"Dialing" in an LSC

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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2005
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Cleveland, Ohio
After 4-6 gigs a month for the last year and a half, I think I finally dialed in the LSC 1X12. Call me what you want, but I've never had an amp with as many sound shaping options as this mesa. I've done the Fender, Crate, Roland thing, and they are basically set and forget playable. But I've finally nailed my tone with the LSC. I think this can be attributed to the complete JJ 6l6gc, and pre-amp re-tube, plus I think the speaker has finally settled in. Any one else find the amp sounds better to them after these mods, and gettin it broken in? I'm using a Lollar 52 equipped tele, and I cant' believe the saweet tones I"m gettin now. The overdrive channel with the bridge p/u is awesome. I'm psyched totally. My band members kept given me some grief cause I kept fiddling with settings and dials quite frequently, but I told them to bear with me, after all It's one of the best amps made. Well I'm finally there, and I'm, stoked.

Cle.O \m/
i've found that my LSC sounds good running @50 watts (both channels) & the speaker plugged in to one of the 4ohm jacks. (does this mean i'm running @ 25 watts?)

interestingly, the LSC & LSS both have have speaker connection "recommendations" on the back panel.
Oh yea, I've been running both channels in the 50 watt mode, but full power. Tweed is for the smaller rooms. I mike the amp, but man is it sounding killer now. I tried the 4 ohm thing, and it sounded too brittle for me. I didnt like it i know, but its been a while since ive done the ohm thing. I'm happy with the 8 ohm now.
Oh yea, I've been running both channels in the 50 watt mode, but full power. Tweed is for the smaller rooms. I mike the amp, but man is it sounding killer now. I tried the 4 ohm thing, and it sounded too brittle for me. I didnt like it i know, but its been a while since ive done the ohm thing. I'm happy with the 8 ohm now.
Glad you finally found the tone you were looking for.

I've had my LSC since December of 2005 and I finally just dialed in my perfect tone too. I have the amp sounding great with my PRS McCarty as well as my Stratocasters.

I run channel 1 in 100 watt mode to get a super clean hi headroom tone.

Channel 2 is in 50 watt mode with the Drive set at 9 o'clock, the Gain at about 1 to 2 o'clock, and the Thick switch enabled. This give me a nice Plexi type crunch with humbucker pickups that cleans up nicely when the volume is rolled back on the guitar. This setting also provides a really nice Blues tone with my single coil equipped guitars.

I have the effects loop hard bypassed, because I find that the amp has a much more bell tone quality when it is disabled. I am also using the 8 ohm speaker jack.
CodeTitan said:
I run channel 1 in 100 watt mode to get a super clean hi headroom tone.

Channel 2 is in 50 watt mode with the Drive set at 9 o'clock, the Gain at about 1 to 2 o'clock, and the Thick switch enabled.

I run mine about the same as you do. I engage the effects loop. I also don't run the drive circuitry as I found the lead channel too dark and muddy. Drive is off with the Gain cranked. I found the clean channel very easy to dial in tones.

My LSC 2x12 justs keeps on pumping out tones that please me. No pedals, just guitar and cable. I like to surf the net for sound clips and try to get as close to them as possible, often with good success. Playing along with XM radios X-Country station is another challenge to find a cool sounding tone.

Settings vary, 50 or 100 watts. 93/110 volts and dials are made to spin. Usually something different each time I plug in. I am not in a gigging band, but I do jam with friends often. Sometimes I'll try to duplicate the other guitarist's tone. Other times, I go for something that complinents his sound. The LSC's flexibility is the amps strong point.

GAS FREE since I bought this amp. 8^)
Kewl, I've also dumped my pedal board and am trying to take a minimal approach. I was using an Alesis Digital Delay thru the effects circuit, but I kept having problems between in put, out put, dry mix etc. etc. So I ditched that effect and just run a Line 6 Tonecore Delay into the front end. Much better results. I also run either a OCD, or Bad Monkey infront of the delay for a little boost when needed. I like to run the effects on since I like the global volume feature, and I do use the solo function on occasion. I do also use the 100 watt setting in Ch 1 most of the time, but lately I've been trying to limit my stage volume, and running a hotter signal out of the board. If I crank the outs, and keep the volume of the amp a little lower, I seem to get some nicer DRRI type sounds.

Rock On
Could someone explain this "4 Ohm thing" mentioned here. I've never heard of it. Is it really possible you're cutting the wattage down? Please explain!
I just got a Lonestar Classic 2X12 and a 2X12 Lonestar cab off ebay a couple of weeks ago. I had no problem dialing in a clean tone right away.

Channel two is a differnt story it sounds muddy, like someone put a blanket over the speakers. It's made me wonder if the amp could use new preamp tubes. I settle for these settings but I am still not satisfied.

Drive- 10:30
Gain- 3:00
Treble- 3:00
Mid- 1:30
Bass- 9:00
Precence- 3:00

I have also tried the Drive at 9:00 and the Gain at 1:30, but it still sound muddy. Any suggestions?
It takes a little while to dial in the 2nd channel. Try turning your Mid control down to around the 9 or 10 o'clock position. This will cut out a lot of the mudiness (at least it does with my setup).
CodeTitan said:
It takes a little while to dial in the 2nd channel. Try turning your Mid control down to around the 9 or 10 o'clock position. This will cut out a lot of the mudiness (at least it does with my setup).

Thanks, I'll try that. Still since I bought the amp used it might need new tubes. I think I'll go to my local Mesa dealer and try one of their new Lonestar to compare it with mine.
So Bikedude,

What settings are you using? WHat tyope of music does the band play? WHat instruments in the band?

picnic said:
BigMac5,, there are some good tube threads concerning the LSC. You will get a lot of good info from them.

Good Luck with the amp

Well, I got call today from my local Mesa dealer to let my know the Roadster I order came in. I went to pick it up and saw they has a Lonestar 2X12 on top of a Lonestar 2X12 cabinet, just like mine. So I quickly set Channel 2 to my settings, Right away I could hear the difference. That Lonestar sounded so opened and the gain had definition. Mine sounds muddy and muffed. I think I definitely need a retube.

Anyways here are some picks of my amps.

CodeTitan said:
It takes a little while to dial in the 2nd channel. Try turning your Mid control down to around the 9 or 10 o'clock position. This will cut out a lot of the mudiness (at least it does with my setup).

Today I decided to take a look at the tubes on the LSC. I totally forgot about this amp ever since I got my Roadster. I was looking at the tubes and noticed some of them were loose. I check all of the tubes and decided to give it a try. Right away i could hear the difference. Channel 2 sounded awesome. I keept my original setting except I lowered the mids to 10.5 o'clock and switched the treble to thick. That made it channel 2 sound even better.
Guit55, Ch 1 gain around 11OClock, Treb.Noon, Mid. 10, and bass noon. 50 watts, full power. Ch 2 Drive on around 10OClock, Gain 3, Treb. Mid, and Bass vary as to which guit i'm playing. I like my Tele with the 52 Lollars with this combination. Ch2 sounds amazing with the bridge P/u. I have a keyboard player, that also doubles on bass with his left hand. Drummer and singer. We mike everything to FOH. We do oldies, and motown, with some blues sprinkled in sometimes some classic rock. That Ch2 with the Lollar Bridge does Skynyrd excecptionally well. I have re-tubed with a complete JJ set with the 6l6GC's and the pre-amp package. Amp defenitely sounds sweeter with the JJ's.
I've had my LSC for a just few months now, and I'm still dialing in channel two. It doesn't help that I change guitars frequently, between a strat and a recently acquired LP.
But today after practice I got some great compliments from other band members; our drummer said that out of all the guys he's played with throughout the years, the tone of this amp would be "in the top 5".

I'm using channel one more and more, with a little dirt dialed in, and the LP. It doesn't work for everything of course, but I love the crunch I'm getting for rhythm work. A tube screamer type pedal with channel one will cover a lot of ground if you're not doing heavy metal stuff. :D