EMG's with a DR - sounds flat

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I can't believe I forgot to mention this. This was a similar case on the first guitar I ever put EMG's in. If you look under the pick-up rings where the screw holes are....make sure there isn't a thick boss of plastic that is as thick as the pick-up mounting ring. It will really limit the adjustment of the pick-up. On my first go at EMG's my pick-up rings were ike that and I hade to cut them down with a file so that I could get the pick-ups close enough to the strings.
Guys I have been a emg user since 1996 until 2008. I threw them in every guitar I got. This year i got a prs custom 24 ten top, i had intentions on putting emg's in that guitar, i plugged it up and the stock pickups put a huge smile on my face, i ended up yanking emg's out of my other two guitars. My sound, my chunk has never been better. The biggest difference is that to me emg's sound great, they feel like sterile pooh. Go with a great passive pickup and you honeslty will never look back.
nathan28 said:
Guys I have been a emg user since 1996 until 2008. I threw them in every guitar I got. This year i got a prs custom 24 ten top, i had intentions on putting emg's in that guitar, i plugged it up and the stock pickups put a huge smile on my face, i ended up yanking emg's out of my other two guitars. My sound, my chunk has never been better. The biggest difference is that to me emg's sound great, they feel like sterile pooh. Go with a great passive pickup and you honeslty will never look back.

I thought the same thing when I got away from EMG's until I tried 18v mod EMG's.....no more passives....EVAAAARRR!
Good deal man. Now throw a second battery in there and forget about ever going back to passive pick-ups!
I've read a lot about the 18v mod and didn't really think about trying it till this thread popped up. Intrigued and the fact that it's SUPER SIMPLE and TOTALLY REVERSIBLE, I went ahead and did the mod yesterday. Tonight I was able to crank my amp and hear the difference. Before the mod I thought to myself how big a difference could it really make?? What the heck do they mean by preamp clipping? I've never heard the preamp clip before (i had but i didnt know it..yet...) wow.. It does take away a bit of that ''signature emg sound'' but it was like taking the governor off the throttle. My main guitar is a Jackson DKMG in trans black and my backup is the same guitar in trans red. I played the black one with the mod in 18v and then the red without the mod in 9v. Definite difference in tone. Although... tone is in the ear of the beerholder :lol:
nathan28 said:
Guys I have been a emg user since 1996 until 2008. I threw them in every guitar I got. This year i got a prs custom 24 ten top, i had intentions on putting emg's in that guitar, i plugged it up and the stock pickups put a huge smile on my face, i ended up yanking emg's out of my other two guitars. My sound, my chunk has never been better. The biggest difference is that to me emg's sound great, they feel like sterile pooh. Go with a great passive pickup and you honeslty will never look back.

I'm sure the original poster finds this very helpful in answering his question. :p
There's a few different video's A/B ing 9 and 18V, i'm not a fan of EMG so I didn't really like either. The extra battery does beef up the lows though.

Where abouts in NB are you MF? I'm a Miramichier.
Did you think about Seymour Duncan Blackout? I've heard they got more clarity and low end.

Edited: Btw I removed my EMG's the day I compare them to the Bill Lawrence pups but if you love active pups, stick with them (or go with the Blackout...).
I would like to try this mod with my Epiphone Prophecy, but there is no room for another battery, barely enough for one! Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
so is it the EMG that seem to lack bit, or is it because it' in my les paul. I found both the HZ's and the actives lacked bit when i tried a prophecy this weekend.
soundpurist said:
Did you think about Seymour Duncan Blackout? I've heard they got more clarity and low end.

If the Duncan BO's have more low end, that would be a negative for me. One of the many positives I like about the EMG's is they don't have a big low end in them which makes them even more suited for heavy rhythm playing.
Bourque said:
Where abouts in NB are you MF? I'm a Miramichier.
Saint John, though i've spent some time in the 'chi. Nice to see a fellow NBer on here!

soundpurist said:
Did you think about Seymour Duncan Blackout? I've heard they got more clarity and low end.
I had considered them until i held them up beside the EMG's at the store. The blackouts are about 1cm taller than the EMG's and in my SG that would have required a significant amount of routing just to get them to fit.

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