Egnater Rebel vs Electradyne

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I haven't read through the posts on this thread but... I play and Egnater Mod50 every day. That being said all the Egnaters available at Guitar Center are MIC while the Mesa ED is Made in Cali.
Very nice clip skunizzi....very soulful indeed! You sound great and thanks for sharing!

I purchased the Renegade 2x12 my setting tips, etc....may be different for people playing through the head / and a different guitar. Also, I primarily play my Suhr Pro S3 or American Strat Deluxe HSS guitars which will definitely sound different than your hollow body.

However, I do recommend that you crank the Renegade up a bit (if you haven't already) to significantly notice the tonal differences between toggle settings, gain and tone settings, and the awesome 6L6/EL34 mix knob...because these differences become much more apparent playing through my guitars at higher volumes.

Also, since you did purchase the head.....It would be great if you were able to try it through the Egnater 2x12 Tourmaster cab at your local guitar store (if possible) and provide feedback to how that combination sounds to you. My local store did not have the head and cab, but some people praise this head/cab combination it to no end at the Egnater forum site FWIW.

One other note to other posters.....yes, these amps are made in China and their reliability may be in question. However, IMO sounds fantastic and one thing that I am very impressed with is that Bruce and /or Ian Egnater are very responsive to posts on the Egnater User Forum. They are a small company that really cares about keeping their customers happy!

I am not saying that MB does not care about their customers....and of course, they are a much bigger company. In fact, I have had excellent customer service from MB for that matter.

However, I must admit, that I relished the response directly from Mr. Egnater when I asked specific questions that others users were not able to answer on the Egnater forum.

I am still very pleased with MB in general, and specifically, my MkV amplifier. I continue to be amazed by it without question...and it has been perfectly reliable since I bought it new over a year ago! Only time will tell about the reliability of my Renegade, but I am loving what I am hearing from it so far.

Just wanted to clarify that that was not me playing in that video. I found that one online. If I get a chance I may just make a video myself playing the head, but it would be through a Marshall 412 cabinet for now as I haven't purchased another cabinet for it yet.

Tomorrow I will bring the head to a jam session and see how that baby handles the playing in a live setting. I'll get back to you guys and let you know how it turns out.


Just curious about your ED vrs Egnater Renegade comparison. I was not able to achieve great footswitchable "balanced" sounds out of all modes of the ED playing live. Clearly, others have been able to achieve this and then some with the ED and I think that is great!

I will say that I am loving the flexibility of my new Renegade 212 combo and the great sounds that I am able to achieve from this amp in both channels!

Personally, I have no regrets at all trading in my ED for my Renegade 212.....YMMV....just curious?
Man, $1,000 for a great tube head doesn't sound like a bad price at all =-o

It would so interesting to AB the Renegade with a 'Dyne. From everything I have read about Egnater, I get the impression this guy doesn't cut corners and these are quality heads.
I own both an ED and Egnater Renegade amp. If you were to compare the tone on both of the amps you would notice that the ED is more of a vintage sounding amp with some plexi overtones. More beefy comes to mind if I had to put a name to the sound. The clean on the ED is wonderful and the drive channels are very vintage sounding. Overall a great amp no regrets with it at all.

The Eganter Renegade is also a very nice amp. Very flexible tone wise. You can get some very nice Overdrive from this amp but to me it is not as vintage sounding as the ED. Its a little more boutique sounding but it can hold its ground against the ED. I would not say better or worst, just different. I like it a lot.

The Clean on the Engater is very nice almost gets you into Fender territory but I think like the cleans on the ED better. To me the Ed offers a harmonically richer clean channel compared to the Eganger flatter sounding clean channel.

For the money, I don't think I've heard a nicer amp than the Eganter Renegade with as much features built into it. The two channels with dial knobs to blend in the 6L6 or EL34 tunes to your liking is fantastic.

I would suggest you try both to see what you prefer. You can't really go wrong with either. Its just a question of which you play more. For me its about 50-50 for both amps. When I play live I take my Eganter Head since its way lighter and flexible enough to leave a few pedals I normally bring along with me behind.
I've had a chance to try out the Eganter in a jam setting with a full band. I can now say that the amp preforms very very well. I can get the fleability I need with the really well designed footswitch, the two channels and tube blending knob. I've been playing through an old Marshall cabinet at the studio cuz that is what they had, and it sounds pretty good. I'm sure a better cabinet would be even better especially for the cleans.

To be honest, I didn't even need to being my pedals to the last jam. I found that I had no problem getting all the tones I needed right from the amp. I find that now I'm playing the Egnater 95% of the time.
Thanks for the update skunizzi, and I can completely relate!

I love the great sounds that I am achieving with my Renegade 212 in both channels. I abolutely love how great this amp sounds when rehearsing with my band. I also am just plugging my guitar directly into my Renegade......and WOW does it ever sound great with the rest of the band! The direct out feature to the mixer (PA) offered with the Renegade is excellent. Way better than any other tube amp manufacturer that has attempted to accomplish this same task! The Renegade is the only tube amp that I have owned that I feel comfortably using this feature in lieu of mic'ing the amp cabinet(s) during a live performance. It is that good IMO!

I am not saying the Renegade is a better amp than the ED at all. I am just saying that the great sounds and features of my Renegade suits my needs better than the ED.

Glad you are enjoying your Renegade as well skunizzi! :D

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