In response to Fatboy's concerns about repairability of the Triaxis, this goes to Mesa's philosophy and price point in the market in general.
Fender, Marshall and many others use PCBs and cheap PCB-mounted jacks and tubes in most of their tube amps to save money. These amps can be unreliable and nearly impossible to repair.
If you want something easy to repair, buy a point-to-point wired boutique tube amp, which will probably cost a small fortune up front. Dumble anyone??
Mesa comes down somewhere between these two extremes. Build quality and materials are very good, but to save money Mesa does use PCBs, although with some point-to-point wiring. Randall Smith has stated in print that he is trying to build good quality amps that sound like boutique amps, but at lower prices. I think he has succeeded pretty well at this. In addition, most Mesa amps have channel switching and other useful features that most of the boutique amps lack.
Don't forget, the Triaxis is more than 10 years old now! If Mesa thought they would sell enough of them, I am sure they would design a new version and fix some of the little bugs.