A question for you! How do you like that Axe Trak?? I have been considering one of these for a while.[/quote]
So far so good but, I haven't recorded with it yet. What I've heard in
my headphones sounds like a close miced cab. Good or bad? I would say
good however, I like the sound from the room too. But, I will find good use in situation's when i need to be quet. If you need to record do to your neighbors then something like this would work great but, I don't believe you will have the same flexibility as micing the cab in a good room. I don't really care for a close mic'd cab too much, it depends. I like it to sound like it does in front of me. You don't listen to it with your ears right up to the speaker,so why would you mic it this way? I try to mic thing where they sound musical and pleasant to me with space.This to me gives you your dimension.Any more I like the ribbon's mostly out in front of the amp till it sounds the way it does in front of me.(2 to 3 ft. out) this sounds natural.Sometimes I combine for a certain effect.
Just my opinion.
For me the AXE TRax will work when the baby is sleeping then I'll
Reamp later if needed.
Sorry for the long.....
So far so good but, I haven't recorded with it yet. What I've heard in
my headphones sounds like a close miced cab. Good or bad? I would say
good however, I like the sound from the room too. But, I will find good use in situation's when i need to be quet. If you need to record do to your neighbors then something like this would work great but, I don't believe you will have the same flexibility as micing the cab in a good room. I don't really care for a close mic'd cab too much, it depends. I like it to sound like it does in front of me. You don't listen to it with your ears right up to the speaker,so why would you mic it this way? I try to mic thing where they sound musical and pleasant to me with space.This to me gives you your dimension.Any more I like the ribbon's mostly out in front of the amp till it sounds the way it does in front of me.(2 to 3 ft. out) this sounds natural.Sometimes I combine for a certain effect.
Just my opinion.
For me the AXE TRax will work when the baby is sleeping then I'll
Reamp later if needed.
Sorry for the long.....