does anyone here prefer the dual solo head to the tremoverb

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2008
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western australia
im not liking the tremoverb just sounds weird its not less fuzzy or clearer then the normal 2 ch solo head at all maybe its just me?
Sounds like a tube problem. Try a retube before you give up. I've had both and the TOV is the better sounding amp.
well we should say it depends on the music you are playing. for more metal hard rock i would say the dual. But for Rock to hard rock then the tremoverb.

Tremoverb has more upper midrange, better for rock.
siggy14 said:
well we should say it depends on the music you are playing. for more metal hard rock i would say the dual. But for Rock to hard rock then the tremoverb.

Tremoverb has more upper midrange, better for rock.

Personally I think the TOV has a touch MORE gain that a DR.

I own two of each, and I can assure you the TOV will definitely do Metal, although, yes, traditional hardcore is generally played without tremolo or reverb, so the DR is a more bare bones approach.

But they both have BALLS for sure!!!
correct me here but I thought the two channel Dual Rectifier was a subset of the Trem-o-Verb although the Red Channel Modern Hi Gain sensitivity (preamp) was slightly higher. e.g. ToV's preamp gain on 12 o'clock equals 2Ch DR's preamp gain at 10 o'clock.

The difference is Trem-o-Verb has the additional Red Channel / Blues Mode, Reverb and tremolo where the 2 Ch Dual Rec does not and is more devoted to metal. If you are into metal, you probably don't need the Blue Mode, Tremolo or reverb.
the tremo has exactly the same amount of gain if even more. its a mint condition tremo serial num is i think 5007 has some hum on the modern high gain channel but blues is dead quiet and the cleans are amazing. i retubed it with svetlana el34's and tried 6l6s so its not a tube problem it doesnt sound close to the solo head at all
i retubed it with svetlana el34's and tried 6l6s so its not a tube problem it doesnt sound close to the solo head at all

IMO, EL34's sound way different int the TOV from 6L6's. I was getting a really harsh tone from mine when I had the EL34s. I moved over to the GT GE6L6s and it was dramaticly better. I don't know about the hum issue you have, but there may be something wrong with the amp.

But, YOUR ears are the judge. There's nothing worse that playing an amp you don't like just because everyone ELSE says it should sound good.

Just my $0.02
yeah everyone really hyped me up for the amp im gonna try different 6l6's cos i love em in the rectos.jon hows the roadster compared to the tremo??
hows the roadster compared to the tremo??

They are just different. When I first got my TOV, I liked it so much that I was going to get rid of the roadster. As time wore on, I found uses for both. The roadster is like a Lonestar/Dual Rec sandwich. Fenderish cleans to over the top distortion. The awesome thing about the Roadster is the 50/100 watt and Diode/tube rec switches. Getting to go Diode/100 for clean and Tube/50 for dirty is a great feature. The TOV kinda has it's own sound all the way around. I love them both so I don't think I could pick one over the other. I do however only use the TOV live. It's just easier for a singing guitarist to hit one button to switch channels.

One more thing to check out in the TOV, try using GZ34 rec tubes and running it on tube rectifiers. They are a lot stiffer than stock, but they still retain the tube dynamics.

cheers im gonna look for some 6l6's now and jon your tremo looks awesome in the wheat grill i really wanna get one for my all black one hah.thanks
I still own my TOV. I bought it new when it came out. I had a 2 channel half stack for a few years and played them both live all the time. In short, I sold the half stack and just have the TOV now. They DO sound different. I cant quite put my finger on it. Maybe its that the TOV was an old one. (atatched power chord, pointer nobs etc) and the solo head was newer. I ended up liking them both and just tubed each differently to resolve the sound differences.

I put 6L6s in the TOV and EL34s in the solo head. I also ran the TOV wet (delay only) and ran the solo head completely dry. I A-B-ed them on stage. Just a monster chord going in and a speaker cable and thats it. It worked well for me.

I think guys here like the TOV so much because it isn't as scooped sounding sometimes as the solo heads...and that its different and not as well known of an amp. (I guess I should say MINE wasn't as scooped sounding)

If you don't like it, don't let peer pressure lure you into using it.
I will say this about the highs...they are a little annoying matched with the wrong guitar. If you have a bright guitar, forget it. I settled on a PRS McCarty and had to re-wire and replace all the pick ups on my other 2 PRS' to sound good through the amp.... it was WAY over bearing in the high end department.

Regarding what works for metal and what doesn't...lets get's a high gain amp. It does metal beautifully. It just depends on your taste. I am tuned to C and dropped B with the JUST FINE! There is not one the "does metal better then the other" just because one has three more features then the other does.

Just use what sounds good to you.

That said, give it a chance but don't hold on to it just cause guys here say its cool...LOL :lol: :wink: :wink: :wink:
i owned a 2ch dual in the 9000s and now own a tverb in the 4500s. when i had em both cranked side by side it was an almost identical sound on the gain side. but there was just something in the tverb i liked more, i guess it was slightly fuller sounding. but the cleans kick major *** on it. and it is definately much more versitile than the dual rec, so i stuck with the tverb.
i dont have a bright guitar ita an ibanez s prestige so i think its mahogany but the highs are putting me off a little im definrtly gonna keep it for a while anyway.cheers

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