Effects and my Road King

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May 24, 2005
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I need help. I have a Road King Combo amp, I also have the following effect pedals;

1. Crybaby from Hell Wah
2. Strobostomp tuner
3. Boss Metal Zone Distortion pedal
4. MXR EVH Phaser pedal
5. Ibanez Chorus
6. Line 6 DL4 Delay

I have all hooked up in front of amp. Would you do differently? If so how would you use the effects loops serial and parallel with the pedals and or a combo of different hookups. In other words if this was all yours how would you hook it all up?

boss metal zone? "dude"!!
let me get this straight, your running a boss metal zone through a road king.
what a waste of money. $2699.00 wasted by the "THE METAL ZONE"
save your rock n' roll soul now
-sell your road king on ebay
-go out and buy a line 6 and NEVER come back to this forum.
goneloco said:
boss metal zone? "dude"!!
let me get this straight, your running a boss metal zone through a road king.
what a waste of money. $2699.00 wasted by the "THE METAL ZONE"
save your rock n' roll soul now
-sell your road king on ebay
-go out and buy a line 6 and NEVER come back to this forum.

Go easy on him. Hell, I used a Boss "Heavy Metal" pedal in front of my Triaxis just for shits and giggles. Who knows, he might be using it on channels 1 and 2 to get a different distortion sound. To each his own...
Go easy on him

Once again, here I am backing you up!! :D

Hell man, i'm using a V-twin on channel 1 of my T-verb and Rectoverb for different tones (used it with my 3 channel Triple recto as well). When you play in a cover band you sometimes need more levels distortion than your amp has to offer and different tones than an amp has..... I understand the need for the added distortion pedal.

Line 6 makes good stuff, but it's not my cup-o-tea and I'm sure it's not yours since you have a Road King! You're welcome on this board anytime you want, srakow!
Would you not want to put the chorus there also? My thinking is that any modulation effect such as a Flanger, Chorus, Phaser etc, should go after the preamp stage unless your entire rig is being driven off the clean channel of the amp. One word of caution, if the RK is anything like my ROV, it's almost impossible to use anything other than a 100% mix of the FX loop to get a good chorus sound.

tele_jas said:
Delay in parallel effects loop.

Thats exactly what I was gonna say, you beat me to the punch.
Just my expierence with modulation FX in the loop are that they don't work too well.. The only FX I get/got to work well in the FX loop were the Delay and Reverb since they are more time based FX. Even then, the reverb would never be a real deep/lush reverb but the delay works great that way.

With the parallel loop, you have the dry signal as well as the wet signal going to the power amp to be joined and pushed out the speakers (kind of like a "Y", the top part going in to the power amp, one wet and one dry, and joining the two together before the speakers)........ so modulation FX get coverd up, for the most part, by the original dry signal and are hard to get what you want. Unlike a Series loop where the dry signal is ran through the FX first and then one signal, with the FX added, are ran to the power amp and pushed out the speakers. I actually modded my Tremoverb to be a series loop and really like it like this.

Thats just my $.02 worth, and I just really confused myself with this reply?!?!? :? Hope you can understand it.
All i wanted to know was if you had these effects how would you hook them up. Im not stupid, I know what the Road King is, and how good it's tone is. As an earlier post suggested, I use the Metal Zone for a particuliar sound thats all.

Sorry did'nt mean to offend anyone by the question, I'll ask elsewhere.
Just curious and no I didn't understand a word of what you said :D....When I set my FX mix at 12:00, there is no sound whatsoever. That's why I've been cranking it all the way. Anything less than half sounds distant and doesn't give me enough of the effects.
BTW - is the Reverb on the ROV a placebo? 'Cause honestly I can't tell whether it's on or off.

tele_jas said:
Just my expierence with modulation FX in the loop are that they don't work too well.. The only FX I get/got to work well in the FX loop were the Delay and Reverb since they are more time based FX. Even then, the reverb would never be a real deep/lush reverb but the delay works great that way.

With the parallel loop, you have the dry signal as well as the wet signal going to the power amp to be joined and pushed out the speakers (kind of like a "Y", the top part going in to the power amp, one wet and one dry, and joining the two together before the speakers)........ so modulation FX get coverd up, for the most part, by the original dry signal and are hard to get what you want. Unlike a Series loop where the dry signal is ran through the FX first and then one signal, with the FX added, are ran to the power amp and pushed out the speakers. I actually modded my Tremoverb to be a series loop and really like it like this.

Thats just my $.02 worth, and I just really confused myself with this reply?!?!? :? Hope you can understand it.
From what I understand, you're supposed to set your FX unit to as close to 100% and as wet as possible and then run the boogie as close to 10% as possible. It sounds to me like you don't have your FX unit set very wet? I was running an FX unit and I had my reverb set at a 90% mix with alot of decay/dwell...... I had my Delay set to about 80% mix with 40% feedback. If I ran this mix of FX in a series loop, it would have sounded like Dick Dale stuck in the Grand Canyon but in the Parallel loop it almost wasn't enough. Check your FX unit mix and levels and you probably need to bump them all up, if that doesn't work.......I'm lost, my brain can only hold so much information and If I learn anymore about the Boogie FX loops I might forget something else..... like my name :shock:

I have a Rectoverb II combo and I'll agree with your Reverb comment, I have to do a quick string rake between songs to make sure I haven't accidently shut off my Reverb - and if I did, I don't think it would matter too much. Now my Tremoverb is a different creature, it has a very nice reverb!
Tele, I mis-stated my issue. What I meant to say is that my MESA FX mix is at 100%. The 12:00 setting not getting any sound was also the Mesa mix. I feel like if I put the Mesa at 10% I won't get any response from the actual boxes. My other issue is that my Chorus and Delay don't react the same way thru the loop. There is nothing that will make my Chorus sound good short of running the loop mix at 100%

tele_jas said:
From what I understand, you're supposed to set your FX unit to as close to 100% and as wet as possible and then run the boogie as close to 10% as possible. It sounds to me like you don't have your FX unit set very wet? I was running an FX unit and I had my reverb set at a 90% mix with alot of decay/dwell...... I had my Delay set to about 80% mix with 40% feedback. If I ran this mix of FX in a series loop, it would have sounded like Dick Dale stuck in the Grand Canyon but in the Parallel loop it almost wasn't enough. Check your FX unit mix and levels and you probably need to bump them all up, if that doesn't work.......I'm lost, my brain can only hold so much information and If I learn anymore about the Boogie FX loops I might forget something else..... like my name :shock:

I have a Rectoverb II combo and I'll agree with your Reverb comment, I have to do a quick string rake between songs to make sure I haven't accidently shut off my Reverb - and if I did, I don't think it would matter too much. Now my Tremoverb is a different creature, it has a very nice reverb!