Dual Rectifier Advice Please

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2007
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I don't know much about Mesa amps but I played a 3 channel DR at the weekend and it sounded great.

I want to buy a DR but I have seen loads of stuff on these forums about pre 1000, 2 channel > 3 channel etc.

I have a background with Marshalls, in 1983 they changed the amps for the worse and they have never sounded as good again imo, that's why I bought a 1980 JMP.

I THINK that the stuff about pre 1000 is mostly bs, but it does seem there are many revisions of the DRs and people don't seem to like the 3 channel versions.

Please can somebody give me or point me at a quick summary of changes to the DRs and also what are generally considered the best sounding ones, it might not be the same as the Marshalls where its a very clear cut thing......

I would read the thread that ytse_jam suggested. The whole "pre1000" thing is just a marketing ploy that one guy recently used to try to sell his amp. The thread on the rectifier lineage will give you the best information on the revisions of the DR.

In a nut shell, tone is subjective. I *personally* prefer the earlier DR's (with serial numbers < 503 :wink: ). In my opinion (many will agree, some will not) generally the cleans on the 3 channel DR are better and the distortion on 2 channel DR's are better. If you played a 3 channel DR, and you loved it, then go with that. Goodluck!
Definitely give the thread ytse_jam linked a read (full of great info). As far as the whatever recto sounds best..... I love my 3 channel and I wouldn't trade it for a pre-whatever anyday, but that's my ears, my guitars, my cabs, my hands, my pickups etc.
Try as many as you can and choose the one that makes sense to you (do you need 2 or 3 or 4 channels, what kind of power options do you need, etc). I don't have any of that nasty fuzzy high end everyone talks about, but I also use ev 200 watt speakers, so I don't get any speaker distortion and have a huge and tight sound.
If you're looking at buying new, I'd check out the Roadster- 4 channels, lonestar cleans, 50-100 watt selection on each channel, built in reverb.
If buying used, and you only need 2 channels, definitely check out the Tremoverb, great recto tone, with an amazing clean channel, and built in reverb and tremolo. I also love the Maverick- simple controls, el84 power section, huge sound with sparkle, and plenty of gain for anything (except death metal), it might not have the tone you're looking for, but if you have a chance check one out (it took me by surprise).
Most all of have fun in your search and good luck finding the right amp for you.
Thanks for all your input! :)

What really stuck out in the thread was about the transformer changes. This is exactly what changed (along with number of caps) in the JCM800's in 1983 and while later JCM800s sound good, if you place them side by side the difference is staggering. I think that might be the 'mojo' that Elpelotero is talking about!

I'm looking for a modern high gain amp to compliment the JMP, adding The Unnamed Feeling to Hells Bells if you like :) Cleans aren't so important and 2 channels is cool. Tone is everything to me and sounds like I'd prefer the revision D.

I live in the UK and it's often difficult to find, let alone try older models, easy to test new ones - which I've done but can't afford.

I don't fancy my chances of finding a D, it sounds like they were made up till about 94? Do they say the revision# somewhere or do you just have to look at the serial#?

Also, is the tremoverb just a combo or can you get heads?

boola said:
Thanks for all your input! :)

What really stuck out in the thread was about the transformer changes. This is exactly what changed (along with number of caps) in the JCM800's in 1983 and while later JCM800s sound good, if you place them side by side the difference is staggering. I think that might be the 'mojo' that Elpelotero is talking about!

I'm looking for a modern high gain amp to compliment the JMP, adding The Unnamed Feeling to Hells Bells if you like :) Cleans aren't so important and 2 channels is cool. Tone is everything to me and sounds like I'd prefer the revision D.

I live in the UK and it's often difficult to find, let alone try older models, easy to test new ones - which I've done but can't afford.

I don't fancy my chances of finding a D, it sounds like they were made up till about 94? Do they say the revision# somewhere or do you just have to look at the serial#?

Also, is the tremoverb just a combo or can you get heads?


Recent info shows transformers go up into the 1000's. But, after 503, there is no documentation of there being a RevD. Only F's and G's. Rev D was made until 1992. The revisions are written on the circuit board next to the big blue capacitors. The serial can sorta give it away if you familiarize yourself with the numbers.

tremoverb is both
Which era is cheaper for Dual Recto? The Rev F's and G's?

Do 3 channels generall sell for more than 2 channel model's all things being equal? Or is the market based purely on condition?
I have a 3 channel and just never got the 2 channel hype if that's what you want to call it. The 3 channel gives you an amazing clean sound, sure the roadster on paper may offer even better cleans, but i think the Dual rec clean is really something! The problem with alot of Dual/triple rec users is they run the clean channel with scorching hot pickups, and don't get a good clean tone. I have a super hot bridge pickup i use for gain but a nice warm low output for the cleans, it's a good pairing. You are not going to get fender cleans, but you will get a ton of headroom and amazing tone, it's just different. It's a bit darker and shimmers less than a fender, but like i said with a good pickup you can really get something special.

Another thing(I should make a topic on itself) is what your looking for. The modern channel is what the bread and butter may be for the dual rec, but with the 3 channel you get Vintage and Raw, which I just learned is where the real tones are at in my opinion. The raw channel is just sick with a hot pickup, gives you crushing gain with the tone to back it up. I'd been messing with the modern for literally years never getting what i wanted. Any recto will take you a long time to dial in, just the nature... As said before the controls are really crazy and responsive. Just taking the treble up from 12 to 2 o clock for example is alot different. The manual is really good at explaining what each one does.

Don't forget tube changes (Pre and power) to really change the sound. Can make a big difference! The bottom line is do you really want an amp that has been through possibly multiple users? Think about it... there are only what 500 or less of those old 2 channels people rave about floating around? Might be hard to come by.

Best of luck and don't forget the Roadster as mentioned. I'd check it out, if i could buy one now and get rid of my DR i might. Though the 3 and 4 channel voicing while still "Recto" seems to be voiced slightly different to my ears.

Have fun if you decide to stick with the 3, sounds like you almost bought it on a whim(From saying you don't know much about mesa's). I honestly did the same thing, i heard it... sounded great and was like "Can't go wrong with a mesa!"... Now let's hope those neighbors think the same way :)
Thanks again for all the replies, this is a helpful forum!

Can someone please tell me how much power a dual rec uses? I think I will probably get one from the states so I'll need a step down transformer.

I'm sure a transformer rated 1500vA do the job? ie able to handle about 13.5A
us uses a 110v stepdown trannie ive got a us one here in aus and its a 240 to 110v
Undeadpaladin said:
I'd been messing with the modern for literally years never getting what i wanted.

This is the reason so many people are going back to the 2 channel amps. You get instant tone...It may be something for you to check out one day.
Do the outside power tubes on this amp look ok to you?

lol, after all this help and advice, I've just gone and bought a MK IV!

Happy New Year everyone. :)
Still... I would love a pre 500 DR to go with it. It can't and wont happen unfortunately but... it would be nice :)

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