Class A users?

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2009
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Howdy,everyone. 8)

Just wondering how many of you folks are jamming in Class A with some aggressive players, and or heavy hitting drummers? I love Class A ( love that el34 sound ) but I've been finding myself lately cranking the master ( :shock: ) to cut through, but finding I may be pushing it to its limits and may need to flip the switch for Simulclass. I'm competing with some excellent musicians who really 'play' their instruments. The music is pretty progressive so the power is needed...and Class A sort of bogs out at a certain volume. Maybe I'm a knucklehead for trying to play this material in Class A.... :lol: and thus the reason why Simulclass is there (duh!).

All the Best,
I like Class A, it's what I leave my Blue Stripe in all the time, and it's plenty loud. I like it because it's sweet sounding when playing Rhythm 1, and it saturates easier when playing in Lead. Whenever I do go ahead and switch into Simul-Class, I notice very little volume difference (probably since my master never goes above 2 :mrgreen: ), but the tone difference is substantial. The "Pull Shift/Pull Deep" controls are more exaggerated (a good thing), and the increased headroom smoothes out the tone. There is a good increase in depth and bass response as well. But I don't like to spoil myself (what an oxymoron, a person that owns a boogie, and doesn't want to spoil themselves! Lol!), so I keep it in Class A mode for the good majority of the time. Each mode has it's benefits. But in your case, Nep, it looks like you need the horsepower that Simul-Class has to offer.
I have tried the Class A mode and, while I like the subtle bite, I find that the clean head room is necessary for the style I play with the various guitars. And the overtones in full simulclass plus the broad bass-mid-teble spectrum really come out. I am now thinking I may try it this Sunday sine our stage is prduced through the PA and see if the sound man has better control; while I still go for the crisp R1 and creamy solos. And our drummer is also extremely solid and creative; I will check on how it cuts on the stage volume against that factor as well.

I know its a pretty simple solution with just the flick of a switch, but I thought I could get away with it with these fellas, but alas, the material/players are too powerful to drive the amp in Class A. It's not a volume war either, just the fact of the instruments. I'm also playing with a bass player who uses an SWR 8X10/Eden head. Between all that and the power of the drummer, yeah...Simulclass time. :twisted:

All the Best,
Neptical said:
Between all that and the power of the drummer, yeah...Simulclass time. :twisted:

Yeah, make them **** their pants hearing all that beastliness come out of such a little amp! 8)

I always loved that "Wolf in sheep's clothing" concept that all Boogies were designed around.
I have the same problem . I love the sound of class A now that I got some EL34's, and always use class A at home practicing, but when I get with the gorrilla drummer and the other guitar player with his 180 watt Bandmaster I usually have to flip the switch to full power to cut through. Miking the cab. and letting the sound guy ( if you have that available) control the volume helps, if you can keep the others stage volume in check. Maybe I should have just kept the Coliseum head!
Class A is like David Copperfield mode, has all the magic and power one needs until it disappears into the mix...

..throw it in Simulclass and Houdini's testosterone has appeared in your amp.. take anyways. 8)

All the Best,
I use class A when I'm using any of my Les Pauls... I use Simul-Class with my Strats. My 335 can go either way. As far as the Class A...I never have a problem playing over others with my Mark IV. It's still pretty loud. I usually, if needed, pull the presense knobs to cut through. I can even switch from triode to pentode in class A as well for more headroom.