Eq light on foot pedal flickers..

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2010
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If I hit the switch on the amp turning it on constant the light will go bright. If I switch it back to FS the light will flicker on the foot switch.
Although I'm sure you have ... did you unplug and re-seat the FS cable on both ends?
ixoye777 said:
Although I'm sure you have ... did you unplug and re-seat the FS cable on both ends?

Yea nothing changed, I don't really see how that could matter though. You would think if that was the case the light would flicker no matter what position the switch on the amp was in.
Try flipping the cord around so that the end that was in the amp is now in the footswitch. I had trouble with mine and that did the trick.
Also, if that doesnt work, the pin at the bottom of your jack on the amp might need shifting up very gently with a mini screwdriver, (just a couple of millimeters). That makes it contact with the jackplug properly.

I've had that on both my MKVs. Easily sorted that way, should you need too..
Boognoob said:
Also, if that doesnt work, the pin at the bottom of your jack on the amp might need shifting up very gently with a mini screwdriver, (just a couple of millimeters). That makes it contact with the jackplug properly.

I've had that on both my MKVs. Easily sorted that way, should you need too..

Thanks Boog, today it wouldn't light at all. I uplugged it at the controller and plugged it back in and it took care of it this time. So I don't know what to think.
No worries. :D

Could be that your jack interface on the lead is like microscopically bigger/different enough to make temporary contact.
Intermittent contact is often accompanied by your the clicking of the amp's internal switching going crazy.

One end is always better than the other, but if you want a good solid connection, regardless of which end of the lead you use, then the flathead mini-screwdriver is your friend, if you ask me. :D