Dual Recto Serial number in the very low 1500 range

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OD pedals CAN be useful if the amps' overdrive has exaggerated frequencies or you're not able to play very loud. Here's something that I consider to be very useful, although it works best with an amp with a series loop: get something with an input and/or output level to go in the effects loop. Turn the amp up, and leave it where the volume gets the saturation that you like, then use the makeshift master volume to get the volume where you want it. If you can't get loud enough in this case, an attenuator used in conjunction will help. The amp's volume is the real key to getting good distortion, although OD pedals can be a part of the equation too.
I can see where BMarchant is coming from. Boogies don't hide anything. If you have lackluster technique, your boogie will tell you right away. I have a Yamaha dg130 as a practice amp in my bedroom. When I first started practicing sweep arpeggios they were sounding pretty good on that amp. Then I went into the basement and turned on my DR.


I wasn't playing nearly as smooth as I thought I was. Killer sounds come from the amp AND the fingers.... Unless you're Billy Gibbons and can make a CRATE sound good :lol:
danvortex said:
I have an article in Guitar player in wich Kirk hammets says that his secret weapon is his tube screamer ON at all times in front of his Mesa Boogie amps...

I'd be curious to know the issue so I can check it out. I'm not disputing it, just interesting since according to James, they haven't used an OD pedal for rhythm tones since "Ride the Lightning."
well, i'm just telling you what was in an article i have seen in a recent Guitar player "master of Pupets 20th anniversary interview with Kirk"
he says that he has is tube screamer ON at all times in front of his MESA
Maybe his MESA is only used for his lead work than ????