F50 upgrade to a F100 ?

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Feb 10, 2006
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Guys, I am new to the forum so take it easy on me :shock: . I just got a new F50. Great amp. The store offered to upgrade me to a F100 for $275 more. Not sure why I would need that much power. Can you tell me why I would need an F-100. Just want to make sure I am not missing something or a great deal and don't know it. Also I assume the F100 sounds as good as the F50 ? Why not mike-up an F50 to accomplish the filling up the room ? 8

Do you need the "Big Brother"? You'd be trading a versatile, portable amp for one that is also versatile but may require casters to move around with any level of convenience. It has 2x12's if that matters but from what I can tell most F-50 users love the tone from the 1x12

gsouth said:
Guys, I am new to the forum so take it easy on me :shock: . I just got a new F50. Great amp. The store offered to upgrade me to a F100 for $275 more. Not sure why I would need that much power. Can you tell me why I would need an F-100. Just want to make sure I am not missing something or a great deal and don't know it. Also I assume the F100 sounds as good as the F50 ? Why not mike-up an F50 to accomplish the filling up the room ? 8

From what I've heard from F-100 owners on this forum, the F-100 has a different tone to it. Probably more mid-range punch, would be my guess.
I own an F-50, and love it's tone.

I think that if you need a little more clean headroom, the F-100, could give you that. It was the F-50 that won the awards for tone. It has a great clean. So, it'd be your call. I'd listen to both side by side to help you make your decision. I've found the F-50 to be plenty loud, although, I'm not sure what type of music you're playing or the tone that your seeking. As Razmeister said, I can pick it up, too!

Good Luck with your purchase. Let us know what you end up with.
I guess I am intrigued by the power of a F100 but the funny thing is I am starting to wonder why they made it because hardly anyone seems to want it. They are all happy with their F50's. Maybe the F100 is overkill ! I am going to start a new thread on this to maybe get some more feedback.
Note that I am still debating whether to go to a F100 while the window of opportunity is still there with the music store. It seens a 1x12 extension cabinet is the same general price as upgrading from an F50 to a F100, and with upgrading to an F100, I would get the extra wattage with the F100...and the additional speaker. What do you think of my comparison between the two ? I am not sure what to do. Stay with the F50 or go to the F100. Input appreciated.


It depends on what you need (or want). I love my Road King 2x12 combo, but like today I was running late for work (I live 40 miles from work) and I have practice tonight and so I need an amp for practice today, but it's 18 degrees outside today... If I wanted to bring the Road King, I would have had to drop my kids off at school, go back home and get the road king and load it in my car, then I couldn't leave it in my car at work since it's so cold and I'd have to unload it and wheel it through my work place to my office and then load it back up after work. A lot of work for a 120 pound amp!!!! Luckily I have an old Fender Deluxe and I grabbed that instead of the Boogie, but I'll be sacrificing "My tone" tonight at practice. Times like this make me wish I had a 50-60 pound amp that could sound like I wanted!!!

So, think hard about your decision and you can always mic the amp for a live situation. But if the 2x12 will be more useful to you, then by all means get the 2x13 but if you're looking for someting more portable and easier on the 'ole back, get the F-50.

Oh yeah.... the Fender Deluxe and my guitar both fit perfect in my front seat so I didn't have to run back home after I dropped off the kids. :wink:
You will need casters to move the F-100 arround, but guess what? It comes with them. Not that the casters are going to help you lift anything up, F100 weighs over 100lbs.

The combos do sound different from each other, mostly because the difference in speakers. If you run just the amps from either into the same extension cab, the difference isnt as big. The F50 seems to be a tad brighter, but the 100 does seem to have a little more punch to it. Its very subtle though.

Just try both, and figure out which one you like better for yourself.