Dual Rectifier Vs. Lone Star

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Jun 23, 2006
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Hi guys,

I sold my Crate Blue Voodoo about 3 months ago, and ever since I've been in the market for a new amp. I've been researching and trying out amps since then. I had my heart set on getting a Dual Rectifier and buying the Recto cab, but it was alot of money...I then went to GC on the memorial day sale and noticed a Mesa 1x12 Lonestar Combo marked at $1299. The list price on these are $1699. I NEVER see Mesa marked down. I plugged in...and sounded great. I ended up buying the amp and taking it home with me. Now, GC has their 30 day guarantee, so I planned on trying it out (which I have done) and I'm still debating whether or not it is the amp I should go with. I play in an original band that does mainly modern rock tunes. It's along the lines of the Goo Goo Dolls, Staind, Nickelback....etc. The Dual Rect is definitely better in my case, but the convenience of having a combo is great, expecially in live situations...not to mention, I got a great deal on it...and it does sound really really good....just not as good as the Dual Rect (for my uses)....BUT the Dual Rect and cab would cost more than twice as much as I paid for the Lonestar. The Lonestar sounds GREAT for tons of different styles (especially blues) and I love the clean channel......and I got such a good deal on it, that it almost makes me want to keep it....but at the same time, I've always had my heart set on the Dual Rect. and I won't be able to get it if I keep the Lonestar. Please give your opinions on what I should do. It's coming close to the 30 days and it's alot of money we're talking about. Thanks
Well, it sounds like you should probably just buy a dual rectifier and cab on ebay. You could get the amp for around $1200 used and a cab for around $500 or so.
Sardocasm said:
Well, it sounds like you should probably just buy a dual rectifier and cab on ebay. You could get the amp for around $1200 used and a cab for around $500 or so.

Even though I got the Lonestar for such a good price? (and like the tone...just doesn't come quite as close as the dual rect)
The Lonestar is a great amp and you got a killer price on it, but if you're not getting the most out of it's tone, then you should probably get the amp that fits with your music and you're own taste.

You might want to try out a few pedals and see if that will give you the sound that your looking for, but the Lonestars and the DR's are two different animals.

It's sort of like your getting a roast beef sandwich on sale, but you were really hungry for a Spicy Salami sandwich. Both are good, but...

Good luck with whatever you decide.
Brewski said:
The Lonestar is a great amp and you got a killer price on it, but if you're not getting the most out of it's tone, then you should probably get the amp that fits with your music and you're own taste.

You might want to try out a few pedals and see if that will give you the sound that your looking for, but the Lonestars and the DR's are two different animals.

It's sort of like your getting a roast beef sandwich on sale, but you were really hungry for a Spicy Salami sandwich. Both are good, but...

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Well, I've gotten TONS of compliments on my tone recently, which made me think I should keep the Lonestar....but if I think I could have a better tone with the Dual Rect., I almost feel like I should get it. In all honesty, it's the killer deal that I got that makes me not want to take it back...plus I am a recording engineer, and you never know when that Lonestar could come in handy.....I still have to do more thinking....more opinions please!
for light gain, blues, and stuff like that the lonestar is going to blow away the recto. If you really like your tone now, why sell the amp? you could end up regreting it
I agree with the last post. I have a Dual Rectifier that i run through a marshall 1960A cab. I play in a original band as well along the same lines of modern rock to heavier rock and i am completely happy with my dual rectifier, and i know with time my tone will keep getting better as i keep learning about the beast that is a MESA! But, like the last post said, if you like the tone you are getting now, you may end up regreting giving it up when you get the recto. If i were you, i would take a trip to somewhere you can go play a dual recto with the recto cab and make sure that is the amp you really want. Then you will know if it is worth it. that is just my .02 cents. If you trade this in and get the dual rectifier without playing it, you may regret it and then not be able to get the deal you got on that amp. I would just see if you can get somewhere to play the dual to make sure it is what you want.
Don't worry about the deal you got. If the recto is the amp (and tone) you're looking for, you will eventually regret not going for it.

The recto sound like it would much more up your alley. And it is very versatile....VERY versatile, so it will do you fine for a wide variety of music.

As it is pricey, you can either go used, or for the cab, get an avatar loaded with V30's (www.avatarspeakers.com). Amazing cab.....I tested it against a mesa, and there is no reason to spend the extra money...I heard nothing different. Great cab at an amazing price.
you know you mentioned that you like that its a combo, why not try out a rectoverb? 1x12 50 watt recto. while the clean is no loanstar its more than usable. plus you should be able to find one for well under a grand. :)
I had a rectoverb before my LSC 2X12. I love the LSC. To me, personally, the Lonestar is more versatile than the rectoverb. To be fair, I only had the Rectoverb for about 6 weeks and gigged twice with it. The Lonestar I have had for over a year now and gigged at least twice a month with it and I am still tweaking it. It will do hard rock easily. I find I have the gain down to about 1/2, same with the drive, and it's got plenty of balls. I use a TS-9 to push it for leads. It's just like the manual says, the tone controls become much more active when the gain is not cranked.
If you're sold on the DR, then you have already made up your mind. If you like the LS enough, keep it.
A pedal does help, but to me...if I'm going to be spending this much money for a tube amp, I better be using the distortion. The Lonestar does do hard rock pretty well, but not quite as well as the DR. I love the Lonestar but it just doesn't really fit the style I've been playing. I've heard both sides...ha, now I'm even more confused.

The Rectoverb is an option too, but the GC in Cincinnati never has one for me to try out, so I've never actually played it. Any more advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Do you have the Special or Classic? I have owned both and think the LSC is more versatile than the LSS. Your choice weighs heavily on the music you play. The DR may be a better fit, but like JoeVFR said, the LSC is covers a lot of bases
If I were you, I would go for the dual rec. Its what you really want. You want the lonestar, but what you heart tells you is to go for th dual rec.

Go for the dual rec.

(or try to buy both)
I agreee with ibanez4life. The lonestar may be giving you great tone now, but after the honeymoon phase, you may regret not getting "the real deal". or what you can do is keep searching on ebay for a used rectoverb (I've seen for around $800 or so) or dual recto with the money you saved with this purchase and any money you can save up until you find a good used recto - and have both!
Try a Roadster 2X12 combo. It has a closed back cab and 4 separate channels with independant reverb. I have found it to be an eye-opening amp with so many sounds. I havent tried it in the 1X12 combo but I'm sure it would fit your application and could save your back because the 2X12 is heavy.
I'm ready for the tar and feathering but here we go....

Most people use too much gain and don't sound as musical.

If people are commenting how great your tone is it might be best to keep the LSC.
People are commenting on how great my tone is but I simply think that's because it's a Mesa. You really can't go wrong with any Mesa. Regardless, it sounds great. I just don't think it's the amp for my needs. Because the Lonestar is so versatile, it comes really close to what I need, but not quite close enough. I'm honestly still in the debating process. I played 2 shows with the Lonestar this weekend, and was pretty happy with the way it performed. The sound guy put my amp on 2 chairs and seemed agrevated that I didn't have a 4x12 cab. However, I really am loving the whole combo deal (compared to taking a half stack).
WTF was the soundman trying to accomplish?

I had a soundman try to do it that to me once and he said so I could hear better. Then I pointed out to him that it was tilted back and he still said it should be up higher claiming that it would sound better.

Again, I asked why, and finally it ended with him saying that's what they always do for combos but he didn't really know why.

Hearing that I just let him do it and realized he was not only an dumbass, but a failure in the works for a soundman. It became obvious though in the show that they cut the guitar frequencies drastically at a shelf around 250 likely to keep the bass as the only instrument thumping in that range.

It was very weird to walk back and forth from my amp to the mains / monitor and hear how odd my tone was.

Friends remarked that the mix didn't sound like us.

Oh well.
If you don't think that it's the amp for your needs then you shouldn't keep it regardless of how good the deal was. I have an LSC and to me it's the best sounding amp in the world, but it took me 4 prior amp purchases to finally stumble across the LSC. Now I have a bunch of amps sitting in my house collecting dust that I should have returned within the proper return period. When you find the right amp you will know without a shadow of the doubt that you found the right one.

That's just my 2 cents.

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