Dual Rec w/ OD sputtering on palm mutes? - FIXED

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What you are saying makes sense.. but it still boggles my mind why this would just start happening all of the sudden.. nothing has changed at all in my setup.
Platypus said:
Hmmm.. why would it start happening all of the sudden though?

The only thing that I've changed recently is activating the loop control on my amp.... I usually never use it but when I got my delay I started to.

I should try to bypass it and see if the problem still happens.

Also, the feedback is huge there because I'm literally sitting on top of the amp, I usually play further back.

You may have an interesting theory though.. maybe someone can validate it?

I'm new to tube amps. I'll throw some suggestions out.
Does the Dual Rec have a tube for the loop? Maybe a bad tube? I have heard of Rectifier loops acting funny also. Is the delay pedal hooked up right, send and return correct? not an insult to you, but it happens.

What are your settings, I'll try and replicate.

This is a weird problem.... :roll:
MetalMatt said:
Platypus said:
Hmmm.. why would it start happening all of the sudden though?

The only thing that I've changed recently is activating the loop control on my amp.... I usually never use it but when I got my delay I started to.

I should try to bypass it and see if the problem still happens.

Also, the feedback is huge there because I'm literally sitting on top of the amp, I usually play further back.

You may have an interesting theory though.. maybe someone can validate it?

I'm new to tube amps. I'll throw some suggestions out.
Does the Dual Rec have a tube for the loop? Maybe a bad tube? I have heard of Rectifier loops acting funny also. Is the delay pedal hooked up right, send and return correct? not an insult to you, but it happens.

What are your settings, I'll try and replicate.

This is a weird problem.... :roll:

Yes there is a preamp tube that controls the FX Loop, it is V4.

This happens when the loop is active on the back but the FX loop is off via footswitch so I can rule out the connections being bad (also because I use my delay a lot).
Is the delay powered properly? Don't delays take more power? I've seen some people use 18 V adapters with their delays.....

Did you try completely disengaging the loop? Did it change anything? If so, maybe it's the loop's preamp tube.
Ok swithing the loop to bypass did nothing for my cause but..

after reading some advice from another board I did this test:
(note when I say delay, I mean the time for the amp's idle hum to come back after a note is hit)

I kept my amp and head in one room and with a long cable went down the hall from my room and tried it with my exact settings.. with this, the decay is gone and the delay for the hum is only .5 of a second now.. which I expect to be a normal operation? All the strings sounded the same at least with the delay now instead of the E string decay/waiting for the amp hum to resume type sound I was hearing earlier.

Is it possible that I was just too close to my amp and because of how high gain my signal is and because I'm usually about 2-3 feet away in a tiny room that there was too much feedback causing either A) microphonic tube issues or B) too much noise that my attenuator was kicking in its noisegate and choking the notes?

I'll need to do more testing but I think this may have been the issue.. just too close.

Any thoughts or experience with this would ease my mind greatly!
After a few blown fuses and assorted cursing I saw the arc, inside a rectifier tube.

Put two new rectos inside and bam, we're back in biz.

Sad, the GZ34's were great.. I really liked the tone from them but I don't think I'll be getting another pair.
Thats Great! Im happy for you. There is nothing like that feeling after getting something fixed!

Going back to Mesa Rectifiers? May I ask why you aren't getting another set of GZ34?
MetalMatt said:
Thats Great! Im happy for you. There is nothing like that feeling after getting something fixed!

Going back to Mesa Rectifiers? May I ask why you aren't getting another set of GZ34?

They run significantly hotter than the Mesa ones do and I'm worried it caused all this trouble because of that.. I probably just got a bad tube but now I'm paranoid :shock:
I hear ya! I wouldn't want to injure or kill a great amp. I was thinking of getting a set when my rectifiers go south...now I'm seconded guessing that option. Thanks for the info!

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