DC-5 footswitch modification

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Active member
Feb 28, 2006
Reaction score
Nashville, TN USA
Does anyone know EXACTLY how to modify the push/pull volume (on the clean channel) to be footswitchable ?
I've read that a lot of people have done it, but nobody explains HOW they did it.....
also, in doing that.....what about controling the volume of the footswitched channel ?....(maybe I should learn to properly use the volume knob on my guitar *g*
got a gig this Saturday....I guess I'm going to have to buy an EQ and run it "backwards"....so that when it's "on", that'll be my crunch rhythm, and turn it off for a lead push........
I don't think you would like making the Boost footswitchable. Somebody told me that they had done this and the volume difference was too much.

If you get an EQ, try running it in the Loop. You can use it for a solo boost then. That way you can dial in the exact Lead tone you are looking for.

This trick is pretty amazing with a Marshall or Fender style amp with a Loop.
I bought an EQ last night........thinking about running it "backwards"...so that when it's ON...that will be my crunch/rhythm.....then when it's OFF I'll have my sweet Mesa lead tone.......
oops....already posted that.........what else could I use to "throw" the lead out there.......I've tried a Semour Duncan (sp?) pickup booster....that didn't throw it out very much.......just added gain.......I don't want to add gain.........want to keep the exact tone I have dialed in on the amp....just boost the volume...........
If you have a Boss EQ, GE7 (?), you can set it flat and use the Output slider to boost it a bit.

I like to set my tone up the way I want it for rythms, which is really high-gain and then use the Volume on my guitar to control the crunch.

Then I use the Graphic EQ in the amp to boost my Lead tones.

I have all of the sliders adjusted just a little higher than the middle point. Then I adjust the mids and trebles to get slightly more boost and dial in the tone that I want. I never use the "Fabled 'V.'" I don't play metal anymore, and I find it's too limiting, tone-wize.

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