Dicided on Mesa but...

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Jan 1, 2007
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Lompoc FCI
Which one. I'm looking for a combo that will kick some *** but one I can still play w/o the band thing. Choices (used) in my range are F50 (too loud) ,F30( too small) ,Rectoverb(OK) ,Mark IV (too many knobs). Basically I'm just gonna use one channel and clean up with guitar vol. I like all of them but I'm coming from Marshall land and am used to playing a certain way-- simple, but sInce I'm a newbie whith Mesa will a rectoverb be the best choice or are my my problems with the others unfounded? Also can I use my DD3 in the loops? Ive heard some of them are suspect. :?:
Me thinks this thread sucks... Are there any crickets out there... that can here me??--Iv'e been in more lively graveyards. And this is where I go to learm about Mesas?.
what kind of a tone are you looking for?

The Mesa overdrive you will get from a rectoverb will be much different than your classic marshall drive.
The Rectoverb is awesome but does the Recto thing. Go for it if that's the tone you want. I play a Roadster and a Soldano Decatone. I like the Recto sound quite a bit and contrary to what others say, it's great for fast metal and can be dialed in to sound pretty tight. Just takes some effort. Love the Soldano though. It's the secret weapon and remains my main amplifier.

Remember that the Rectoverb is 50W, same as the F50... So if the F50 is too loud, odds are the Rectoverb will be as well.

If you can hang with the 50W thing and you are used to playing and hearing Marshalls, scope out the Stiletto Ace. They are much more "Marshall" style and sound than the Rectos. They are also 50W and have great clean, bluesy, and high gain sounds. Great for rock.

Personally, I'm not a fan of the Stiletto series. Not even the Ace. But others on here really love it and it might be more what you are looking for as far as sound and simplicity. It's very easy to dial in.

Aces are relatively new however, so finding a used one may be a little tough. You can also search for series I Stiletto Deuce and Trident amps. Both can be switched down to 50W and can be found fairly cheap used.

The F series is great and now that they are discontinued, you can probably find an F50 for a good price. Decent cleans, good crunch, and the contour mode for heavier stuff.

Give us more of an idea of the sound you're after and we can help some more.

Oh, and you can use your delay in the loop just fine.

Good luck!
chpsktplyr said:
Which one. I'm looking for a combo that will kick some *** but one I can still play w/o the band thing. Choices (used) in my range are F50 (too loud) ,F30( too small) ,Rectoverb(OK) ,Mark IV (too many knobs). Basically I'm just gonna use one channel and clean up with guitar vol. I like all of them but I'm coming from Marshall land and am used to playing a certain way-- simple, but sInce I'm a newbie whith Mesa will a rectoverb be the best choice or are my my problems with the others unfounded? Also can I use my DD3 in the loops? Ive heard some of them are suspect. :?:
Try a Stiletto Ace
Marks: all around great tone. great cleans and vintage sounds. the lead channel is very heavy. lots of creamy liquid gain. great for tight fast rock. leads are very smooth. if you don't like the mark4 b/c of its knobs, check out a Mark1 (carlos santana), 2B (rolling stones), 2C/C+(metallica, dream theater), or a mark3 (similar to a C+ but cheaper and a third channel).

Rectos: a bit more of a one trick pony, but that is a misnomer. you can get great cleans on the road king series 2 and the roadster. the 2ch and 3ch rectos have OK cleans. the vintage mode is sweet. very smooth. the true rectifier sound is in these, obviously. lots of big aggressive gain. lots of bass when you chunk. not especially great for fast tight playing, but some people are able to pull it off by adding pedals. great for blues if you find one with a pushed or raw channel.

Lonestar: best cleans (fender-like). great overdrive and classic rock sounds. blues.

Stilletos: marshall land with a bit of mesa flavor. great amps. research the difference between the eries 1 and 2.

F-series: discontinued. others have already spoken about this one.

some other discontinued amps you should look into are the Nomad and DC series. they are great all around little packages that have a bit of everything. they sound very Mesa. you can almost say between these and the f-series you have a bunch of little Mark spin-offs.
1st - if you're looking for immediate reponses....go to the Harmony-Central forums..we're alot smaller and more civil community here. Actually, your response reminds of a typical wise %$#$ post from HC. so you can leave that at the door....

2nd - yes, this IS where you go to learn about Mesa's...we have a number of well versed posters with years of experience with the brand

3rd - I'm an 80's Marshall guy and bought the Rectoverb because of the gain channel and sounds I could get. It has a better touch response on the gain than most in its class and price range. ($800- 1000 used)

chpsktplyr said:
Me thinks this thread sucks... Are there any crickets out there... that can here me??--Iv'e been in more lively graveyards. And this is where I go to learm about Mesas?.
yeah, dude you need to relax...we all own several boogies which means we have jobs.

if you are looking for something used and cheap i had no better amp then my old 50cal.+ you can snag those in the 500's

rectoverb combo is awesome if you like the recto-vibe. but why get 1 channel and roll the volume when you can get 2 and hit the switch ? f-50 is a great amp and i would give her another try. cleans are just too good to pass up. and there is nothing more simple than that baby.

f-30 is not up to my liking but the old Nomad 45 is sweet, and the 20/20 power amp sounds great with any pre-amp.
Yea I'm used to the instant HCAF responses but lately they have been pretty much arrogant and non informative. Sorry about the crass demeanor, I'm not used to intelligent correspondence, just used to the HC rude kiddie mentality. Wasn't expecting this...cool, thanks guys-- I think I'll stick around.
Glad to have you aboard chp... Didn't mean to give you too much grief :) ...I just got done reading a 6 page thread at HC where half the responses had nothing to do with the topic OR music in general...very frustrating.

To answer again, if you're not picky about cleans, the ROV combo is a wonderful amp with a super gain channel. I have it set to about 1:30 (in o'clock) and have an ample amount of saturation...no pedal required.
(PS - I'm a Michael Schenker, Neal Schon wannabe 8) )

chpsktplyr said:
Yea I'm used to the instant HCAF responses but lately they have been pretty much arrogant and non informative. Sorry about the crass demeanor, I'm not used to intelligent correspondence, just used to the HC rude kiddie mentality. Wasn't expecting this...cool, thanks guys-- I think I'll stick around.
smaller group, but these guys know there stuff. where you from ? don't recognise that.. of course i live in the middle of no where...