Cleaning the Steel Recto Faceplate?

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Jul 7, 2009
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Anyone have any tips or know of any cleaners that would do this job well? The steel is looking a little dull and not nearly as shiny as I've seen some recto heads.
Try a cut and polish paste used for cars. Then use a finishing polish or wax as used for cars. The wax will keep it clean and shiny for a long time.

Alternatively, you can use a metal polish such as Brasso (Brasso here in Oz... don't know what name anywhere else in the world) or a stainless steel polish that's used for stainless house appliances.
domct203 said:
Whatever you use go gently, that diamond-plate is aluminum not steel, and will scratch easily.


I agree "whatever you use go gently" - metal scratches easier than you'd think. We have a stainless steel guard thing over the kitchen stove and I scratched the cr@p out of it with a plastic scourer! I thought stainless steel was tuff - it isn't - anyway I restored it with Brasso and a lot of elbow grease - so you yeah take it easy on the amp.

My Recto diamond plate is looking dull too (I'd say the stooges in the shop cleaned it with the wrong stuff), I imagine Brasso will fix it but given the above I'm too chicken to try it.

Oh, and make sure you don't get any cleaning goo in the pots and input jacks ...

Anyway I just wanted to say don't think "hey it's metal what can go wrong" ... test carefully (or use stuff other guys have tested for you ;-)