Educate me on Triple Rectifiers..

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
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1. When were they first introduced?
2. Are they all three channel?
3. Is there a year or model in particular that is prefered?

I love these amps and I'm considering selling my Rect-O-Verb combo to get one - would you?

I believe that they were introduced around the same year as the dual rectifier (if not the same year, 92'). They come in 2 and 3 channels just like the duals...I think they switched over to the 3 channels in early 2000. Also, like the DR's, the 2 channel TR's are said to have been tones etc. I own a TR, and I think it sounds great(though i like my pre-500 better)... It's a beeeotch to re-tube though because of the high # of tubes. I am going to sell my TR at the end of this month (payment pending) to help me afford the pre-500 that i just got. I hope this was helpful-
OK, so forgive my ignorane but is the TR just a higher wattage amp (vs. the DR)?

I know it has one extra rectifier tube.. to achieve the additional power correct? In other words, if I had a DR and a TR from the same era, should they sound similar? One would just have more power? The TR's I have played seem to have a totally different voicing than DR's.
Its also got 2 more power tubes than the DR, but I don't know if the cuircuit boards are different or if they used different transformers etc...
Single Rectifier = 50w (2 x power tubes)
Dual = 100w (4 x power tubes)
Triple = 150w (6 x power tubes)

The Dual and Triple were only updated to 3ch versions.

If you search the forum you'll find lots of threads about the history of the Rectos and their lineage etc.
Triples were not introduced in 1992, or maybe not even 1993. I have never seen nor heard anyone speak of a Triple Rectifier that early.

A Triple is a Dual with 50 more watts. Same features...

BUT! Those extra 50 watts give you more headroom. This is good news if you like a sparkling clean channel, but bad news if you like lots of power tube saturation (since you have to crank the amp more to get it to distort).

Furthermore, I don't agree with people removing power tubes in a Triple (like you are allowed to do on a Dual) to reduce the wattage. When you remove tubes on a Triple, you are reducing the impedance by 1/3. There is no "1/3" impedance on your cab last time I checked. However, the Dual goes down by 1/2, which you can then go to 8ohm, 16, 4ohm, etc.

I've only played a Triple once so my opinion on this next part doesn't count, but I've heard people say they are tighter and have more gain???? got to make a fair comparison to validate those claims.
All of the Triples I've played sound distinctly different from Duals. The higher headroom changes the tone. I think the three channel Triple is the best sounding of the current Solo heads, which is why I have one. ;)
NoGlassNoClass said:
Elpelotero said:
...tighter and have more gain????

Tighter, yes (due to the extra headroom) More gain, no. Same preamp circuit as the Duals.


Don't sell your ROV, you will regret it...unless you need the headroom of 150W and/or the extra channel. The tone from an ROV is great, no need to be gassing for a triple (penis envy :roll: )
I owned a 99 2 chnl TR for @ 4 years and I loved it. At the time, my band was on an upswing and rollin' hard, we were playing large rooms, halls and ampitheatres.

But the TR with 150 watts only equates to +- 3 decibels, that's it. Yes, slightly more head more for sure but to use where?
Most are not playing big halls and ampitheatres and most of the time you can't saturate the power tubes where the real deal sweet spot of rectos shine.

To me the DR is perfect for all my needs but the headroom of a TR is nice, if you can use all your volume, if not she just idles. :roll:
According to the Pioneering page of the new catalog they are claiming the TR as '92. I haven't seen a '92 TR yet though as far as I know.
Then they go further to post up a pic too of a three channel and claim Dual and Triple Rec's as of '91.

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