F-50 - too powerfull

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pau_leader said:
cliff hetfield said:
thanks for the info friends!
i will say that im very happy with my f50. its very warm sounding with awesome cleans and more than enough gain to play anything short of death metal.
ive been using a digital delay pedal and a boss dual overdrive pedal to boost my solos and get a little more liquidity. :twisted: 8)

How does the amp sound with that overdrive pedal?
well for soloing i use the 'crunch' mode with the gain and other levels right around 12:00. i get tons of sustain and a noticeble boost in volume and presence. i play a les paul and like to solo on the neck pickup this is where that pedal makes me happiest.
i do not use this pedal for my regular rhythm tone at all. its not necessary with my amp's plethora of gain.
i use it at rehearsal tommorow for the first time. ill let you know how it goes. i couldnt hear my solos that well through the bass, drums and other crunching guitar so i hope it (the pedal) puts me more 'out there' solo time.
the dual overdrive pedal worked out nice. found a sweet dirty setting. it also seemed to bring my solos out into the front more. then again there was no bassist yesterday, so well see next week.
cliff hetfield said:
the dual overdrive pedal worked out nice. found a sweet dirty setting. it also seemed to bring my solos out into the front more. then again there was no bassist yesterday, so well see next week.

Let me know when you practice with the bassist. :D
ok, jammed with the entire band last night. the overdrive pedal brought out my leads in a beautiful way. im very happy with it. i use the 'crunch' setting, which is just like using a tubescreamer. i use that on top of my regular distorted rhythm. my harmonics, presence and volume were boosted to greater levels. im very satisfied with the setup.

at this point i still must say that im extremely happy with my f 50 head. it sounds sick and its getting sicker. :twisted:
I just picked up a Weber MiniMass on e-bay and got it last night. Of course, I had to hook it up to the F-50 right away. On the whole, I'm very pleased with it...really helps to rein back the volume. Interestingly enough, though, I found that with the Master much higher than 12 o clock the sound really started to compress...and it was more apparent with the attenuator than I remember it being without (the wife was home, so I couldn't do an with/without comparison with the Master that high). Anyway, the MiniMass enabled me to have the Master at 12 o clock (or higher) and keep it at reasonable volumes...it was still a little too loud for bedroom or basement levels, but if I was home by myself it would be fine.

Of course, there is the perceived loss of treble at higher attenuation levels, but it wasn't too bad...just tweak the treble on the amp a little. I guess the Weber Mass has a switch for treble compensation, but it's a lot more $$, too. I can live with this one just fine.

Another thing I found interesting was that with the Master up that high, you really didn't need the Gain up that high to get a really nice sounding crunch. Also, with the power amp running that hard, you can really clean up your sound nicely with the guitar volume...much better than with pre-amp gain.

I doubt I'll run the Master that high very often though. I think the amp still sounds great with the Master around 9 or 10 o clock, and with the MiniMass, I can do that and still keep harmony in the house!! Besides, running that Master higher only wears your tubes out faster!
if a f-100 amp is complete overkil, I guess i should just sell my roadking head and call mr. smith himself and tell him he's wasting his time
developing amps soooooooo POWERFULL.
goneloco said:
if a f-100 amp is complete overkil, I guess i should just sell my roadking head and call mr. smith himself and tell him he's wasting his time
developing amps soooooooo POWERFULL.
haha! well, i guess im talking about for bars, band rehearsal and small gigs. the f 50 can blow the motherfig roof off the garage, cant imagine what double that power could do. :D

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