F-30 F-50 soundclips please?

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ok click the link for my music above, i got a clip of three seperate sounds.
first : bedroom level bridge pup. second: bedroom level bridge and neck.
third: slightly louder bridge pup.
i run my f30 thru a 4x12 at 16ohms. i mic the combo with a 609 and
the 4x12 with an mk319. mids boosted on mics about 3 db and mics
are panned hard left/hard right.
btw, heres a photo of the exact settings i just used.
TheRazMeister said:
Sorry but I'm not buying the below chart. There is NO WAY a 10 watt amp is 62% as loud as a 50 watt. And a 1/2 watt 25% as loud...sorry but someone at amptone had a hard night of partying before posting that info (no reflection on you frogger!!). My 50 watt ROV will make your ears bleed if you stand in front of it.

if you know something electronic engineers the world arround dont know, we'd love to hear it.
I'm looking at this from a common sense aspect. Think about it, a 1/2 watt amp 25% as loud as my 50 watt ROV monster? I just wonder if the chart meant more like a 30 is 85% as loud as a 40 and a 25 is 75% as loud as a 30 etc. I've included a link that gives some more info.

no soul said:
TheRazMeister said:
Sorry but I'm not buying the below chart. There is NO WAY a 10 watt amp is 62% as loud as a 50 watt. And a 1/2 watt 25% as loud...sorry but someone at amptone had a hard night of partying before posting that info (no reflection on you frogger!!). My 50 watt ROV will make your ears bleed if you stand in front of it.

if you know something electronic engineers the world arround dont know, we'd love to hear it.
Hey Frogger,

I just saw the picture of vulture's ch2 volume settings and I use similar settings at home for both channels.

I mostly play at these levels usually with the master turned right down to zero. The tones in my opinion are very nice. I've been playing with the Comfortably Numb solo, even at these volumes the amp sings and even more so with the overdrive on ch2. The cleans have me getting lost in chords where I can hear textures that I've never heard before.

I play a LP std and Mexican Strat BTW.

Anyway, I may be a little biased but after owning the amp for a few months I'm still blown away by the tones at bedroom level volumes.

And when you do get a chance to open it up ... what a little monster!

Hope this helps.
Hey Vulture, I'm still pulling some money together for a Mesa (actually I have enough for the F30 head not including shipping though), but I was wondering if you could post some more clips of the F-30's clean, and a light-to-medium gain. Dry.

What speakers are you using with that combo, btw?

Thanks man! I'm looking forward to them. I'd like to hear it through the speaker in the combo if that's not too much trouble.

I'm really dying to get one of these amps. My buddy has a Mesa 20/20 pre and 20/20 power amp and it sound really great.
The correlation between decibels and wattage is logarithmic. A simple way to look at it is that to cut volume by half, you have to cut watts by a factor of 10. So a 5W amp is half as loud as a 50W amp. Going the next step, a 1/2W amp is half as loud as a 5W amp, which means it's 1/4 as loud as a 50W amp. 1/4W is about normal talking volume. A couple other things to to keep in mind is that your amp is rated in average output wattage which means it could peak significantly higher (and conversely could trough, or bottom out, significantly lower) during use; further consider that your amp may be rated fairly conservatively.

A great source for F-Series clips can be found at the HC Forums F-Series Lounge...they are collecting all clips in the first post of the thread. Most of the clips are F50 clips, but there is one F30 clip and a couple F100 clips. Here's the link: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=885856&perpage=20&pagenumber=1
TheRazMeister said:
Sorry but I'm not buying the below chart. There is NO WAY a 10 watt amp is 62% as loud as a 50 watt. And a 1/2 watt 25% as loud...sorry but someone at amptone had a hard night of partying before posting that info (no reflection on you frogger!!). My 50 watt ROV will make your ears bleed if you stand in front of it.

You are incorrect. That chart is generally true.
Again you guys are looking at it from a simplistic math formula....Reality is that guitar amplication does not fit into a formula. A 50 watt rectoverb combo will destroy your hearing if you stand in front of it...a 10 watt amp.....you won't be anywhere near as threathened sonically. Another example of this is 50 solid state watts vs 50 tube watts...I think we've all been down that volume road.
There are way too many variables, such as headroom, speakers, pre-amp stages,etc to be able to bottle up amp volume into a formula....it just doesn't work. Needless to say, I've heard more than 1 guitarist complain that a 30 watt amp wasn't loud enough yet a 50 did the trick.

BlueBones said:
TheRazMeister said:
Sorry but I'm not buying the below chart. There is NO WAY a 10 watt amp is 62% as loud as a 50 watt. And a 1/2 watt 25% as loud...sorry but someone at amptone had a hard night of partying before posting that info (no reflection on you frogger!!). My 50 watt ROV will make your ears bleed if you stand in front of it.

You are incorrect. That chart is generally true.
I have an 18W marshall clone that I use to jam with in a 5 Piece band. I have absolutely no problem keeping up. In fact, if you were to stand in front of the amp it would rattle your teeth.

You can't deny the math, it is a proven fact. However, that being said, you are right in saying there are other facters involved.

Speaker db ratings and the number of speakers will definitely make a difference. Tube amps always seem alot louder to me than an equivalent or slightly higher powered SS amp. Cabinet type will make a diff as well. But, speakers and cabinets are outside the realm of "The wattage of the amp". They are what the amp is pushing. It is very possible that some of the people that complain about lower wattage amps not being loud enuff are victims of outside forces ...like low db rated speakers. The tone of an amp can also make it sound louder or not. Upper Midrange heavy amps will sound louder than bass heavy amps because they project the sound more and cut through the mix.

I went through the "I need a 100W amp" stage and I am glad I am through it and finally realize the truth of the matter.


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