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Well-known member
May 18, 2005
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I am very close to purchasing a Dual Rectifier right now, but Im clouded by some last minute confusion. Hopefully you guys can help me out..

I know the specs and the obvious stuff about these amps. Thing is I dont have the money to go and buy one of each of these to compare. What i get is what i get...So...

I called Mesa and spoke with a rep.

1. He told me that he personally believes there isn’t a huge night/day difference between a TRD Recto Cab, and the Oversize Cab. Obviously the bass is a little tighter on the Trd Cab, BUT WHAT DOES THAT REALLY MEAN?! Can someone point to me an example of a band, or a sound clip saying “this is what tight bass is!” And then refer to another band and say “this is loose bass.” He told me that the oversize was specifically made more for the recto amps, but everyone has their preference and I want to know mine. It’d really help a lot.

2. Second thing I want to ask is about the 2ch vs. 3ch debate. I also asked about this and he told me they once A/B both amps after hearing complaints of the 2ch being smoother than the 3ch. He says at the same settings they sound different, however, if you play with the settings they both sound the same. He also said the 3ch has a much improved clean (ill take his word for that one). Can someone who has PLAYED BOTH give me their honest opinion? The specific rectifier tones I am after are Incubus (Idiot Box), Creed, Linkin Park, Hoobastank (anyone ever see them play live? Great tone!) Which of the two would best help me achieve those kind of sounds?

3. I’ve heard complaints of “FART SOUNDS.” This is a cabinet issue and I was wondering how to evade it? Can anyone help.

4. Anyone ever tried a Dual Rec into a Road King Cab?
1. Tight bass tends to thump. Loose bass tends to boom. These are exagerated examples, but they're the best I can come up with. Given the bands you listed, I'd lean towards the oversized model.

2. I've only used 2ch Rectos so I can't comment on the 3ch models. Personally, I wouldn't get all hung up over it. Half the argument revolves around people who have 2ch models trying to one up the people who "only" have a 3ch.....

3. Fart sounds happen when retards operate the amp's bass knob. They're entirely avoidable. Some pickups also sound tighter than others...just because they sound good through a Marshall doesn't mean they'll jive with a Mesa.

4. Nope.
Hi, I just bought my Mesa last week after a few months of testing so ill share my opinions if it helps.

1. Tighter bass. I found that if your palm mutting (chugging etc). The over sized cab can have a wooof sound to the bass. Being bigger and airy the sound takes just a touch longer to settle. This is that afterboom you feel on a sudden stop. Its sooo minor though, alot of guys feel it may be sloppy or muddy, but its not, its still tight, theres just a different accent to it than the Traditional cab. For the bands you listed Oversized has my vote as well...more thunder.

2. Ive tried a couple of 2 channel Recs before buying the 3 channel. I saw very minor differences. I mean they all have very slight differnces to them anyway being handmade. I eventually went triple rec 3 channel because i like the option to toggle between 2nd and 3rd channel in different distortions. The 3 channels have 8 modes and I believe they are more versitile. If its heavy your after, there is no risk with either, but my vote goes for 3 channel (I bought it new, over a used 2 channel).

3. Haha fart sounds hmmm ive never heard this one. We share our space with another band who use 2x 2 channel triples, and have used these amps for almost a decade, and of course mine, nothing like that at all. I would chalk that up to...uh....sloppy players mabye...lol!!

4.I tried the road kingcab the oversized (new and used) the traditional and others. The oversized cab (std and Trad) are made for the rectifiers, its not an accidental match they sound good together. After I bought my head, I shopped the cab. Trad was rich sounding, but i wanted the oversized bass response ( i play heavy). After hearing a brand new cab against a used, I bought the new on the spot, I was giggling it sounded so good.

Hope some of that was useful...

I'd agree with everyone's comments, so I won't repeat them. I opted for the oversized cab cuz it gives that full balls sound. The chugging is incredible. Keep in mind that it does require some fine tuning. I got pissed when I couldn't get the sound I wanted at first. But when you find it, oh when you find it...it so nice.
Also, the guys from Incubus, Linkin Park, and Hoobastank use a lot of effects to get that sound. Mike Einzinger (incubus) uses a DR Tremoverb, which is discontinued, and makes a bit different tones than the DR, as well as a Hughes/kettner rotosphere, phasers, delayes, envelopes, eq's, gunkulators.........
Since Incubus and Linkin Park use 2ch DR, to get their exact sound that's what you've got to use. I think I get pretty close to that sound w/ my 3ch. I also think the 2ch/3ch arguement is a bit jaded by one who owns a 2ch vs one who owns a 3ch. I've got a 3ch and am pretty happy w/ it. At least w/ a 3ch, you'll be getting a new amp whereas a 2ch is gonna have to be used, and I hate sloppy seconds :p
Check out this site, it has some bands rigs... www.guitargeek.com
I've used both the 2 and 3 channel heads. At the moment I have a 2 channel and don't think i would buya 3 channel again.

To me the 2 channel sounded less processed.....If that makes any sense?

More raw
Here's the way I think about it...

Does the Bottom End stop when I stop playing?

If not then I consider it loose...

If so, then it's tight...

amp, speaker cab and/or room all play into this
I played out of an ORIGINAL dual recto today. Not just a 2ch, but the original design (no global master volume, no different modes on each ch. etc etc)

It had stock Mesa tubes and everything else, and Id have to say it sounded really different from even the later 2ch models. Make no mistake, it was defintiely a Recto as we all know it, but still different sounding. It was a little more raw sounding, but without being grainy.

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