DC series sample settings??

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans to Los Angeles
I'm back in the Boogie family after the purchase of a minty DC-10 head! Do any of you want to share some of your favorite settings with me? The database on the main page doesn't offer us DC guys anything!

Hey man,
Good to see another DC-10 user on here. If your lookin' for a really heavy tone make sure you set your know settings to around:

Gain- 6-7
Bass 4-5

Also when you are using the graphic eq put the good ol "V" seeting and your ready to rock! Also I like to set my channel vol to like 4-5 and master to around 3. Good luck!
Hey, ktulucaller! I haven't had a chance to open this amp up yet (volume-wise), but do you find yourself tweaking your low volume settings for stage volume settings? Or does the amp sound consistent as the volume goes up?

Alas, I would know this answer if I were back home in New Orleans, but the Hurricane destroyed everything...now I'm living in Southern California with my bandmates and noise ordinances here are outrageous! I used to be able to open up my dc3 and not get any complaints!

At any rate, I appreciate your response and the warmth and openness of this board! :headbang:


I found I am always tweaking the settings as the volume goes up or down. I also run a Sholtz power soak with it so it lets me crank it a bit more. Even with the power soak I have not had it up passed 6-7 and the channel vol up passed 5-6.

Also sorry to hear about your loss in NOLA man. I was supposed to go visit there in April with my family, it is truly a tragedy.
I'll have to pull my head out and check the settings. But ****, you've had your volume up at 6 or 7? I haven't ever had mine up past about 3 or 4, even in a live environment. The dc-10 is a LOUD amp! I have used this amp in some pretty heavy bands. but never had it up past 4.
I have 2 DC-3's and I never have to turn them past 4. These amps are loud. The loudest 35 Watts I ever heard !!!!!! I cant imagine how loud a DC-10 is !

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