Dual Rectifier!!

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Jan 2, 2007
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hey guys, i just got my dual recto via ups this afternoon! :D
Heres some pics of it...


when i got it, two of the tubes were out of the sockets, which worried me.. then i found two little black pieces, which belong in the middle of the prongs on the tubes>

yeah, they were both busted off
but anyways i noticed the previous owner had two JJ EL-34's and two 6L6's in and i was like wtf?? so i dunno yet if he ever ran it in this configuration, but im guessing if he did it could damage the amp. On the bright side, i have 2 Mesa EL-34's that i can put in place of the 6L6's, and i just wanted to know if it is ok to use JJ and Mesa tubes at the same time.. i would put the one brand in the outside positions and the other in the middle two spots and i think it should be fine, am i correct?

Edit: more bad news... looking at the tubes i had, i discovered they are a different kind of EL-34 tube with more prongs on the bottom and a different shape.. im really wondering now if i can use them together...

I dont think it would harm to use two different types as klong as they are in matched pairs

the snapped poles are somewhat worriying,lots of forumites would say its safe to use them but I used a nomad 100 with a snapped center pin and the fuse kept blowing....pain in the ***

I would either only use two tubes and run at 50watts or buy a complete new set,the later being the best option!!

i bought a dual recsecondhand once and just replaced the tubes.I have found that most of the problems you will encounter with a 2nd hand amp is with the tubes being dud.

amp looks mint though.congrats!! :)
ok just one more question.. if i take out the two center tubes, the operators manual says to take out one of the rectifier tubes as well, does it matter which one you take out???
schecter06 said:
ok just one more question.. if i take out the two center tubes, the operators manual says to take out one of the rectifier tubes as well, does it matter which one you take out???

99% sure the answer is yes... not sure which ones though.
try this...

run the head in silicon diode mode with the rectification switch on the rear,,,then it shouldnt matter about the rectifier tubes because these are disabled,meaning you can pull those out to

I have my dual rec with no rectifier tubes in because I run the head in diade mode all the time so ther is no need for them

as I mentioned I would probably buy a whole new tube kit for it and then there should be no problems,I know its a pain the *** when you've just bought a new peice of gear and it aint working properly!!!!

it sucks..big time
If you have to run the tubes with broken guide pins locate the direction of the guide and match it to the socket. They should run fine provided the getter flashing is still intact. If the vacuum is broken the flashing will turn white and can come off the side of the tube. In either case the tube will not be useful. As long as the tube is still good you shouldn't be blowing fuses. I am running one of my 420's without the guide pin. Like I said you just have to be careful to locate the direction of the guide on the tube and align it properly in the socket. Believe it or not, tubes are pretty rugged. They can handle some bouncing around. They used to use them in tanks. I wouldn't suggest attempting to find out how rugged they are but you should be fine provided that the tube is still intact. I would just check them out once they are in your amp for noise.
The power tubes look like an "intergrated quad" from eurotubes.

What bias was the amp set at? (EL-34?)

Also it looks like the tubes are not paired up correctly. The pairs are outside 2 tubes and inside 2 tubes ( A-B-B-A ), not left pair and right pair.

Do yourself a big favor and get a bias probe. Just because you can't adjust the bias doesn't mean don't bother checking it, especially when you try non-Mesa tubes. It's a priceless piece of gear IMO.


Do you work in a hospital? I thought your choice of background was interesting.
Russ said:
Do you work in a hospital? I thought your choice of background was interesting.

Haha actually my mom does...

anyways i contacted the guy and he said that he musta just stuck the wrong ones in and he intended to have 4 EL34's in it so i think he will be sending me them. He says they are the EL34's for mesa amps, so i would be able to run it that way, but i plan on picking up some Mesa tubes and keep the JJ's around for backups
you'd better write and ask him to make sure he didn't run it at all with the 2 EL34's and 2 6L6's in it. and if he did, send it back to his ***. something seems shady. should be pretty easy to tell the difference between 6L6's and EL34's, especially if they are different brands.
If Bob spec'd the tubes I am sure that the integrated quad would have been fine. But it is still better to run a full set of known rated tubes and tube types together. Though there shouldn't be much concern running those JJ's as they are EL-34 replacements anyway. I could see if it was a 6L6 it might cause some concern but it is E34L's.
yeah, ive been running it without the rectifier tubes and with 2 mesa EL34's at half power, but im just going to get new mesa tubes for the rest of it.. i will get pictures of it up soon on my 1960A cab and my schecter... it sounds amazing :D