Laying aside the fact that I think you're trolling.
Mark IV's eat a Rivera alive...I'm sorry. In every possible way. I know, because I've played one alongside another guitar player who's Rivera was made pointless by the Mark IV. He knew it and asked me to tweak it. No point. In addition, I've played many different Riveras at length. Sorry...there are amps where I'll entertain the though of the Mark IV maybe not being as good or whatever (very few), but a Rivera. Not on any day.
I play my Mark IV through squeel. I've played it with students' cheap pickups on starter didn't squeel. don't know how to tweak the Mark IV and/or it needs to be serviced. Be disillusioned all you want, but Mesa isn't discontinuing the Mark IV because it isn't a great amp. I've tried all of Mesa's current production line, and it is IMO by far the best amp they make.