Dunlop DCR-2SR Rack Wah buzz problem

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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2007
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I bought a rack wah a few months ago, and the first one I got was a dud, so I sent it back and got a new one. Only problem is both of them buzzed like crazy if they were before the preamp on a higher gain setting. Anybody have a problem like this? Right now it's after my TriAxis and it works ok. I've tried it with my Racktifier too, and it still buzzes like mad if it's before the preamp. Is this normal? Wah's are usually in front of the preamp, no? I've tried all the basic stuff: cables, different AC circuits, taking everything out of the rack, etc. I don't mind the wah after the preamp on the cleaner sounds, but it kinda muddies the higher gain stuff.

domct203 said:
Are you sure you don't have a bad cable in there somewhere?

Yep. Swapped them all out. Even bought some new ones. I've even tried it with all the different amps and guitars I own.

Keep the unit after the guitar

When you had it before the preamp did you have some pedals before the wah? Maybe overloading the input?

Did you try to use the wet/buffer out as opposed to the wet/dry? If either one of these is buzzy and the other is not there is problem with the unit.

Have you disengaged the EQ on the wah (if you are using it at all)? Maybe extreme settings overloading.

The volume on the wah do you have it at a neutral setting? And have you tried to even decrease it?

One I should have asked first. Is it buzzy on bypass also or is it just when the wah effect is engaged?

I know it’s a new unit but have you tried some contact cleaner (non-lubricant). Spray a plug and run and twist those jacks. I have a DCR-1SR there was a time I did not use it for 1 year it was stored in a climate control place along with other gear when I went to use it again I had the identical problem you are describing. Meanwhile the other gear was fine. Its worth a shot!

If you could? Would you post the results weather you solve the problem or end up sending the unit back? Reason being I have interest in upgrading to the 2SR. I love my 1SR but I would also like to have the adjustable "Q" that the 2SR has and come to think of it the 2SR also has the Fasel inductor.
6L6C said:
When you had it before the preamp did you have some pedals before the wah? Maybe overloading the input?
Nope, straight from the guitar to the wah to the input of the TriAxis/Racktifier/MkIIb, whichever I was using at the time.

6L6C said:
Did you try to use the wet/buffer out as opposed to the wet/dry? If either one of these is buzzy and the other is not there is problem with the unit.
Hmm...not sure which one you're talking about's a picture:
I had the guitar plugged into the Wah Input and out of the Wah Output. Haven't tried the Wah Thru...I'll give that a shot tonight.

6L6C said:
Have you disengaged the EQ on the wah (if you are using it at all)? Maybe extreme settings overloading. The volume on the wah do you have it at a neutral setting? And have you tried to even decrease it?
Yep, I've pressed all the buttons and turned all the knobs. No changes at all.

6L6C said:
One I should have asked first. Is it buzzy on bypass also or is it just when the wah effect is engaged?
All the time. Even with the wah on bypass. Even with the power supply for the wah unplugged! That's why I'm kinda leaning towards having another bum unit. I hope not, cause it's probably out of warranty...gotta check my records. If it is indeed a bum unit, I think I may just ask for my money back and get an old fashioned Crybaby. For a $600 unit, they should have better quality control than that.

jaquetapus said:
6L6C said:
Did you try to use the wet/buffer out as opposed to the wet/dry? If either one of these is buzzy and the other is not there is problem with the unit.
Hmm...not sure which one you're talking about's a picture:
I had the guitar plugged into the Wah Input and out of the Wah Output. Haven't tried the Wah Thru...I'll give that a shot tonight.

Hey Dave
Sorry about that was just looking at the directions to the 2SR. I was assuming that the 2SR had a buffered out and a unbuffered like the 1SR.

Does not sound good, sounds like you covered everything. But you might want to try to PM someone who already has one try “nathan28”. Have you also tried Dunlop support? But it pretty much sounds like you exhausted almost every possibility, which sucks!


What did you end up doing? Did you resolve the problem or just return the unit and move on to something else.
Well, have an email in to Dunlop's tech support, to see if I'm doing something wrong. [though I couldn't imagine what it would be] If they can't solve it, I'm expecting them to replace it, I'm even willing to pay shipping if need be. If they won't then I guess I'll try and return it to Musician's Friend and get a Bad Horsie. We'll see. I might try calling them later too.

Also own a Bad Horsie and a Bad Horsie II both nice the II is a bit more versatile. As you can tell I love different wah's.
I was also thinkin about looking at the Tremonti wah...I like that vocal midrangey tone. That's why I bought the rack wah, to have that option.


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