Endorsement whores!!

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Rocky said:
Dave was back with Marshall within 8 or 9 months. I think it is safe to say that he was experimenting. He has been a Marshall guy since the 80's except for a 6 or 7 month flirt with another maker.

i believe for a while both dave and marty friedman were endorsing the hell out of crate blue voodoo amps in the mid 90's.
RJ2213 said:
Rocky said:
Dave was back with Marshall within 8 or 9 months. I think it is safe to say that he was experimenting. He has been a Marshall guy since the 80's except for a 6 or 7 month flirt with another maker.

i believe for a while both dave and marty friedman were endorsing the hell out of crate blue voodoo amps in the mid 90's.

Dave wasnt in on te crate deal. That was just Marty...even then Marty used the Prophecy preamp when working with Megadeth. Dave has almost always required his guitarists to use gear that fits the sound he wants for the band. The only 2 that have seemingly been allowed to bring their own stuff and keep it have been Al Pitrelli (Gibsons and Marshalls) and Chris Broderick (Ibanez and ENGL)

Dave has been using Rocktron preamps for over a decade now...back to the early 90's. He has always used Marshall power amps, except for the short little flirtation with Line 6.
Rocky said:
Megadeth has written many coherent songs, the whole album Dan Huff produced for them is easily accessible and is borderline pop. Way smoother than Metallicas most commercial music.

ok i dont want to go into the whole metallica vs megadeth thing on this board, i will give dave some credit as there are many megadeth songs i enjoy but the comparison to metallica is just waaaayy off. the metallica camp with the exception of st anger, has always put out solid song writing, arranging and killer riffs. the load era has lots great stuff on it where as the cryptic writings era has one or two songs that really stood out.

as for the clip....

- those line 6s arent power amps they are the spider valve prototype
- claims the line 6 stuff sounds better, why back to marshall then??
- didnt know he still used the rocktron stuff
- also looks like he uses the L6 stuff for powering his prophesy for some settings which i ddint realize

i will say he seems like a normal dude in that clip.... usually he's pretty out spoken and pompeous... its nice to see he can act like a normal human being
I guess you didnt watch the clip. "I use the amp with just half of it as a power amp" The pre and effect section on the Mustaine Line 6 is presented for the 'non professional musician' in the vid.

They are not the spider valve prototype, not a valve amp at all. He discussed his Line 6 stuff in the print version of that mag....they are modelers/high powered solid state power amplifiers. No tubes in them.

Pretty safe to say that he has gone back to Marshall because the honeymoon period with line 6 ended and he got his wits about him again. I have done that myself....plenty of guys have done the flop I suspect. WHen you buy a piece that is (seemingly) awesome for a while and then, one day,it doesnt do it anymore.

Dave is a normal guy...people are basing opinions of him based on the angry young junkie that he used to be. He is still edgy but is a married man with kids and a life.
yeah i rewatched it a couple times and i guess your right about him just using the power section (but then why model any amps... seems like a waste to me). anyway i'm sure he's a normal guy, and a nice guy at that but the way he presents himself to us normal guys, he just comes off like an ass. also after 25 years he's still pissed about being booted from metallica even after becoming as successful as he is... i dont get it

but he's still an endoresment whore... he's allowed to change his mind and have as many honeymoons as he wants, but he doesnt need to get paid every time he flops because god knows we dont get paid when we change our minds or else id be a very rich man :wink:
I think the modeling was more of a project for what would have been a production product rather than something that he uses live. Notice how he was always saying 'is similar to mine' or 'is very close to mine'

I have a feeling that Line 6 and he couldnt hammer out a deal that he liked so he went back to Marshall.

One thing about Dave...he is a businessman. Pretty good one too.

I th ink he is still upset about saying "Ireland for the Irish" and then having to be taken out of Ireland in a bulletproof van.
Rocky said:
I think the modeling was more of a project for what would have been a production product rather than something that he uses live. Notice how he was always saying 'is similar to mine' or 'is very close to mine'

I have a feeling that Line 6 and he couldnt hammer out a deal that he liked so he went back to Marshall.

One thing about Dave...he is a businessman. Pretty good one too.

I th ink he is still upset about saying "Ireland for the Irish" and then having to be taken out of Ireland in a bulletproof van.

i'll agree with him being a good business man.
carlsoti said:
boswell said:
Worse than Endorsement Whores are all the suckers who buy signature products!

Not all signature gear is just relabled stock stuff with a higher pricetag. I've played the Eric Johnson strat, and it's fabulous. WAY better than a BUNCH of the "custom shop" strats. Other than that, I'm not really keen on "signature" gear. I want MY sound, you know?

+1 Here I didn't buy my JPMM because Petrucci plays it, I bought because it fit me and sounded awesome!!
As a gear newb who has been doing a lot of research over the last 6 months on guitars and amps I have already come to the realization that endorsements mean little. I have already seen many contradictions. People change their rigs a lot as well I guess. You could probably cover 90% of the big name musicians with 4 brands of guitar and 4 brands of amp it seems. Ramblings of a newb.
Al didnt use crates in Ministry. He and Tommy VIctor have both stuck with Marshall stuff on tour and for a majority of their studio stuff.

Sin and other guitarists have been crate guys.

For nasty industrial tones like Al wants Crate SS amps work perfectly well. Al has even commented about how tube amps don't cut it for the ugly raspy tones he wants in Ministry.
Dave has almost always required his guitarists to use gear that fits the sound he wants for the band. The only 2 that have seemingly been allowed to bring their own stuff and keep it have been Al Pitrelli (Gibsons and Marshalls) and Chris Broderick (Ibanez and ENGL)

Untrue, I know that Glen Drover actually chose to switch to Dean when Dave did because he felt that it would be less of an awkward situation, Dave never forced him to! But then again, I guess Dave wouldn't have minded the ESP because it did fit the sound for the band as that was what he was using for a while.
Glen switching from Jacksons before Megadeth to ESP guitars when he joined 'deth and then switching to Dean when Dave made the switch is pretty convenient.....and is quite a coincidence.

Going to nice USA Deans as opposed to ESP guitars is a huge upgrade anyway. Dave and Glen were smart in changing over
I know he did on his accord because I have talked to him, he was my guitar teacher for a few months after he left Megadeth.

And ESP's are better :wink:
boswell said:
There's no getting away from the fact that the majority of signature gear is gonna cost more for no gain as there is a hungry artist to feed!

Not everything, I'm a fan of the Music Man BFR JP models, I think a very well made guitar and although expensive, believe you are getting what you pay for.

But what came to mind right away when I read your statement was "GIBSON" three models that came to mind "Jimmy Page" "Slash" "Ace Frehley"
6L6C said:
boswell said:
There's no getting away from the fact that the majority of signature gear is gonna cost more for no gain as there is a hungry artist to feed!

Not everything, I'm a fan of the Music Man BFR JP models, I think a very well made guitar and although expensive, believe you are getting what you pay for.

But what came to mind right away when I read your statement was "GIBSON" three models that came to mind "Jimmy Page" "Slash" "Ace Frehley"

The key phrase was "the majority of signature gear" :wink:
Agree, Dave has to be the biggest one that comes to my mind...............

I also agree with 6L6C, EB makes a great sig, you get the same one made for the artist and the artists have been with EB forever.............
I was recently checking out the Zoom website for a recording device. Could have sworn George Lynch appeared somewhere in a pop-up window flogging the product.
Yeah I bet he uses their gear! :roll:

6L6C said:
Not everything, I'm a fan of the Music Man BFR JP models, I think a very well made guitar and although expensive, believe you are getting what you pay for.

But what came to mind right away when I read your statement was "GIBSON" three models that came to mind "Jimmy Page" "Slash" "Ace Frehley"

My friend got one and it is sweet, i didn't even get to play it thru and amp and it still blew me away.

Anyway back on topic: what about all those guys who jumped on the Krank bandwagon? that didnt last long, i wonder how long Dime (RIP) would have stuck with them before going back to Randalls. who's left besides Dethklock?