Effects up front

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2007
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What is the best way to introduce effects into the Lone Star. I would assume the effects loop but I understand that using a pair of longer cables will reduce sound quality. I have a GT-8 and was wondering about using it up front, guitar, GT-8, amp. Is this not as good idea? It seems that running it through ther effects loop would require a midi control device so that I can keep the effects loop cables short for the best sound. Any thoughts?
I'd run it in the loop if used for effects only (ie no distortion). If choosing between more cable length out front vs. in the loop, I'd choose in the loop every time. The signal in the loop has already been brought up to line level by the preamp and is much less suceptible to degradation from cable length.
Yes, thanks, I only use it for tremlo, chours, eco, stuff like that. I will try the effects loop.
Cool. One thing to think about is to make sure your input and output levels are set correctly. This is a big deal; setting them up poorly can lead to major tone suckage. You generally want the signal coming in to the processor be as hot as it can be without peaking (distorting) and the output of the processor should then be set so that the amp volume is the same with the processor in the loop as it is without it. There is probably specific guidance in the GT8's manual, these are general rules. Good Luck!
Is the Lonestar loop series or parallel? My loops are all parallel and I can only get a mix of dry and effect using them. Sucks for Wah pedal setting (I am in a Motown tribute band, must have Wah!!). I have EMG pickups on all my guitars so I just go Guitar>Effects>Amp and it sounds just peachy. Using some Korg thing-a-ma-bob with all the goodies in one box plus a pedal. If I ran passive pickups there might be some loss of highs though. Experiment, you will cause no harm!!
Please forgive the poor spelling from my post last night, it was late. I will check into the GT-8 manual. Question: Is it correct that the more you increase the effects send dial on the Lone Star, the hotter the signal you send to the device?
Thanks again,
Artmusic said:
Please forgive the poor spelling from my post last night, it was late. I will check into the GT-8 manual. Question: Is it correct that the more you increase the effects send dial on the Lone Star, the hotter the signal you send to the device?
Thanks again,

Yes, that is correct. :D
Boltino said:
I'd run it in the loop if used for effects only (ie no distortion). If choosing between more cable length out front vs. in the loop, I'd choose in the loop every time. The signal in the loop has already been brought up to line level by the preamp and is much less suceptible to degradation from cable length.


I personally use the GT-8 in the effects loop of the TriAxis. There is also a 4 cable method that allows you to use the first stage effects, like the wah and tuner, before the amp input and the loop effects, like delay and chorus, in the amp effects loop.

There is also an "amp control" jack on the GT-8 that allows you to switch amp channels via the GT-8. Don't know how this would work with the Lonestar.
I set up the GT-8 using the effects loop, took some time to play around with volume settings, A/B'd back and forth with effects/bypass untill I was able to dial in the same tone as when using bypass. It sounds great, thanks. What a difference in tone between the Les Paul and the Strat. Now if I can only get rid of this annoying rattle/buzz I am getting when playing a G note.
Thanks again,

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