EH Tubes and Gain

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Feb 5, 2008
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Hey Everybody,

Sorry if this has been covered before, but I can't search until I have 5 posts. I have a 50 Cal and was wondering if if EH tubes can handle the gain without squealing.

Depends on how much gain. If you are cranking the gain on your amp then boosting it with pedals or whatever then nothing will help you with squealing.

For most people EH tube should be fine.

Pickups and other factors can also give you screeching.
Nope, I just run straight into it. I do like my gain on 10 sometimes, but if I needed a pedal in front of it too, i would need my head exaimined :wink:

Thanks, I can get EH's pretty cheap at my local shop.
Tubes are unpredictable, one EH could be good another could scream at you.
I am using the EH as a phase inverter right now. I find that the Sovtek LPS is a beter match for the gain channels and I would give one of them a try if I were you.
Yeah,I've heard some good things about Sovtek LPS,
specially when it comes to gain,high gain.
However I ordered a retube kit of JJs for my Triaxis
and if that go wrong than I'll surely check out LPS,
thanks for reminding! :)
I like EH 12ax7's. They're a bit hotter and brighter them most new production preamp tubes.
With any pre amp tube you still need to buy tested and graded ones i.e low noise and microphonics and high gain. The phase splitter should have balanced anodes too. The Mesa/Boogie 12ax7 is essentially a tested and selected EH tube although my MkIV has a mixture of Tung sol reissues and EH tubes all branded 'Russian 2' ?? Sounds awesome too !! :D If you buy untested it's a gamble, you could be ok, but ever wondered what happens to the tested tubes that don't make the grade .......?? :shock:

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