DR Reborn: EHs in V1 & V2 - what to expect?

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2010
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Buenos Aires - Argentina

I have two spare EHs 12ax7 and was planning to try them in place of the stock ones in V1 and V2. Before I start playing with the screwdriver would like to know your opinion on whether it´s worth it or not...I mostly play metal (a la Evanescence, Lacuna Coil, etc.) and my guitars are loaded with SD JBs amd SD Blackouts.

As the stock tubes in Reborn heads are JJs, I expect the amp to turn a bit brighter as JJs have a bit darker high end. Whether it's worth it depends what you're looking for. I still wouldn't expect night and day difference.

You don't need a screwdriver to switch the tubes. Remove the plastic cover and gently rock the power and rectifier tubes out of their sockets. After that take hold of the metal cover around a preamp tube and turn it until it unlocks and bounces up.
As the stock tubes in Reborn heads are JJs, I expect the amp to turn a bit brighter as JJs have a bit darker high end. Whether it's worth it depends what you're looking for. I still wouldn't expect night and day difference.

Thanks, the amp is quite bright stock, I don´t think adding top end will help.

You don't need a screwdriver to switch the tubes
I prefer dismounting the chassis to work with the tubes, thanks for the suggestion.

Best :D ,
If you are going to do anything throw a tung sol in V1 and that will help with the clarity of the amp. It will make it a bit brighter, but once again that is why you have the treble knob to lower that brightness