Delay and Reverb in the same pedal?

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2005
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Hello..I was doing some reading about reverbs the other day and realised I have never seen a pedal or non-rack unit that houses reverb and delay in the same unit, that allows you to use both functions at once.

Not to say it dosnt exist, ive just never come across one. Is there such a unit?

Later in the year I would like to add something to my effects loop. It dosnt have to be delay/reverb as mentioned above, but the sound im looking for would be described as 'haunting' I suppose. Ideas?

IMO the best time based efx unit in the world is the Yamaha UD Stomp. World famous guitarist Allan Holdsworth had a hand in designing this pedal and it's trully AWESOME. It has eight seperate stages that can be adjusted to create any time based effect including delay, reverb, chorus, flange, etc. You can also have multistage delays (up to eight) to create effects that just aren't possible with regular delay/reverb units. You would have to find a used one now though because Yamaha stopped making them about a year ago.
Stompbox based reverb sucks IMO.

To get a decent reverb, you'll want to look at either a rack based unit, a tube/spring reverb, or maybe the UD Stomp (I've heard decent things, never tried one).

As for haunting.....violining your guitar into delay.
Thanks guys.

I should of added, I dont need this for recording, its just to run through my fx loop on the TriRec live. Im finding a need for that reverbed delay in some of the songs we're doing (clean channel), and also a few spots where channel 3 (distorted) could use some reverb to make things more interesting.

UD looks great, a little pricey, but isnt everything these days, a definate option thanks. Is there nothing out there with just a delay/reverb option, it sure would pull the cost down.

Screamingdaisy you sure have a wide knowledge of gear!

screamingdaisy said:
As for haunting.....violining your guitar into delay.

F*ck...almost forgot....

Feedback into delay.....use the volume to control the feedback intensity so that it howls in and out. Done right, you'll end up with something reminicant of Sabbath's Children of the Grave outro.

I had a Boss RV-5 that was alright I suppose. The Spring setting cuts through and fills stuff up a bit, and the hall is good but can get lost sounding at times.

Also, check out the EHX Holy Grail's analog and some people swear by it. Some of them can be a touch noisy though, so try before you buy.
So I was shopping about today, you know the usual browsing type stuff that pisses sales guys off, cause your not buying just shopping!

I came across an older (guy said early 80's) Tokai analog delay. Steal housing (silver), three dails, with some faded red on the top. Looked in fair shape. I cant find any info on it, but I hear these older analogs can sound pretty good. ($200 cdn). Hey Ned dont you have your mitts in some Tokai background?

The Holygrail looks cool, I was gonna try one next week, same with the holier, and dare I say, holiest grail. I have a Yamaha dealer here who may know of a sister store still with a UD stomp, we'll see about that one.

Screamingdaisy, you know im gonna use all those haunting tricks, I may even get an ebow for the violinbow sound. cheers.

I just ride the volume knob/pedal.....I've always wanted to try an EBow, never been willing to spend the money on one just to try it.
Well im still looking into delay/reverb options.This little number was released this week,
but im waiting to hear some feedback regarding noise issues the tone-core stuff seem suffer from.

The Rocktron Shortimer looks pretty good as well, I like 1 second delays, ive never needed anything longer. I am getting closer to pulling the trigger on something soon though.

Can anyone add some info to the named units above?

I've just bought the Boss digital reverb but it doesnt do anything other than verb unfortunately.
If you cojme up with something I would be interested to know what it is. So far I haven't found it.

This may help, but I don't know if it still exists. I had a Boss RV-3 Digital Reverb/Delay that had come in handy for a time. With the RV-3 you could use either reverb or reverb & delay or just delay. The pedal was somewhat limited but still very useful and it sounded fine especially for the money (maybe around 150.00?).
Im still shopping around..

These pedals where just released a while back, I think they'll be interesting, Im really interested in the delay unit. of course it wont have the verb, but it looks interesting though.
Well ive solved it.

I got a Diamond Memory lane for Christmas...woooow. I know it dosnt have reverb but that delay mixed with the modulation effect and the eq....amazing. Highly recommended!!!