different Triaxis.....please help

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Aug 19, 2006
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so i finally decided to go for a triaxis later this year...
as far as i know there are 3 different versions...
the one without the recto mode...version 1
the one with the recto mode version2
and one with a changed recto mode2.1

does anyone of you got sound files of the differences in the sound?

i´m not sure which one to search for...
i read that the version 2.1 sound way too muddy on the recti setting and with way too much bass in it....

i hope you can help me...

please post as much sound files reffering to the TriAxis as you have, not only the recto mode.....

thanks so much

BTW yes i know that there are so many triaxis threads but i want to LISTEN to it....ya know?
anyway it is very difficult to get a total view of the triaxis with some clips, because is very difficult to isolate the TA from the elements used for recording for example the power amp, the cabinet, the mic, the mic preamp, etc... I recomend to you if it is posible to meet some people in your town with TA and test it
next problem....

since i know zero people who have a TA any near me i´d buy it unseen on ebay......

but i´d like to hear the differences between v1 / v2 / v2.1

but id like to hear some tones that are possible from the TA to convince me 100%
which is the current version? Do you know the number? So lead 1 red is a british shred tone?
4 or 3 versions?

i know the normal one
the one with the recto tone without fat mode
and recto mode with fat mode
click on the links below in my signature and you can hear several different songs all recorded with the triaxis, a 20/20 power amp and an oversized recto cab with a beta 57a micing the cab.

there are different sounding tunes for sure.....the heavier tunes such as "itchy trigger" (at myspace) were done on the lead 2 green and some lead 2 red......some of the other tunes feature lead 1 red but very laid back etc....but everythign you hear features the triaxis for sure.
lennartbar said:
4 or 3 versions?

i know the normal one
the one with the recto tone without fat mode
and recto mode with fat mode

Don't totally quote me on this but I believe the "Versions" are split into two groups. Version 1 and 2 software....and then the ld1 mode.

The first Triaxis ld1 red was like british shred. Then it was the recto vintage high gain. Then the fat mod around 1997 (fat mod can be reversed too). Then a few years back, they changed it to classic boogie lead.

So I think there's only two (maybe three?) software versions, but 4 different ld1 red versions.
There's only a V1 and V2 for software versions. V2 has been in production since serial 1700 or so. All it does is offer continuous controller software so you can change the parameters with a midi expression pedal (IE raise or lower the gain to morph the channel from clean to a really pushed or broken clean).

1-1700- V1 (no continuous controller) and it did not come with an extra board for ld1 Red

1700-5000 V2(continuous controller) first introduction of the Recto board for ld1red which does not have the "phat" mod (i own this one)

5000-? V2 with a revised Recto board for more bass which is called the "phat mod" as previously stated can be reversed to make it non phat like the original

current model - V2 does not come with a Recto board but it is labeled "searing boogie lead" and i have no idea what it sounds like or what it is supposed to sound like.

What may help a little bit is what type of music do you play and what sound are you going for? :wink: I have a Fat Mod Triaxis and I had borrowed my buddies original Triaxis {non-Fat}. I have an early Jackson with EMG'S and the original Triaxis was nice and tight doing triplets on the low E string. Same settings on the Fat Mod and it was flub city. Tightness was completely gone. I messed with the E.Q. and even switched tubes but still didnt dig it. Only until I reversed the Fat mod did things get tight without any flub. There are quite a few ppl who dig the Fat mod and they get some great sounds. I am not saying the Fat mod sounded bad, but just didnt work for what I wanted.
i heard quite a lot of people complaining about too much bass on the phat mode....

yeah i´m searching for a dream theaterish tone...
thats why i came up with the idea of the triaxis, to have like 8 different amps in it....

i´m searching for a hyper clean sound and of cause a great lead and rythm tone...

thank you all for giving me those information

maybe i can find someone who has with a V1 or V2 without the phat mode...
Boogie4Life said:
What may help a little bit is what type of music do you play and what sound are you going for? :wink: I have a Fat Mod Triaxis and I had borrowed my buddies original Triaxis {non-Fat}. I have an early Jackson with EMG'S and the original Triaxis was nice and tight doing triplets on the low E string. Same settings on the Fat Mod and it was flub city. Tightness was completely gone. I messed with the E.Q. and even switched tubes but still didnt dig it. Only until I reversed the Fat mod did things get tight without any flub. There are quite a few ppl who dig the Fat mod and they get some great sounds. I am not saying the Fat mod sounded bad, but just didnt work for what I wanted.

ok help me out.....i cant remember the how to tell what mode of triaxis I have and whether it has the fat mod or not....i know it can be figured out by the serial numbers but if someone could post that info again that would be great....you also said you had your fat mod reversed.....how do you get that done? and once done how does the lead 1 red sound then? thanks for your help!!
disassembled said:
1-1700- V1 (no continuous controller) and it did not come with an extra board for ld1 Red

1700-5000 V2(continuous controller) first introduction of the Recto board for ld1red which does not have the "phat" mod (i own this one)

5000-? V2 with a revised Recto board for more bass which is called the "phat mod" as previously stated can be reversed to make it non phat like the original

i think i´m searching for a V2 without the phat mode...

wow i never knew that there are so few triaxis of v1 build....
masque said:
Boogie4Life said:
What may help a little bit is what type of music do you play and what sound are you going for? :wink: I have a Fat Mod Triaxis and I had borrowed my buddies original Triaxis {non-Fat}. I have an early Jackson with EMG'S and the original Triaxis was nice and tight doing triplets on the low E string. Same settings on the Fat Mod and it was flub city. Tightness was completely gone. I messed with the E.Q. and even switched tubes but still didnt dig it. Only until I reversed the Fat mod did things get tight without any flub. There are quite a few ppl who dig the Fat mod and they get some great sounds. I am not saying the Fat mod sounded bad, but just didnt work for what I wanted.

ok help me out.....i cant remember the how to tell what mode of triaxis I have and whether it has the fat mod or not....i know it can be figured out by the serial numbers but if someone could post that info again that would be great....you also said you had your fat mod reversed.....how do you get that done? and once done how does the lead 1 red sound then? thanks for your help!!
Disassembled is correct in his post and here is something to elaborate:
"The TriAxis was introduced to the world in October 1992 and began with serial
#T0001. That would have been the 1.0 software version. In January 1993 the
version 2.0 software was introduced. That would have been somewhere around
serial #T1700. In 1997 around serial #T5000, all TriAxis were leaving the
factory with the Phat MOD was part of the software. The Phat MOD only affects
Lead One RED. It simply smoothes out the top-end of the Rectifier Sound making
it sound more like the actual Rectifier itself.
The "FAT" Mod....
TriAxis' shipped after June 97 have the new Lead One Red as standard specification. So serial #'s below 5200 have the Lead1 Recto mod and above 5200 have the "Fat Mod"." Now this info is old at this point and I havent kept up with what changes Boogie has done after this, but at least that gives you more of an idea of what Mesa had to say about the two versions. Now,My post spoke of LD 1 Red being alot tighter with the mod reversed. I also noticed that the gain was not the same as well. Lets say gain is on 5 for the original...to equal that on the Fat modded Tri I had to set it to around 9. Even with the tubes switched the results were the same. Could just be these two particular Tri's but I thought it was worth mentioning. For reversing the mod I got the info from the Triaxis group on Yahoo!. Its a text file and .jpg image of what needs to be changed. I took that to my amp tech and he did it in about an hour. He also called Boogie to make sure the values were correct cause I got this from "the web" and he wanted to make sure it was correct. I still have the files so if you need them shoot me a PM and i'll send them over. Hope this sheds a little more light. :)
a lot of original v1's were changed to V2 and had the recto board added so there's even less then 1700. I think Mesa will still upgrade to V2 still but they cannot add the recto board anymore.

disassembled said:
a lot of original v1's were changed to V2 and had the recto board added so there's even less then 1700. I think Mesa will still upgrade to V2 still but they cannot add the recto board anymore.

Glad you mentioned this.

I was on the waiting list in the spring of '92, and got my version 1 Triaxis (#555) at the end of that year. A year or so later, I had Mesa upgrade the software to version 2, for the continuous-controller capability. So if one were to simply judge the version by the serial number, there's a chance you'd be wrong if you didn't consider subsequent upgrades.

Over 14 years later, I still love my Triaxis!

- Thom

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