December 21.2012

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if the mayans were all so good at this stuff, why did they up and croak?
Sixstringpsycho said:
there was a 2 hour special on the history channel about this today as well. My thoughts, remember we were all going to die because of Y2K remember? and we are here, i call BS, i will be standing in my front yard with my les paul playing the solo to freebird butt naked at 11:59 12/20/2012 just in case lol. j/k

:lol: ya know its kind of interesting to hear all the different viewpoints on this one.

I personally have researched all of this stuff myself, and it's pretty interesting. Some of the concepts and theories actually do pose some merit while others well, seem far fetched.

Is the world gonna end --- no
will civilization end --- probably not
Is it worth worrying about ---- no i don't think so

yeah yeah. I have always been into science, science fiction, as well as astronomy to boot. When you have smart people that have big imaginations sometimes factual information can be fused with some pretty abstract theories. ITS ALL GOOD!!!!

On another note if James Labrie where to ask this guy in the following link "where do we come from, why are we here"
this is how he would respond :mrgreen:
lostcause said:
Spamds said:
surely I mean brown. It is supposed to stop earth's moving for week and somewhere around world is night when other side they have daylight for a week. Between those distances could be morning or evening.
So we are all going to fall off the planet, regardless of whether its day or night.
Well... that sucks.
i hope you're joking :lol:
MesallicA said:
lostcause said:
Spamds said:
surely I mean brown. It is supposed to stop earth's moving for week and somewhere around world is night when other side they have daylight for a week. Between those distances could be morning or evening.
So we are all going to fall off the planet, regardless of whether its day or night.
Well... that sucks.

See thats what i mean about being far fetched :lol:
Theres also another theory that were in a binary solar system, and the other sun (called Nemesis) that every number of millions of years its orbit passes the asteroid belts hurling trillions of asteroids in our direction.

oh and another theory is a giant solar flare is expected from the sun around 2012 which will wipe out all communication systems.
theres loads of apocalyptic BS, i recommend watching penn and tellars:******** on 2012.
MesallicA said:
Theres also another theory that were in a binary solar system, and the other sun (called Nemesis) that every number of millions of years its orbit passes the asteroid belts hurling trillions of asteroids in our direction.
yea, I've heard that one too. Not sure if it's the same thing, but a friend of mine (that's listen to too much "coast to coast"), claims there's a "planet X" coming our way around then. :/
Nah, its not the same as Planet X.

Every 26 million years roughly there has been a mass extinction in the fossil records. No one could understand what would have a cycle of 26million years causing this. so the nemesis theory was made.
Well I for one damn well hope something seriously messed up happens soon to this planet. And then it can start over again like after the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Have you heard of Gaia theory? That the Earth has a consciousness? The Earth is really under tremendous stress man and it ain't right. Over-population, dumping oils here and there, pollution, chopping down forests, extinction of species, etc. The Earth knows that it must eliminate the problem which is human. Ultimately, the Earth must survive.

I have a lot of Maya calendrics books (they had multiple calendars btw) and one of the most prominent authors is John Major Jenkins. Dec 2012 signifies the end of that calendar (just like our Gregorian calendar ends on Dec 31st every year), not the end of the world necessarily. They supposedly somehow knew that our solar system was entering the center of the Milky Way galaxy in Dec 2012.

If you don't believe the Mayan prophecies/calendars, etc. research Terence McKenna's Invisible Landscape book which outlines his Timewave Zero model based on the King Wen sequence of the I Ching. Novelty is maximized on Dec 21, 2012 AD (same date as Mayan's calendar end date).

Drop acid, decide. Question authority.

The end date is the point of maximized novelty in the system and is the only point in the entire wave that has a quantified value of zero.

December 21, 2012 AD. We arrived at this particular end date without knowledge of the Mayan Calendar, and it was only after we noticed that the historical data seemed to fit best with the wave if this end date was chosen that we were informed that the end date that we had deduced was in fact the end of the Mayan Calendar.
Oh, and how did they know all they knew?

There is some evidence that the Maya used Psilocybin mushrooms, as stone mushrooms have been found throughout the highland area. Stone mushrooms have also been found in Chiapas and Tabasco. The mushrooms are still used today by some of the people in the region for this purpose, also creating the impression that this has been in practice for some time. The priest or shaman would consume these substances in order to enter into trance, after which he would be able to travel to and communicate with the spirit realm and its entities.

Do drugs that work...
They supposedly somehow knew that our solar system was entering the center of the Milky Way galaxy in Dec 2012.
our solar system is no where near the center, and even if it was traveling toward it, it would take billions of years.
MesallicA said:
They supposedly somehow knew that our solar system was entering the center of the Milky Way galaxy in Dec 2012.
our solar system is no where near the center, and even if it was traveling toward it, it would take billions of years.

How do you know that? There wouldnt be point to say that if it wouldnt be near center.. just wondering
hell now HOLLYWEIRD is profiting from this end of days scenario. Maybe they visited this board and thoughtwe might put our guitars down,and throw down some green to be entertained for a couple of hours. 8)
So, who haves actually seen the movie? I know I could just search off reviews but im too lazy plus I wanna hear your opinions... I think its worth watching even it wouldnt be that amazing as trailers may have seem..