Connecting a Triaxis to a line 6 Helix Rack unit

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Oct 1, 2023
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Hello everybody,

I'm sure this has been answered somewhere on here many times, yet I have been unable to locate it. I just purchased a Line 6 Helix rack unit and want to connect it to my Triaxis. This is all switched by a Ground Control Pro. I have both the Triaxis and the Helix talking to the GCP. I am unable at this point to get any sound from the Triaxis connected to the Helix. My goal is to be able to switch between both amps and add effects in and out when needed, or, just use the Triaxis as the main amp or the Helix blending the two. I have seen the four-cable method, but that does not seem to work at this point. I would like to be able to use the effects loop on the Triaxis but am not sure how to use it in this scenario. Can anyone lend some wisdom on this?

Thank you for your advice and I look forward to your replies.


So I'm not entirely sure how it is on the Helix but I have a similar setup with an Axe-Fx 3. With it I was able to go for something similar to 4CM - guitar going into Axe, coming out of the Axe on one of the Outputs (Out 4) into the Triaxis back input, coming out of one of the main outputs on the back of the Triaxis back into one of the Axe inputs (In 4). Since Out 4 is carrying the guitar signal to the Triaxis it's set to unity gain (that's the Out 4 knob set to full on the Axe) but it might overload quickly if I choose an OD pedal with high settings so sometimes I back it off just the slightest bit to avoid any clipping. You also need to be mindful of the level you're sending out of the Triaxis because it's pretty hot and you don't want to clip the Helix Input, so be sure to set this up correctly.

If I was to draw it out simply just as it's put together on the grid of the Axe-Fx:

Guitar -> Axe Input 1 -> Pre-Fx (OD/Dist, Cab block, etc.) -> Axe Output 4 -> Axe Input 4 -> Post-Fx (Modulation, Delay, Rev, etc.) -> Axe Output 1 (for me this is sent to my audio interface and studio monitors but this could also be a power amp or anything else).

Hope this helps!

Also, why do you need to use the loop on the Triaxis?
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Hi TheRZK,

Thank you for your information. I appreciate it. LOL, the Helix is an entirely different world than the TC Electronics G Major. I can't wait until
I have everything working correctly. I always thought the effects loop in the Triaxis was needed for cabling such a device. I have just started to explore options to create a better sound and signal path for my effects than what I am used to. So, this is a big learning curve for me. The end result I want is to be able to combine both the Helix and Triaxis so I can get sounds combined and independent of each other. Lengthy response I know, but this kind of puts my ideas into perspective.

Have a great weekend, and I look forward to your reply.


Hi TheRZK,

Thank you for your information. I appreciate it. LOL, the Helix is an entirely different world than the TC Electronics G Major. I can't wait until
I have everything working correctly. I always thought the effects loop in the Triaxis was needed for cabling such a device. I have just started to explore options to create a better sound and signal path for my effects than what I am used to. So, this is a big learning curve for me. The end result I want is to be able to combine both the Helix and Triaxis so I can get sounds combined and independent of each other. Lengthy response I know, but this kind of puts my ideas into perspective.

Have a great weekend, and I look forward to your reply.


Hi Rich,

Another Rich here :)
Keep in mind I haven't used the Helix so I unfortunately can't comment on the actual settings but the signal route I've explained should get you exactly where you want to be, being able to use either or both devices for all kinds of things.
If you have any particular questions pleaset let me know.

Have a great weekend :)

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