoughts?
jeffp said:
The word is ALL GOOD!!.....Really didn`t get my feet wet yet but I don`t have ANY issues and i will sleep good tonight!....I do know one thing for sure though or both of those V30`s in my Horizontal 2 x 12 rectifier cab will go soon! I have been doing homework on this for a little while now.I`m a good listener for whatever experience recomends. any thoughts?

YES! Congrats! That is GREAT news.

I think the C90s sound best with the ED, but my tests were limited. My ED will have a mix because I like the way V-30s sound with gain ...
One of the guys...maybe yellowjacket recomended one V30, one C90....It`s so hard to know with the different cabs...some closed( my recto) ,some open, some 3/4.......?. but thanks for pulling for me on the amp!...
That is what I'm saying I'm doing as well ... the mix of V30 and C90. WIth my RA, the balance is nice on both the cleans and gain sounds.
I'm not really a fan of the C90, but I really like the way it sounds with the ED. That amp and that speaker just really seem to work well together.
On the whole V30 C90 speaker debate. I find volume to make a huge difference. Practicing at home, I tend to not like the V30. At low volume it often grates on my ears. Turn up the volume and the nature of the beast changes. Anyone else notice the V30 change with volume ?
J.J said:
On the whole V30 C90 speaker debate. I find volume to make a huge difference. Practicing at home, I tend to not like the V30. At low volume it often grates on my ears. Turn up the volume and the nature of the beast changes. Anyone else notice the V30 change with volume ?

V30s turn into monsters once the volume hits a certain level.
v30s buzz at low volumes but they roar once they hit gig levels. My issue with v30s is that while they give a great crunch tone, the lead is somewhat lacking. The v30 and c90 combination really smooths things out in a pleasing way and give a much more 'all around' kind of cabinet. You get great cleans, crunch, and lead without the individual peculiarities of either taking over. That being said, crank the v30s a bit. You might be surprised!
It's one of those things too where if you aren't cranking V-30s, or any other high power speaker for that matter, one shouldn't be surprised at the sounds they are receiving from the speaker. These speakers are meant to handle a good amount of volume and are designed to sound best with volume. Whether or not a Vintage 30 sounds good quiet is sort of a moot point in some ways. It isn't like one buys a $1700-2000 amp just to play indoors at television volumes every now and again.
Plenty of people who only play quietly at home have Boogies. My point is more that the V30 is a divided camp, lots of people love the V30 and lots of people hate them. I imagine a good deal of those that hate them don't play loud. The C90 works accross a wider volume range for me.
BostonRedSox said:
It's one of those things too where if you aren't cranking V-30s, or any other high power speaker for that matter, one shouldn't be surprised at the sounds they are receiving from the speaker. These speakers are meant to handle a good amount of volume and are designed to sound best with volume. Whether or not a Vintage 30 sounds good quiet is sort of a moot point in some ways. It isn't like one buys a $1700-2000 amp just to play indoors at television volumes every now and again.

Yeah, I have to disagree with the last part, too. Plenty of people buy high-end gear that never leaves their house. Certain people just enjoy having nice things.

And then there's me who's thinking about getting a Fender. :lol:
I used my Dual Rectifier as a **practice amp** for the last six or so years. When I started music school, the whole band thing really died. It was the first time when I wasn't working with others on a regular basis. I really put the guitar down for four years or so but I've been back at it heavily again and I'm now working on a project. YAY FOR CRANKED MESAS!!
Hey YellowJacket, I heard you mention the WGS Reaper in another thread, you got my interest when you said "higher highs" over the V30. For my clean tone, the V30 seems just to rolled off to get good sparkle and the lead tone is OK, but not great. Would the reaper have C90 like highs by any chance.

I think it would also interest some others here if you wanted to give us a mini review.

Shapes, non shame in having a Fender, I love my Deluxe reverb :wink:
Fender amps are great! So are Blackstars, Orange's, etc. Just so we are clear, I wasn't saying that people SHOULDN'T get a $2000 amp for home. I was just saying that most people buy high powered Boogies for playing in bands as opposed to strict home usage. If you do buy one for home usage, that is great! What one person spends is none of my business. I'm just saying don't judge V-30s in quiet situations.
Anyways ...

JeffP -- so how do we like the new amp? Compared to the RA or your Bogner?
J.J said:
Hey YellowJacket, I heard you mention the WGS Reaper in another thread, you got my interest when you said "higher highs" over the V30. For my clean tone, the V30 seems just to rolled off to get good sparkle and the lead tone is OK, but not great. Would the reaper have C90 like highs by any chance.

A demo with a dual recto.

The speaker is very different from a c90. Way more crunch in the mids and a much more even tone. Keep in mind it is basically a 'high power' version of a G12H 30 so it has some of those tonal characteristics. I'd say it has a high end sparkle, a good grunt / kick in the lows, and a really even frequency taper throughout the range of the speaker. It really does a sort of chainsaw type modern drive tone which is honestly very impressive. I would not say the speaker is iconic; rather it is a unique, new, and very attractive tone. Just keep in mind it is something different and I think there would be the potential to hate it as much as to love it. Personally, I'd DEFINITELY run two of them with my Recto if I had space and $$$s to afford another cab for it. As for the Electra Dyne, it has the potential to be a winning combination but I honestly have not heard it so I can't comment. The sound clip should at least give an idea of what they are about.

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