Digitech GSP1101 OUTSTANDING!!

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Sep 25, 2007
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I just replaced a very nice boutique-filled powered pedal board with a new Digitech GSP1101 rackmount.

I know...I have been there and done that several times in the past.

This is different. I got the unit brand new from Sweetwater (Thanks Greg Baum) along with a used Behringer MIDI controller. I received the unit on Wednesday and took it to a gig on Thursday. I interfaced it via the 4-cable method with my Lone Star Classic combo.

I selected the stomp box models and ran them into the front end of the amp with the effects section in the amp's loop. I programmed the MIDI pedal to switch my amp on the LEAD presets.

Halfway through the first song the singer, bass player AND drummer were all looking at me like my hair was on fire......I actually thought something was wrong or off...Right after the song ended, they were all asking me when I learned all the new licks....??? (confusion on my part ensues...)

I was playing the songs EXACTLY the way I always had been, but the improved clarity (even on the distorted lead settings) allowed my tone to come through SO much better it was astonishing, even though I was playing at or below the volume I normally play at. They told me, "Dang, you're a lot better player than we've been giving you credit for!"

Eliminating all the signal loading from all the TRUE BYPASS and BOUTIQUE pedals I had between my guitar and amp was like cleaning a filmy, dirty windshield. (yes I tried a buffer and a Valvulator...didn't really help) The difference was TOTALLY incredible. I felt like I had put new strings on my guitar and new tubes in my Lone Star.

The AD/DA conversion and transparancy of this $400 piece of gear is ridiculous. I have owned EVERYTHING in the last 22 years of semi and pro touring and recording experience. I have two Lone Stars now, running the second simply into the effects return for stereo and it's the best tone I have ever had. The stopmbox models in the GSP1101 actually sound like pedals. (I am not kidding)

I show up to a pretty good-sized club gig with a combo amp, a 2-space rack and a MIDI pedal and the soundman looked at me like I was crazy. I hit the first chord and his jaw dropped. It's incredibly easy to edit on the fly if you need to, and the switching is almost completely instaneous, even though it has fx spillover. My bassist noticed that when I was coming out of a solo and switched back to my crunch rhythm tone, the delay was still ringing from the last note of my solo. TOTALLY makes a one-guitar band sound fuller since it's not chopping the ambience upon switching.

For once, the Digitech ads were right on: the 1101 doesn't take over your rig, it just falls right into place as you can use it exactly as you desire. (Did I mention it's SUPER intuitive to program and the presets are excellent...very little of the over-ther-top crap that usually fills these types of devices...)

I use it's fine sounding models in place of a POD for direct recording and kill the internal preamp when I am using it with my tube amps. Works great!!

Is it perfect?? Not quite. No tap tempo (yet) and no custom foot controller, but my buddy at Harmon says that both features should be available after January NAMM...(hopefully) Also, the tuner is a tiny bit slow to switch in and out, but those are very minor negs on this great unit. It's the best purchase I have mede in years, and I have owned over 150 tube amps, hundreds of pedals, and most rack devices on the market over the years.

Digitech GSP1101 is an amazing tool for any genre of guitarist.

Rock on,

sounds great. any idea how it compares to a Gmajor?in that i mean FX quality. can it channel switch an amp? i dont think it can ,just thought id ask anyway.glad youre happy with it.
To each his own. I owned the G Major twice and ended up ditching it twice. To me, because the GSP1101 has such excellent stompbox models AND allows the 4CM, they really aren't even comparable products.

I don't use much modulation and only use effects for subtle tonal shading, so it's perfect to me.

Either way, rock on!
As far as I know, the GSP doesn't have external channel switching capabilities, but I am using the Behringer FCB1010 which does.

It works perfectly for me, and has made my life much easier.
Right. No amp switching using the GSP1101.

The Boss GT-8 does amp switching, but it is not as transparent as the GSP1101. However, it is more powerful in its tweakability. I have both and currently prefer the GSP1101 because it is more transparent and I think the amp models sound better. Yet, I miss the flexibility of the GT-8.
Agreed...I think the GSP is just designed to be a very "meat-n-potatoes" straightforward device. I have always thought Digitech was very sterile-sounding in the past, but I think they have made HUGE strides towards a natural, usable sound with this unit. It DEFINITELY has very little of the harsh top-end fizz that plagues most of the other similar units.
Thanks for the review, i was just checking one out on the digitech website. i've been skeptical becasue i've owned a bunch of digitech stuff and gotten rid of it all. Rp-5, Rp-10, 2112, 2120, and 1 more i can't remember the model but it was a precurseror to the legend processor. they did all have one thing in common, i hated the prgraming interface. the 2112 and 2120 were better but i hated having to pick algorithims to get the fx chain i want. my SGX-Nitro just had an add button and the FX blew the digitech stuff away. I've been using it for 10 years now, though i am in love with the reverb on my PODxt pro.

I do like how the GSP1101 has the loop in just the right spot for using a head via/ 4caple method. how was seting up your inital patches? easy or a pain?

Edit: if it had a pair of switches to change amp channels it would be even more appealing.
I've got one on order.

Budda- how were you running to the PA, just mic'ing your amp as normal.
Dead Moon Rising said:
I do like how the GSP1101 has the loop in just the right spot for using a head via/ 4caple method. how was seting up your inital patches? easy or a pain?

I know you asked Budda, but IMHO, it was pretty easy to set up my initial patches. The "Setup Wizard" helps. Also, the pre-programmed patches were more practical and usable than those on other processors that give you effects-overkill patches that you'd never use.

One problem with the 1101 loop location is that, for an external preamp, it is located AFTER the noise gate. Thus, the noise gate does not remove any noise coming from your preamp. Arrrgh.

Congrats on the new toy! Looking forward to your review.
And, FWIW, I mic my cabinet as opposed to going direct from the 1101.
I just mic my cab as always with my Sennheiser e906 (mostlly since I already own one and am used to it). Based on the quality of the direct recorded sounds, I am sure the XLR outs sound great.

I probably don't use the 1101 to the extent that some here do. Over the years, I have come to realize that so many of the excrutiating tweaks we all labor over in our studios/bedrooms just get lost on a rockin' stage. I mainly use the bread and butter effects like delay/verb/trem and just crank it and spank it. The incredible tone and feel of the high quality stompbox models and ext preamp routing options are what make the 1101 stand out above all the rest IMHO.

One of my FAVORITE aspects is using the 1101 in conjunction with my FCB1010 and Lone Star to change the lead/clean amp channels via MIDI. I have had numerous setups like this in the past, but the 1101 is by FAR the fastest, most seamless patch changer I have ever used.

rock on,

Is the 1101 similar to GNX3000? I have read the spec of 1101, from stompbox to effects, they are quite similar.
I just ordered one myself; I have never really cared for Digitech but am looking forward to getting mine! My main interest is recording direct, but with a modest budget. I already have a Mark IV and a cabinet sitting right next to me but in an apartment a bit hard to deal with. I can get good sounds at low volumes but then back-ground noise creeps in. I could get an Axe-FX but for that money I rather get another Mesa.

First thing I did was to go over to the line6 forum and see if there have been comparisons GSP1101 vs POD XT or POD X3. The people over there were slamming the unit because of some video they had seen which is not available now. So this was actually very encouraging to me! :D this coming from some of the same people who say they can’t tell the difference between a tube amp and a POD.

But ended up going to the Digitech website and heard some clips really liked what I heard then when doing a little reading seen that it was (4 cable method capable) that got my attention! Did some more reading (outside the Line6 forum) allot of people seem very hot on this unit including people like myself who never cared for the Digitech products.
I think you will enjoy the digitech in conjunction with the Mark IV. I own a Mark IV but haven't been using it much lately since i got the Triaxis and GSP1101 up and running. The GSP has great OD and DS pedal models which allows you have an almost endless list of combinations just running into your Mark IV. The mark IV sucks for midgain at low volumes which the OD pedals can fix.

Some of the models are typical digitech crap but a few sound really spectacular (i like the matchless, Jump panel marshall, and JCM900 to name a few) but either way you look at it your Mark IV turns into a new amp with near endless channel options.

Check for an update coming out soon for the GSP. I called digitech and they said sometime in January an update should be posted. Not being able to confirm this by speaking to an engineer but the fellow that i spoke with at digitech thinks one of the updates for the GSP is moving the noise gate AFTER the preamp loop return allowing you to gate your external amp. I was thinking about buying an ISP Prorack until i heard that latest tidbit. The mark IV gets very noisy (like the TA) at very high gain levels so i am sure this will benefit those wanting to silence their rigs. You also have to watch out for ground loops when connecting the GSP with the 4CM.

BTW when doing the setup wizard make sure you set the power amp setting to "flat" instead of the other options because it really affects the tone (for me it was in a bad way) of your external amp and the internal models.


Yeah my primary interest was direct recording but after reading I just got more and more interested. From what I have been reading from you and others this unit is sweet with the 4 cable method (very transparent) this is really just a bonus to me. I think from what I have heard the GSP1101 is a much better unit than the POD so this alone is worth the money to me.

Now for the bonus I do like to sometimes hit the front end of the Mark IV with an overdrive pedal (mostly solos or any single note stuff) so now I can get rid of that and just use the 1101. I’m happy with my current rig but it sounds the 1101 can really simplify my life and give me more versatility (as far as the front end) hell even if I prefer a different processor or for post preamp the 1101 can still make my life allot easier. Cant wait!!

The thing i hate most is that it does add noise to the input of the TA but the TA is noisy all by itself. I haven't used my GSP with my Mark IV so i can't say whether you will notice a change in noise or not but the tone will not suffer like most other setups.

With the next update I hope they address the NG issue so I can shut my TA up.

I have played a couple dozen or so gigs with this sytem since I posted this thread, and I have to tell you, I love it more and more every single time I plug it in. My band is a very rock-oriented roots/country 4-piece. As a joke, we insert a few metal-ish riffs into the reprise sections and bridges between songs. My Lone Star is great for almost everything, but the one thing it cannot do is a scooped Metallica/Pantera type tone. (Keep in mind I only use this once in a great while when I am revisiting my youth...)

Anyway, I just set up a preset with the Metal Zone pedal model going into the clean channel of the Lone Star and kicked it in without warning....My bass player almost passed out laughing. I threw a couple of Pantera (RIP Dime...) riffs into the breakdown of a tubo tonked Hank Jr. tune and the crowd went crazy!! I know that it's no replacement for a Recto or JVM if you're going to play that style all night, but between the MZ pedal model (that I think sounds better than the original) and the very powerful and trasparent Parametric EQ, its pretty convincing. Mic'ed up and ran through our Yamaha 01v96 and QSC Active 15" 3-way/Active sub sound system, it sounded like hell's backup band in a 300-seat club!!

Bottom line: I find something new and cool about this processor every day. Love it.

Rock on,


PS: We just played a very large club (1,800+ seats with a huge, theater-type stage) and I hooked up my rig W/D/W. I just used the 4CM, (actually 5CM in stereo) but took the stereo outs to the FX returns of 2 small Peavey Classic 30 combos, one on each side of my Lone Star. Holy Crap!!!! Pure, dry Lone Star 6L6 tone with stereo delays and mods panned into chimy EL84 power section of the small combos.

I getting more excited about getting this piece of gear I should have mine 1/02, it’s bad enough that Ned is digging his, now you have already incorporated yours into your live rig and you don’t seem to have any gripes about it, as do other people everywhere I go people really like it!. It’s so funny cause when I did a search at the Line6 site they were all trashing this unit, this was the only real place I found allot of bad press (so to say).

disassembled said:
The thing i hate most is that it does add noise to the input of the TA but the TA is noisy all by itself. I haven't used my GSP with my Mark IV so i can't say whether you will notice a change in noise or not but the tone will not suffer like most other setups.

With the next update I hope they address the NG issue so I can shut my TA up.

Hey Greg,

You might recall, I also had that issue. From what I can tell, they already released an update (Version 1.3) that places the noise gate after the external preamp. It has reduced some of my TA noise, but not all of it. If they have another update coming in January, I hope it does a better job.
I hope everyone has as good an experience as me. I have had no noise issues of any kind at ALL. Seriously, I got the unit on a Thursday after work, set it up in the 4CM / Ext preamp mode, programmed a few presets and gigged with it the next night and have been rockin' it ever since.

I know that everyone's needs and applications are different, and I don't use an enormous amount of effects and crazy sounds, but when the singer's GIRLFRIEND (who knows NOTHING about gear) asks after the first set of the first gig with the GSP1101, "What did you change on your guitar? It sounds so much clearer and more professional. Your solos and fills are jumping out of the mix much better than last weekend..." you know you are onto something.

My playing and stage presence is much better too, as now, I just hit one switch and my tone is THERE!! No more tap dancing to hit 3 or 4 pedals to change my tone. I will never go back to a large multi-pedal board.

IMHO, the stomp box models and reverb are worth the price of the unit a couple times over. It's a no brainer and I truly hope that players will try the unit, so they will keep refining it.

Rock on,


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