convince me to not dump my ED...

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Hey, you wanted good tone at 'low' volumes =-p You can keep the v30s and pop them in again later, or even get another cab. I've just found that greenbacks sound good at a few points lower on the master knob, although it isn't 'quite' as much of a problem with a 2 x 12 as it is with a 4 x 12. I personally find v30s by themselves to be much too dark for my tastes so I can't say our tastes match up. That being said, you seem to be stuck with a compromise, no matter how you slice it. Maybe you need to live in a basement with a house full of music students? If you're lucky, you could live with Brass players then you COULD turn up a bit more. Just a thought. Keep in mind, music students endlessly practice . . .
theweatherman said:
primal said:
I think I get great ED tones at bedroom volumes. Though I do agree with one of the other posters. The speakers do hamper the sound at low volumes.

And you never know when you may be playing in another band.

If you are dead set on selling it for something strictly so it can do bedroom volume and sound killer, rather then a stilletto, get yourself an Axe FX Standard (or the ultra if you are feeling froggy). It is in the same price range as a Stilleto. It doesn't have an ED model, but the bogner shiva sounds pretty @#!*% close. Plus having 50+ classic amps at your fingertips aint to shabby either. Plus, these guys seem to come up with firmware updates every few months that have brand new classic amp models. It's like firmware update day is new amp day.

Or if you would rather save some money, I have heard some very impressive clips from the 11rack as well. Not nearly as flexible as the Axe FX and not as many models, but killer none the less and less expensive. Not sure how they are on firmware updates either.

I just think at bedroom volume you will have the same problem with the Stilletto you have with the ED.

How does the axe fx feel? i hate the dry fake computerized sound of solid state stuff, nothing feels better than tubes. im skeptical about that axe fx, if its so accurate in both tone and feel, why are people still buying tube amps and not clamoring over each other to get an axefx??

I was skeptical at first like you. But I am a believer. It's not perfect, nothing is, including tube amps. But the models really do sound exceptional.

I think feel is what really makes the axe stand out.

Some models are better then others. I thik he really nails the boogies. I think the JCM 800 is a little lacking compared to the original. The Bogners he also kills.

I mean look, there will be some people that will just except nothing other then tube. Even though you could probably play them the clips side by side and they could not tell the difference.

As far as people not clamoring for the axe, I think you are mistaken there. It is gained a very large following.

All that said, my sound is still my ED. But when I record, I find I get a better tone using using the slave out of the ED>

My recording setup is as follows. ED speaker output into a hotplate set to full load (no sound coming out of the speaker). Slave out going into the axe fx. Then I use the Redwirez cab simulators.

I get a better tone this way then if I throw an SM 57 on the grill. My room is not the best for recording. Perhaps if I had a good studio this would not be the case. Or perhaps if I was just better at setting up the recording.

But make no mistake, at bedroom volumes, you will be hardpressed to beat the axe fx.
Hmmmm. Tube amp signal into laptop via a fake speaker load. Then run the signal through a speaker modeler. Interesting . . . Definitely something worth trying!
I was ABing some amps today because someone I know wanted to try gear. Is it just me, or is the Electra Dyne one LOUD Mofo of an amp? We had it at 45 watts and it was the loudest out of a Dual Reborn and a Marshall TSL100.
FWIW, I only turn my tube amps on at home if I need to tweak or check something out on the amp. The rest of the time I plug into my computer and use Guitar Rig 4. Put on some headphones and you can really hear what and how you're playing. Of course it doesn't sound the same but it's not bad either. Much better solution to me than selling an amp you like and cheaper than buying a quality small amp. I never liked my Stiletto when I had it at low volumes. Not even bedroom levels, I'm talking gigging where you have to keep the stage volume under control. Those amps are great when pushing air but other wise a waste to me.
YellowJacket said:
I was ABing some amps today because someone I know wanted to try gear. Is it just me, or is the Electra Dyne one LOUD Mofo of an amp? We had it at 45 watts and it was the loudest out of a Dual Reborn and a Marshall TSL100.

Double the speker impedance as to the switch on the back of the amp. I have tried one 8 ohm speaker/4 ohm out and the 16 ohm load into the 8 ohm out. I helps to tame the beast, especially in the 45 watt setting. And then when you need to unleash the fury, you know what to do............ :twisted:
I'd like to hear more from anyone using a THD Hotplate. You can count me as one who dumped the Axe-Fx. What really turned me off is when i was able to dial in the Friedman HBE sim to sound exactly like the Recto Orange sim. All the sims have a similiar vibe to them. Also, after a few days i wasn't playing as much as i was tweaking.

For low volumes, I'm using a Fortin modded Marshall and it kills at any volume, the only prolem is that it's a single channel head and I'd like some clean and lower gain tones, that's why I'm grabbing another ED, a head this time. So, I'll also be challenged to get lower volumes tones. I have a BB Preamp but may grab another OCD. But I'd really like to hear if the THD helps it.
If cash is not really a huge issue for you this is amazing once you get it and your amp dialed in. Blows any attenuator I have ever heard out of the water as far as getting to very low/headphone volume. It really does do best on mid-gain/vintage-high-gain, too, so it would match an ED well. My JCM800 sounds amazing through this.

They do show up used in the $400-$500 range on ebay now and then. That said, if mine got ripped off I would pay full price for another in two minutes.
CoG said:
If cash is not really a huge issue for you this is amazing once you get it and your amp dialed in.

I thought this was interesting: (from the website) This is a passive unit requiring no batteries or external power. It operates from the power generated by the speaker output of your amp.

Might as well do something with that energy coming down the speaker cable!
lyman said:
CoG said:
If cash is not really a huge issue for you this is amazing once you get it and your amp dialed in.

I thought this was interesting: (from the website) This is a passive unit requiring no batteries or external power. It operates from the power generated by the speaker output of your amp.

Might as well do something with that energy coming down the speaker cable!

well it uses probably a half watt to run some LEDs and the rest goes into some tungsten lamps :) I don't know, the EQ circuits on it may actually be active! But most of the power from the amp is just going into heat and light like most attenuators.
A few months ago I was thinking of dumping my ED as I was DESPERATE for $$$. My thought was I would get a Fender tube amp of some kind and pocket the diff.

Never did do it and I have played a few gigs since then....MAN AM I GLAD I DID NOT DO IT!!!! The TONE from the ED is IN-FREAKING-CREDIBLE!

LONG LIVE THE ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've had my ED for about 12 days now, combo. Yes, this amp is LOUD. I mean, really loud. The thing sounds pretty amazing especially considering it's a 1x12 combo. But i can get it low with a BB Preamp, I also picked up a Hotplate and I'm experimenting with it. But I'm not so sure it's that much better than just being very careful with the master volume.

I did try an OCD, version 3, and it didn't work for me. That pedal seems to add a little layer mush that i could never dial out. I can tweak the BB with it's bass control to almost match the OCD, but i can lower the dial and raise the treble to tighten it up more than i can with the OCD.

One thing you can do with a hotplate is set it to load and use another speaker cabinet with a poweramp and of an FX processor. That way you can crank the amp but you won't be using the combo's speaker and you use the line out of the Hotplate to feed the poweramp to use any volume you want.
danyeo1 said:
I've had my ED for about 12 days now, combo. Yes, this amp is LOUD. I mean, really loud. The thing sounds pretty amazing especially considering it's a 1x12 combo. But i can get it low with a BB Preamp, I also picked up a Hotplate and I'm experimenting with it. But I'm not so sure it's that much better than just being very careful with the master volume.

I did try an OCD, version 3, and it didn't work for me. That pedal seems to add a little layer mush that i could never dial out. I can tweak the BB with it's bass control to almost match the OCD, but i can lower the dial and raise the treble to tighten it up more than i can with the OCD.

One thing you can do with a hotplate is set it to load and use another speaker cabinet with a poweramp and of an FX processor. That way you can crank the amp but you won't be using the combo's speaker and you use the line out of the Hotplate to feed the poweramp to use any volume you want.

Yeah, My hotplate has it's days. Some days I think it makes an impact, other days I'm with you and think that it sounds just as good being carefull with the master.

Either way I can't part with the hotplate because I have found it to be usefull in taming the volume plus setting it to load and running the line out through a speaker smi for silent recording.

For High volume use I think the hotplate excels.

I do believe the ED does sound better at higher volumes and really tightens up as the master gets toward noon. But even at 45 watts that can cause structural damage to any man made structure. So I like to use the hotplate to make it slightly less then ear bleeding.

You really want to hear the ED shine. Set you gain to just below what you would normally like. Now crank the master till you get that gain back through power amp distortion. It sounds amazing. You will definately need the hotplate to quiet it up a bit.

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